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The apprenticeship is a period of orientation and training aimed both at students during their studies (curricular apprenticeship) and at new graduates within 12 months of obtaining their degree (extracurricular apprenticeship) in companies, public institutions and professionals.

The relationship established between the host organisation and the trainee does not constitute an employment relationship.

The documents required for the activation of the traineeship are:

  • convention: agreement between the University and the host organisation (organisation or company)
  • training project: document prepared for each trainee that defines the objectives and methods of the traineeship


Curricular traineeships

Curricular traineeships may be undertaken by students regularly enrolled in a course of study at any level (bachelor, master, doctorate, specialisation, postgraduate) at the University of Genoa.

The internship may be compulsorily provided for by the regulations of the degree course (with recognition of CFUs), or may be carried out optionally (with or without recognition of CFUs).

Before activating the internship it is necessary to contact the referral for internships of one's own course of study.

Curricular traineeships have a maximum duration of 12 months per course of study.

You can find out with which companies, organisations and associations you have already signed agreements for curricular traineeships by consulting the list of companies with agreements

Curricular traineeships, activated during the degree course, are now managed by the Internships and Theses Platform. The User Manuals are available on the Home Page. Access the Internships and Theses Platform

For more information on how to activate an internship, please consult the page on services for companies dedicated to the activation of curricular internships


Curricular traineeship opportunities

In addition to the curricular traineeship offers published on the Traineeship Platform, here are some opportunities:

Reference regulations

Extra-curricular traineeships

Extracurricular training and orientation apprenticeships are aimed at facilitating the career choices and employability of young people during the transition between university and work through training in direct contact with the world of work.

Extracurricular (training and orientation) apprenticeships are available to strong> graduates who have graduated without completing their degree no more than 12 months. Some regional regulations (including that of the Region of Liguria) extend this possibility even after obtaining a master's degree or a research doctorate.

For more information see the page of services for companies dedicated to extracurricular traineeships


Traineeships abroad

The University of Genoa promotes study and internship experiences abroad, to encourage the development of cultural exchanges and international collaborations.

You can do a curricular or extra-curricular internship experience abroad.
Your in-company experience will be enriched by the encounter with the culture, language and way of life of another country and can be very useful for expanding your network of contacts.

For more information see the page dedicated to traineeships abroad



The University, in its capacity as the promoter, insures the trainee against accidents at work with INAIL and, for civil liability, with insurance companies operating in the sector.

In curricular traineeships, the trainee's transfers to and from the traineeship location, by whatever means, are excluded from coverage.

Safety training course

Each student/graduate, before starting the placement period, must must take the course 'General Training in Occupational Safety and Health' and pass the relevant final test.


Last update 23/12/2024