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Merit-based incentives

In order to be awarded the merit award, students must meet the following requirements:

  • full-time enrolment (study plan with at least 31 CFUs) within the normal duration of the course;
  • past contribution regularity and regular enrollment for the current academic year.

Merit award for students enrolled in the first year:

  • €200.00 reduction in the University Contribution (to be deducted from the third instalment of the student contribution) for students enrolled in a degree course (three-year, five-year, single-cycle) who have obtained the qualification required for enrolment with top marks (art. 14, par. 1, lett. C of the Student Contribution and University Benefits Regulations).

Merit award for students enrolled in years following the first:

  • € 400.00 reduction in the university contribution (to be applied to the third instalment of the student contribution) for students in the first merit bracket;
  • € 200.00 reduction in the university contribution (to be applied to the third instalment of the student contribution) for students in the second merit bracket.
    The awards are conferred according to the procedures for identifying the recipients set out in article 14 of the Student Contribution and University Benefits Regulations

. of the Student Contribution and University Benefits Regulations

The award for merit accrued by the student in the final year of a three-year degree course, master's degree course or single-cycle degree course may be used as a reduction in the university contribution envisaged for the first year of enrolment, in the academic year immediately following, in a higher-level course at this University.

Excluded from the merit award are students who

  • benefit from total exemption from the University Contribution (2nd and 3rd instalments of the student contribution);
  • are enrolled or have been enrolled part-time in the last year of their course of study
  • are not in order with the payment of contributions, including past contributions, until their contribution position with the University has been fully regularised;
  • are the beneficiaries of scholarships provided by the regional agency for the right to university study;
  • are in one of the following situations of incompatibility:
    • for the purposes of the "maximum grade" merit award (for enrolment in the first year of a Bachelor, Master of Science or Combined Bachelor and Master of Science degree course), they have already been enrolled in a course at the same level or at a higher level;
    • for the purposes of the "decile" merit award, they have already obtained a degree at the same level or at a higher level;
  • they are enrolled on the basis of agreements/conventions, including at an international level.

Students entitled to the benefit do not have to submit any request. The reduction will be applied ex officio.

UniGe Grants and Awards

Scholarships and prizes funded by the University of Genoa or in collaboration with public or private entities are also available for research in particular fields of interest. 
Visit the page dedicated to UniGe scholarships and prizes

Postgraduate study and research grants

Did you graduate? UniGe offers you postgraduate study and research grants on specific topics.

Other grants and awards

Visit the page dedicated to the Other scholarships, awards and opportunities promoted by other institutions that UniGe students and graduates can access

ALISEO benefits and scholarships

The Ligurian Agency for Students and Orientation (ALISEO) offers concrete opportunities to make the most of the university experience through the provision of competitive benefits and services.

The benefits that you can take advantage of are:

  • student bursary
  • exemption from regional taxes and university fees
  • housing service
  • interventions in favour of disabled students

The services that you can access are:

  • food service
  • study rooms and computer classrooms
  • cultural and sports activities
  • information and guidance

The scholarship is made up of a part in cash and a part in services such as catering and accommodation and is awarded through an open competition to UniGe and AFAM (Alta Formazione Artistica e Musicale) students in Liguria.

To benefit from the study grant, and therefore from total exemption from payment of university fees and the regional tax for the right to study and subsidised rates for services, you must meet the economic requirements (income through ISEE-U and assets) and merit requirements.

The amount of the study grant is commensurate with your economic condition, your place of residence and whether you are a resident student, a commuter or an off-site student.

The scholarship is made up of a part in cash and a part in services such as catering and accommodation and is awarded through an open competition to UniGe and AFAM (Alta Formazione Artistica e Musicale) students in Liguria.

To benefit from the study grant, and therefore from total exemption from payment of university fees and the regional tax for the right to study and subsidised rates for services, you must meet the economic requirements (income through ISEE-U and assets) and merit requirements.

The amount of the study grant is commensurate with your economic condition, your place of residence and whether you are a resident student, a commuter or an off-site student.

Here are the services specifically:

  • Service housing: If you are an off-campus student enrolled full-time at UniGe or if you have won a scholarship, you can be housed in one of the university residences or affiliated residences. In order to take part in the competition, you will need to meet economic (income through ISEE-U and assets) and merit requirements. You will have to select the specific request for the housing service in the online compilation.
    • To access the service you must present the card issued byUniGe at the service counter. To be able to access the service at subsidised rates, you must meet the requirements set out in the catering regulations and you must apply online. Information and clarifications may be requested from the Catering Service, tel.010/2491225 - 010/2491278
  • Services for disabled students: The residences have dedicated accommodation for disabled students. The student, if awarded a scholarship, will be entitled to a supplement of 1,500.00 euro. They may also decide to replace accommodation in the ALISEO residences with a "rent" contribution if this is deemed more appropriate to their needs.


Here are the services specifically:

  • Service housing: If you are an off-campus student enrolled full-time at UniGe or if you have won a scholarship, you can be housed in one of the university residences or affiliated residences. In order to take part in the competition, you will need to meet economic (income through ISEE-U and assets) and merit requirements. You will have to select the specific request for the housing service in the online compilation.
    • To access the service you must present the card issued byUniGe at the service counter. To be able to access the service at subsidised rates, you must meet the requirements set out in the catering regulations and you must apply online. Information and clarifications may be requested from the Catering Service, tel.010/2491225 - 010/2491278
  • Services for disabled students: The residences have dedicated accommodation for disabled students. The student, if awarded a scholarship, will be entitled to a supplement of 1,500.00 euro. They may also decide to replace accommodation in the ALISEO residences with a "rent" contribution if this is deemed more appropriate to their needs.



For more information visit ALISEO

Scholarships for accommodation in university colleges

Do you want to study at UniGe but don't live in the city? Scholarships and concessions are available for accommodation in the two legally recognised university colleges in Genoa. For more information, go to Fondazione Rui

Liquidation of benefits

The UniGe administration needs to know your IBAN for the payment of university benefits by the University. To communicate your IBAN you need to access the IBAN section on the online services.
The payment will only be made after UniGe has been notified.

The service allows you to choose the method of payment:

  • credit to current account (recommended method)
  • direct receipt with collection at bank teller only for amounts less than € 1000.00. 
    You will receive by e-mail a payment notice to present at the bank

Youth Support Fund

To encourage enrolment in courses of particular national and community interest, UniGe offers a partial refund of tuition and fees.

Requirements Youth Support Fund

  • you are enrolled full-time in one of the following courses:

     - Chemistry and Chemical Technology
     - Physics
     - Materials Science
     - Mathematics
     - Mathematical Statistics and Computer Data Processing (SMID)
     - Geological sciences
     - Biomedical engineering
     - Electrical engineering and information technology
     - Computer engineering
     - Chemical engineering
     - Chemical and process engineering
   - Electrical engineering
   - Industrial and management engineering (Pole of Savona)
   - Mechanical engineering (Poles of Genoa and La Spezia)
   - Mechanical engineering - energy and production (Pole of Savona)
      - Nautical engineering (Pole of La Spezia)
      - Naval engineering
        - Informatics
        - Civil and environmental engineering

  • you meet the income and merit requirements


For more information read the Fondo per il sostegno dei giovani - Aree disciplinari di particolare interesse National and Community (art.3, paragraphs 2 and 3, DM 976/2014).



Student contribution and benefits department
Piazza della Nunziata 6, 16124 Genova
for information on grants and awards managed by UniGe:  
call centre 010 2095947 active on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9.00 to 11:00

Last update 03/03/2025