If you don't find the procedure you are interested in on this page, you can consult the evaluation procedures for professors of II fascia pursuant to Law 240 of 30.12.2010, art 24, paragraph 5.ContactsFaculty Recruitment Sector Year 2021Renewal Procedure Evaluative No. 1 position professor I fascia MED/28 - Odontostomatological diseases PRESSED BY THE DISC (Judgment TAR Liguria n. 993/2021) - announced by R.D. n. 1250 of 30.3.2020.SchoolDepartmentCompetition Area/Scientific Disciplinary AreaD.R. appointment of new CommissionSessional minutes and decree of approval acts (preliminary stage.)Single session minutes and appointment decreeSchool of Medical and Pharmaceutical SciencesDISC06/F1 Odontostomatological diseasesMED/28 Odontostomatological diseases (no.1 place)R.D.no.5471 dated 12.12.2022Decree extension worksverbal first sessionverbal second sessionverbal third sessionverbale fourth sessionDR_atti_MED_28final minutesDR_acts_named_MENINI Evaluation procedures for filling 8 positions of second-rank professor, by callin accordance with Art. 24, paragraph 6, of Law 30.12.2010, no. 240This is to inform that with Dr. no. 3150 of 13.7.2021 are called no. 8 evaluation procedures for the Departments, Schools, concurrences and scientific-disciplinary areas indicated below.Application deadline: 28.7.2021Forms for application, scientific and teaching activity curriculum, substitute statementsSchoolDepartmentCompetition Area/Scientific Disciplinary AreaSessional Minutes and Approval Decree acts (preliminary stage.)R.D. committee appointmentSingle session minutes and appointment decreePolitecnic SchoolDICCA08/B1 GeotechnicsICAR/07 Geotechnics (1 place) DR.4218 dated 9/27/2021Single Session MinutesDR.no.5143 dated 3.11.2021Polytechnic SchoolDICCA08/B2 Construction ScienceICAR/08 Construction Science (1 place) DR. 4219 dated 9/27/2021Single Session MinutesDr. no. 5320 of 10.11.2021School of Medical and Pharmaceutical SciencesDINOGMES06/D6 NeurologyMED/26 Neurology (1 place) Dr No. 5029 dated 27.10.2021Single Session MinutesDr No. 6046 of 17.12.2021School of Medical and Pharmaceutical SciencesDINOGMS11/E1 General Psychology, psychobiology and psychometricsM-PSI/02 Psychobiology and physiological psychology (1 place) Dr No. 5028 dated 10/27/2021Single Session MinutesDr No. 5727 of 2.12.2021School of Medical and Pharmaceutical SciencesDIFAR05/G1 Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology and PharmacognosyBIO/14 Pharmacology (1 place)verbale first sessionverbale second sessionDr No. 5998 dated 15.12.2021Dr No. 5122 dated 3.11.2021verbal_third_session Dr No. 6238 of 27.12.2021School of Social SciencesDISPO11/A5 Demoethnoanthropological SciencesM-DEA/01 Demoethnoanthropological Disciplines(1 place) DR. 4205 dated 9/27/2021Single session minutesDR acts and appointment no. 5601 of 24.11.2021School of Social SciencesDISPO12/C1 Constitutional LawIUS/09 Institutions of Public Law (1 place) DR.4216 dated 9/27/2021single session minutesDr acts and appointment no. 5602 of 24.11.2021School of HumanitiesDLCM10/I1 Languages, Spanish and Hispanic-American Literatures and CulturesL-LIN/05 Spanish Literature(1 place) DR.4220 dated 27.9.2021DR new comm No. 5418 dated 15.11.2021Seating onlyDr no.5736 of 2.12.2021 Assessment procedures for filling 3 positions of first-rank professor, by call, pursuant to Art. 24, paragraph 6, of Law 30.12.2010, no. 240You are hereby notified that with Dr no. 3008 of 5.7.2021 3 evaluation procedures are announced, for 1 position each, for the Departments, Schools, concurrency and scientific disciplinary areas indicated below.application submission deadline: 20.7.2021Forms for application, scientific and teaching activity curriculum, affidavitsSchoolDepartmentCompetition Area/Scientific Disciplinary AreaD.R. committee appointmentSingle Session Minutes and Decree of Proceedings and AppointmentSchool of Social SciencesDIGI12/H1 Roman Law and Rights of Antiquity IUS/18 Roman Law and Rights of 'Antiquity (1 place)Dr. 3139 dated 12.7.2021single session minutesDr. no. 3693, 18.8.2021School of Medical and Pharmaceutical SciencesDINOGMI06/G1 General Pediatrics, specialty and child neuropsychiatryMED/38 General and specialty pediatrics (1 position)Dr No. 4543, 5.10.2021single session minutesDR. no.4843 dated 19.10.2021School of Medical and Pharmaceutical SciencesDINOGMS06/F4 Musculoskeletal system diseases and physical and rehabilitative medicineMED/34 Physical and rehabilitative medicine (1 place)Dr No. 4539, 5.10.2021Single Session MinutesDR. no. 4844 of 19.10.2021 Assessment procedures for filling second band professor positions, by callin accordance with Art. 24, paragraph 6, of Law 30.12.2010, no. 240You are hereby notified that by Dr. No. 2776 dated 22.6.2021 No. 3 evaluation procedures, are called for the Departments, Schools the concurrency and disciplinary scientific fields below.application submission deadline: 7.7.2021Forms for application, scientific and teaching activity curriculum, affidavitsSchoolDepartmentCompetition Area/Scientific Disciplinary AreaD.R. committee appointmentSession Minutes and Decree appointmentSocial Science SchoolDIEC01/A6 Operations ResearchMAT/09 Operations ResearchDr No. 3366, 7/23/2021Single Session MinutesDr. 3538 of 30.7.2021Dr. no.3807 dated 1.9.2021 correcting the previousSchool of Science M.F.N.DISTAV04/A3 Applied Geology, physical geography and geomorphologyGEO/04 Physical Geography and GeomorphologyDR. 4217 dated 9/27/2021single session minutesDR. no. 4700 dated 13.10.2021School of Medical and Pharmaceutical SciencesDINOGMI06/D6 NeurologyMED/26 NeurologyDr No. 4581, 6.10.2021single session minutesDr No. 5584 of 23.11.2021 Assessment procedure for the filling of 1 position of professor of first rank, by call in accordance with Art. 24, paragraph 6, of Law 30.12.2010, no. 240We inform that with Dr. no. 2022 dated 17.5.2021 No. 1 evaluation procedure, is hereby called for the Department, School the concurrency and disciplinary scientific area indicated below.application submission deadline: 1.6.2021Forms for application, scientific and teaching activity curriculum, affidavitsSchoolDepartmentCompetition area/Scientific disciplinary areaD.R. committee appointmentSession minutes and decree of approval acts (preliminary stage)Session Minutes and Decree of AppointmentPolytechnic SchoolDIME09/A2 Applied Mechanics of Machines ING-IND/13 Applied Mechanics of MachinesDr No. 2715 dated 18.6.2021Serial First SessionSerial Second Preliminary SessionDr. no. 3451 dated 27.7.2021Final meeting minutesDR. acts and appointment no.4239 of 28.9.2021 Assessment procedure for filling 1 position of professor of first rank, by callin accordance with Art. 24, paragraph 6, of Law 30.12.2010, n. 240We inform you that with DR no. 1331 dated 12.4.2021 no. 1 evaluation procedure, is announced for the Department, School the concurrency and disciplinary scientific area indicated below.application submission deadline: 27.4.2021Forms for application, scientific and teaching activity curriculum, affidavitsSchoolDepartmentCompetition area/Scientific disciplinary areaD.R. committee appointmentSingle session minutes and appointment decreeSchool of Medical and Pharmaceutical SciencesDISSAL06/M2 Forensic and Occupational Medicine MED/43 Forensic MedicineDr No. 2286, 25.5.2021verbale sittingDr No. 2985 of 2.7.2021 Assessment procedure for the filling of 1 position of professor of first rank, by callin accordance with Art. 24, paragraph 6, of Law 30.12.2010, n. 240This is to inform that with Call D.R. n.875 of 4.3.2021 No. 1 evaluation procedure, is hereby called for the Department, School the concurrency and disciplinary scientific area indicated below.application submission deadline: 19.3.2021Forms for application, scientific and teaching activity curriculum, affidavitsSchoolDepartmentCompetition Area/Scientific Disciplinary AreaD.R. appointment committeeSession minutes and decree of approval acts (preliminary stage.)Single session minutes and appointment decreeSchool of Natural Physical Mathematical SciencesDIFI02/B1 Experimental Physics of Matter FIS/03 Physics of MatterDr No. 2503 of 7.6.2021verbals first sessionverbal second sessionDr No. 3417 dated 27.7.2021verbale_third_sessionDr No. 3551 of 2.8.2021 Assessment procedures for filling 5 positions of second-rank professor, by callin accordance with Art. 24, paragraph 6, of Law No. 240 of 30.12.2010This is to inform that by Call for applications No. 378 of 2.2.2021 seven evaluation procedures are announced, for 1 position each, for the Departments, Schools, concursive and scientific-disciplinary areas indicated below.application deadline: 17.2.2021Reopening deadlines CallForms for application, scientific and teaching activity curriculum, affidavitsSchoolDepartmentCompetition Area/Scientific Disciplinary AreaD.R. appointment committeeSession minutes and decree acts (preliminary stage)Session minutes and decree appointmentSchool of Social SciencesDIEC13/B2 Business Economics and Management SECS-P/08 Business Economics and Management (1 place)Dr. 624 dated 17.2.2021 sessional minutes DR No. 761 dated 26.2.2021School of Social SciencesDIGI12/A1 Private LawIUS/01 Private Law (1 place)Dr. no. 1616, 23.4.2021Dr 3686 dated 18.8.2021 appointment of new comm and extension of workFirst Session Criteriaverbals second sessionDR. no. 4912 of 20.10.2021School of Medical and Pharmaceutical SciencesDIMES05/E1 General BiochemistryBIO/10 Biochemistry (1 place)Dr.no.1748 dated 30.4.2021verbal first sessionverbal second sessionDr No. 3071 dated 8.7.2021verbal_third_sessionDr No. 3344 of 21.7.2021School of Mathematical Sciences, Physical and Natural SciencesDIFI02/B1 Physics experimental matterFIS/01 Experimental Physics (1 position)DR No. 1412 dated 15.4.2021 verbale sittingDR No. 2071 of 18.5.2021School of Medical and Pharmaceutical SciencesDISSAL06/A1 Medical GeneticsMED/03 Medical Genetics (1 place)DR No. 1150 of 25.3.2021 verbale sessionDr No. 2074 of 18.5.2021 Assessment procedures for filling 7 positions of second-rank professor, by callin accordance with Art. 24, paragraph 6, of Law 30.12.2010, n. 240You are hereby notified that with Call for applications n.377 of 2.2.2021 seven evaluation procedures are announced, for 1 position each, for the Departments, Schools, concursive and scientific disciplinary areas indicated below.application submission deadline: 17.2.2021Forms for application, scientific and teaching activity curriculum, affidavitsSchoolDepartmentCompetition Area/Scientific Disciplinary AreaD.R. committee appointmentSingle session minutes and appointment decreePolytechnic SchoolDAD08/D1 Architectural Design ICAR/16 Interior Architecture and Outfitting (1 place)Dr. No. 1642, 26.4.2021verbale sitting Dr. no. 2687 of 16.6.2021School of Mathematical Sciences, Physical and Natural SciencesDCCI03/A2 Models and methodologies for the chemical sciencesCHIM/02 Physical Chemistry (1 place)DR No. 1081 dated 22.3.2021verbale sessionDr No. 3514 of 29.7.2021School of Medical and Pharmaceutical SciencesDISC06/A4 Pathologic AnatomyMED/08 Pathologic Anatomy (1 position)DR No. 927 dated 9.3.2021verbale sessionDR No. 2073 of 18.5.2021School of Medical and Pharmaceutical SciencesDINOGMI06/G1 General Pediatrics, specialty and child neuropsychiatryMED/38 General and specialty pediatrics (1 position)DR No. 652, 19.2.2021sessional minutesDR 758 dated 26.2.2021School of Social SciencesDISFOR11/A1 Pedagogy and History of PedagogyM-PED/02 History of Pedagogy (1 place)DR.no.1036 dated 18.3.2021Sessional MinutesDR No. 2010 of 14.5.2021School of Social SciencesDISPO14/A2 Political ScienceSPS/04 Political Science (1 place)Decree No. 509 dated 10.2.2021sessional minutesDR 762 of 26.2.2021School of HumanitiesDIRAAS10/B1 Art HistoryL-ART/03 History of 'Contemporary Art (1 place)R.D. No. 1035 dated 18.3.2021meeting minutesDR n 2014 dated 14.5.2021 Assessment procedure for filling 1 post of professor of first rank, by callin accordance with Art. 24, paragraph 6, of Law 30.12.2010, n. 240We inform that with Dr. n.40 dated 8.1.2021 No. 1 evaluation procedure, is hereby called for the Department, School the concurrency and disciplinary scientific area indicated below.application submission deadline: 23.1.2021Forms for application, scientific and teaching activity curriculum, affidavitsSchoolDepartmentCompetition Area/Scientific Disciplinary AreaD.R. committee appointmentPreliminary session minutes with Decree appov. acts and minutes single session with Decree of appointmentPolytechnic SchoolDIBRIS09/G1 Automatica ING-INF/04 AutomaticDr. no. 1641, 26.4.2021First Session Criteriasecond preliminary sessionDr. no. 3440 dated 27.7.2021Session MinutesDecree Approval of Acts and Appointment No. 3539 dated 30.7.2021Assessment procedure for filling 1 position of professor of second rank, by callin accordance with art. 24, paragraph 6, of Law 30.12.2010, n. 240We inform that with Dr. n.41 of 8.1.2021 there is hereby announced no.1 evaluation procedure for 1 position, for the Department, School, concurrency and disciplinary scientific area indicated below.application deadline: 23.1.2021SchoolDepartmentCompetition Area/Scientific Disciplinary AreaD.R. committee appointmentSingle session minutes and appointment decreeSchool of Mathematical Sciences, Physical and NaturalDIMA01/A3 Mathematical Analysis, Probability and Mathematical Statistics MAT/05 Mathematical AnalysisDR 538 dated 12.2.2021verbale sittingDr No. 2070 of 18.5.2021Go to archive previous years202020192018-20172016-20152014