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Submission of Requests for Opinions

Project leaders submitted to CERA for an opinion request, or possibly other members of the research team delegated by them, will be invited to discuss their project at a CERA meeting. The discussion can take place in person or by remote connection via the Microsoft Teams platform. In the latter case, it is recommended to connect from an enclosed and isolated place with an Internet connection suitable for a good quality audio-video connection. Connections from public places, means of transportation or outside places are not allowed. In case of technical impediments, the discussion will be postponed to the next meeting, i.e. the first meeting with availability of seats.

Each project received by CERA for an opinion request is assigned a sequential number based on the date of submission. Since CERA is only able to consider a limited number of projects at each meeting (usually about 10), projects in excess of this number will automatically be assigned to the next meeting, or the first meeting with available seats, in the order in which they arrived. The order in which projects are considered can be seen on the CERA website (Ed. the link will be available for projects to be submitted for the February 2024 CERA meeting)


please do not send scanned or photographed files, but only in word or pdf


Checklist CERA

CERA Conflict of Interest Form


  • - the approved project proposal
  • - file Ethics Summary Report sent by the European Commission
  • - templates of Information sheet and Consent form that will be submitted to the participants of the project in question (in the language understandable to the interested parties and in English) and in Italian for CERA, according to the above forms
  • - information  privacy - research project participants (in the language comprehensible to the interested parties and in English) and in Italian for CERA, according to the forms above

FOR RECLUTERS RECLUTED IN THE ENVIRONMENT OF THE MSCA-COFUND CLO PROJECT AND it is necessary to submit all the files in the box "Forms"

The Students who, by virtue of their status, process data on behalf of the University, are configured as authorized processors.

 To this end, an automatic authorization system for the processing of personal data has been set up, through access with personal UnigePass credentials at the following link: https://servizionline.unige.en/web-personnel/#/treatmentData

CERA Sessions Schedule

The deadline by which to send requests for opinions from investigators is 15 days before the scheduled sessions.

Indeed, the sessions will begin at 2:30 p.m.

  • Thursday, Jan. 25, 2024



Last update 13/03/2025