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PhD programmes are postgraduate courses with a duration of at least three years, which can be joined by passing an entry examination. Typically, a sizeable number of scholarships are provided.

In some cases, PhD programmes allot specific places to non-EU citizens living abroad. The University of Genoa can also offer PhD programmes independently or in a partnership with other Universities.

PhD programmes

Information about application requirements, admission procedures and deadlines can be found in the notice of competition and its Annex A (see below), where you can read all the information, including the list of all PhD programmes, places availability, number of scholarships for each programme, dates, types and assessment test.

UniGe Ph.D. programmes

Academic Year 2024/2025 Ph.D. Programmes


Deadline: december 17th 2024 at 12 noon (CET)


Step 1. Choose your Ph.D. programme

Step 2. Review application requirements and deadlines

  • Read carefully the notice of competition for open PhD positions issued with DR 5580 dated 15.11.2024, updated with DR 5950 dated 2.12.2024


  • Review the list of PhD programmes (previously referred to as Annex A) where you can find information about research themes and asessment procedure


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Step 3. Apply for the position

  • See the detailed instructions for submitting your PhD application


  • Collect all your documents. Please refer to the Art. 3 in the notice of competition for the complete list of required documents. Please note that the following are mandatory for all the courses: a valid copy of your ID, a copy of your Degree, your curriculum vitæ et studiorum
  • Register as a prospective-student of the University of Genoa, via the UniGePass service.

  • Apply here


Step 4. Find out if you have passed the selection

According to specifications of each programme (see Annex A), you may find in one of the following situations:

  • Candidates are ranked on the basis of their qualifications and publications. In this case, at the end of the evaluation process, a list of selected candidates will be published below.
  • Candidates are ranked on the basis of their qualifications, publications, and interview. In this case: a preliminary selection is done, based on qualifications/publications, and the lists of candidates admitted to the interview will be posted online.
  • Candidates are ranked on the basis of their qualifications, publications, and exams. In this case: a preliminary selection is done, based on qualifications/publications, and the lists of candidates admitted to exams will be posted online.



Final lists approved with Rectoral Decree n. 647 dated 13.02.2025

Step 5. Enroll (after selection)

If you have been offered a scholarship, you will have to proceed to the enrolment (in accordance with the deadline defined in the notice of competition art. 8) 


INFORMATION FOR NON EU STUDENTS To apply for an entry visa for study purposes, you have to pre-enrol online via the Universitaly portal.  
The pre-enrolment application will be verified by the University of Genova and forwarded to the Embassy/Consulate you have specified.

Useful Information

Useful Forms

Should you need to do one of the following, please find below the relevant form:

Request of an embargo period of the PhD thesis

Extension of the PhD course for preparation of doctoral thesis

Extension of the PhD course for scientifical research activity (with extension of the grant)

Declaration in lieu of affidavit (self-declaration, under your own legal responsibility, stating that you actually have a University Ms. degree)

Previous PhD cycles

See past announcements, deadlines and other information for previous cycles of the Italian PhD programme.


Regulations for PhD students set by the University of Genoa are listed in ‘Disciplina area della didattica’:

See  Ph.D. courses regulations


For any information about applications and doctoral studies, please refer to:

PhD Office (‘Settore dottorato di ricerca e scuole di specializzazione’)

Address: via Vivaldi 5, 16126 Genova GE, Italy    
Phone: +39 010 209 5795 monday and friday from 9:00 AM to 12:00 AM    

Opening hours Tuesday - from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM in person only by appointment    
Wednesday - from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM in remoto (sportello virtuale) only by appointment    
Thursday - from 9.30:00 AM to 11:30 AM  in person only by appointment

Last update 25/03/2025