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In case of alerts for meteo-hydrological risk it is necessary to pay the utmost attention to the recommendations issued by the authorities:

  • Allerta Liguria - Official website managed by Regione Liguria and ARPAL
  • Meteo 3R - Institutional application developed by ARPAL

We also invite you to consult the institutional website Io Non Rischio and to carefully read the contents and actions reported in the various municipal civil protection plans.

Summary of University procedures

Icona per allerta arancione piogge diffuse

Orange alert for widespread rain

The following buildings remain closed as per attachment A:

  • Genova: Palazzo Serra, Piazza Santa Sabina 2
  • Genova: Polo didattico delle Fontane, via delle Fontane 10
  • Genova: Ex-sutter, viale Cembrano 4
  • Savona: All buildings on the Savona Campus, via Magliotto 2

For all other buildings: closure of any floors that are flooded in allegato B

Outdoor areas: interruption of all outdoor activities and closureto the public of any areas in Annex C
Suspension of all educational outings.

The provisions are valid for the whole day.
For further indications please refer to the Athenaeum procedures

Icona per allerta rossa piogge diffuse

Red alert for widespread rain

All buildings and outdoor areas will be closed.

All in-person teaching activities will be interrupted.
All facilities serving the public will be closed.
All educational outings will be suspended.

The provisions are valid for the entire day.
For further information please refer to the UniGe Procedures

Icona per allerta gialla temporali

Yellow warning for thunderstorms

The ground and basement floors of the following buildings remain closed as per allegato A:

  • Genova: Palazzo Serra, Piazza Santa Sabina, 2 (Polo Balbi). Exits possible only from: Piazza Santa Sabina
  • Genova: Polo didattico delle Fontane, via delle Fontane 10 (Polo Balbi). Exits only possible from: Piazzetta Vittime di Tutte le Mafie
  • Genova: Ex-sutter, v.le Cembrano 4 (Polo San Martino - Sturla). Exits possible only from: Viale Cembrano
  • Savona: the buildings on the ground floor (except for the library) of the Savona Campus, via Magliotto 2

For all other buildings: closure of any floodable floors in annex B
Outdoor areas: shutdown of all outdoor activities and closureto the public of the areas in allegato C

The provisions are valid for the entire day.
For further information please refer to the ateneo procedures

Icona per allerta arancione temporali

Orange warning for thunderstorms

High severity thunderstorm alert

The following buildings remain closed as per attachment A:

  • Genova: Palazzo Serra, Piazza Santa Sabina 2
  • Genova: Polo didattico delle Fontane, via delle Fontane 10
  • Genova: Ex-sutter, viale Cembrano 4
  • Savona: All buildings on the Savona Campus, via Magliotto 2

For all other buildings: closure of any floors that are flooded in allegato B
Outdoor areas: interruption of all outdoor activities and closureto the public of any areas in Annex C
Suspension of all educational outings.

The provisions are valid for the whole day.
For further indications please refer to the Athenaeum procedures

Icone per altre allerte meteo o avvisi

Other Alerts and Warnings


  • nivological warnings (yellow, orange, red)
  • warning of risk due to wind
  • warning of risk due to stormy weather
  • warning of risk due to physiological discomfort due to high temperatures
  • warning of risk due to physiological discomfort due to low temperatures
  • in case of an unforeseen intense event

we refer to the UniGe Procedures

Grafica zone di allerta Liguria

Alert Zones

University Telegram Channel

Last update 23/01/2025