Are you an international student at the University of Genoa?University of Genoa offers to all the international students some career guidance services. These want to support you to plan a professional career and to search for job opportunities. What are you searching for? Explore the categories below in order to find the type of information or support you actually need. Internship or job opportunities Below are some of the main local matching platforms. We have specified for each platform the type of vacancies that can be found there and a brief description of the digital tool.Plaftorm nameVacancies you can findDescriptionAmalaurea UniGe matching platformpost-graduation internshipsjob offersYou can consult the opportunities published by the differnt companies on AlmaLaurea UniGe Platform, or modify your personal CV which can be seen by registered companies. In order to send an application to answer to an offer, you have to login using the Almalaurea credentials. You can register to AlmaLaurea and create your CV in their database for free, following the instruction in the registration page.UniGe "Tirocini e tesi" internships for studentsthesis offers"Tirocini e tesi" is a UniGe platform, through which it is possible to explore the offers published by companies, or to consult the list of companies that have a preliminary agreement with the university to host interns.Eures Job mobilityjob offers in EU countriesEURES is a European cooperation network of employment services, designed to facilitate the free movement of workers in EU. A a local level, it is possibile to contact the Eures consultants who are working in employment centres in Regione Liguria. These professionals have the task of providing information and advices to job seekers.Liguria "Formazione e lavoro"job offers in Liguria"Formazione e Lavoro" is the official regional platform that collects opportunities from public Employment centres and private Job agencies in Liguria. The vacancies are not dedicated specifically to the university students or to the high level profiles: however, this instrument can help people to search for a temporary job or a part-time job while they are studying or looking for a job position in line with their studies.For students and graduates looking for internships, we recommend reading in detail the guide "How to search for an internship in Italy". This document can be a good starting point to understand how internships work and get advice on how to set up your own search. You can download the document at the link below: ▷ Download the guide "How to search for an internship in Italy" ◁ It is also possibile to ask for information or support writing to the staff in charge of activating internships. Before activating a internship, it will be also necessary to complete the online course "general training on health and safety at work", which is available also in english language. For those who are looking for part-time positions during their studies, we also point out that the University of Genoa announces, annually, a call for internal collaborators, specifically called the "150h collaborators" and the "Tutors." The news can be found at this link: highlight that an intermediate (or a fluent) level of Italian, is often a requirement for the majority of these collaborations. Career Days The University staff organizes career days and events to help match companies with candidates. These events can be useful for students and recent graduates to learn more about companies in the area and to active job searches. Scheduled events, as well as an archive of past events, can be viewed at this webpage.For the main career days organised by the university, a ‘company sheet’ is often available with various information on each company present at the event, including the specification of the languages in which the job interview can be conducted (Italian and/or English). Job Agencies Job agencies are private entities, authorised by the competent Ministry, which can support the matching of job supply and demand. Inserting one's CV in the database of an employment agency, or even several employment agencies, is a operation without any cost and can be a useful action to increase the chances of getting in touch with local companies that are looking for specific job profiles.It is possibile to find the list of Job Agencies that operates in Genova, with details about their interest in meeting students from a specific study area and the application procedures that each company generally uses. Individual meetings for Career counseling / CV-Check University staff is available for individual meetings (online or in presence), to support you to search for job opportunities, to plan a professional career and in other topics connected to the career guidance.During the individual meeting it is possibile to have a review of a CV/cover letter, to verify whether these documents have been filled correctly and if they are in line with the student's professional project. Moreover, the service can offer advices in order to improve your CV and your cover letter.A CV is a really important document, such as a jobseeker's business card beacause it influences the recruiter's impression of a candidate. Some web tools, like Canva (to browse different model from Europass) or the European dictionary of skills and competences DISCO (to research specific skill-related terms) can be really useful to improve your CV.How to request an individual meeting:Visit the website piazza studentiClick on the voice "Placement - Career Services for international students"Login with university username & password (unigepass)Click on " Iscrivimi" (“subscribe me”) and then choose the date and the time for the meetingClick on "Prenota" (“make a reservation”)if you don't find a date in which you would be avalaible, please write to Webinar University staff has prepared a webinar (in English) to guide students to understand the dynamics of the labor market and to search for job opportunities.Below you can find the next scheduled date:Navigating the Job Market: essential steps to start your job search11th March 2025 from 14.30 to 16.00 How to participate: Within the day before the webinar, you have to subscribe to it, following the instructions:Visit the website piazza studentiClick on the voice "Placement - Career Services for international students"Login with university username & password (unigepass)Click on " Iscrivimi" (“subscribe me”) and then select the chosen laboratory and dateClick on "Prenota" (“make a reservation”) Upskilling University of Genova offers online courses and opportunities that can be of value to job seekers:language skills: The University Language Center (CLAT) can offer online courses, information or support for language learning. We highlight that an intermediate level of Italian is often a requirement for the internships or job vacancies in Italy, for this reason, these optional courses can be an opportunity to significantly increase one's employability.Eduopen: UniGe and other Universities from Italy offer free online courses on Eduopen Platform. Some of them are in English language, such as "Advanced English: Scientific writing" course that can be a valuable asset for PhD applicants.IT skills: UniGe is an accredited Test Center for the delivery of ECDL/ICDL ( International Certification of Digital Literacy) certifications. More information on procedures, costs and exams:can be found at Contact details Settore orientamento al lavoro e placement