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UniGe protects the knowledge and innovation produced by its institutional activities through the technical-legal tools of Industrial Property.

Intellectual property means the set of legal principles that protect works that are the result of human inventiveness and ingenuity, such as artistic and literary works, industrial inventions and utility models, designs, and trademarks. It is headed by two major areas, copyright and industrial property rights.

As for the subject matter of copyright, any work must be considered subject to copyright unless otherwise stated and in the absence of evidence to the contrary. This applies both to existing creations not yet published and to works published in any venue. Any content found on the web can be deemed to be the subject of copyright.

Industrial Property: patents, models, trademarks

Industrial property is the set of legal principles that protect trademarks and other distinctive signs, geographical indications, appellations of origin, designs and models, inventions, utility models, topographies of semiconductor products, confidential business information and new plant varieties. The Industrial Property Code, Legislative Decree No. 30 of February 10, 2005, brings together in a single text the entire subject matter, integrating the provisions of the Civil Code.

Software Program Protection

To protect software programs, it is necessary to accompany their distribution with a user license, a document that specifies the rights and duties of those who receive it and those who disseminate it. User licenses find their basis in copyright law.

Generally speaking, software programs per se are not patentable, but those software programs of a technical nature, that is, software inventions that solve technical problems with technical-operational solutions, are patentable. The Patent protects the logic underlying the software, regardless of its specific implementation.


The Research Enhancement and Technology Transfer Sector supports inventors in the protection and exploitation of results resulting from research activities through:

  • Advisory services on intellectual property protection strategies
  • Management practices for filing patent applications or other protection instruments
  • Evaluation of bids for exclusive and non-exclusive licensing aimed at the industrial realization of inventions
  • Management in entering into joint development agreements, licensing or assignment to companies

For companies

The University of Genoa considers the exploitation of research results and intellectual property a fundamental objective, through collaboration with companies that takes different forms, from joint research contracts to licensing.

The patents currently available for licensing agreements or assignment in favor of companies interested in their commercial exploitation are as follows, divided by subject area:

For faculty and researchers


IP Pills: 
Technological Transfer 
Patents in Italy and the World 
IP and Patents 
The Accounting Management of Patents

UIBM Ufficio Italiano Brevetti e Marchi 
EPO European Patent Office 
WIPO World Intellectual Property Organization


Research Enhancement and Technology Transfer Department

Last update 04/03/2025