Information on Recognition of a foreign qualification (bachelor or master’s degree) Access to a Bachelor’s degree, (5-6 years) single cycle degree or Master’s degree for international students and students with a foreign qualificationSee the most frequently asked questions about international student enrollment: FAQRecognition of a foreign qualification(“Equipollenza”)If you do NOT want to enroll in a UniGe course but are interested in the recognition of your foreign degree in Italy. Check the information on how to submit the application for recognition of a foreign qualification (Bachelor’s Degree or Master’s Degree), the period in which to apply and the necessary documents. Go to the dedicated page Enrollmentin a bachelor’s degree (laurea), (5-6 years) single cycle degree (laurea magistrale a ciclo unico) or master’s degree (laurea magistrale): the steps to start Check the steps in detail:FIRST STEP - for students applying for a visaUNIGEAPPLY: the portal for pre-assessment of non-EU students (visa applicant) with a foreign qualification (before the pre-enrollment phase)ACCESS TO MASTER’S DEGREE TAUGHT IN ENGLISH: SELECTION A.Y. 2025/26 Read more ACCESS TO MASTER’S DEGREE TAUGHT IN ITALIAN: (NEW) SELECTION A.Y. 2025/26 Read more ACCESS TO BACHELOR’S DEGREE TAUGHT IN ENGLISH, ONLY for the course of Computer Engineering (ingegneria informatica) – Imperia headquarter: SELECTION A.Y. 2025/26 Warning: the pre-selection will not open before April 2025, please wait for updates For all other Bachelor’degrees (taught in English or Italian) it is not necessary to submit the application of pre-selection on UniGeApply For Italian, EU or non-EU students already regularly in Italy with a foreign qualification is not required to submit the pre-selection application on UniGeApply (for access to a Bachelor’s degree course, 5-6 years single cycle degree and master’s degree) FOR ALL STUDENTSInformation on: Universitaly (if required), pre-enrollment and enrollmentType #1: Pre-enrollment and enrollment for non-EU students with residence abroad and foreign qualification (visa applicants)Read more Type #2: Pre-enrollment and enrollment for Italian and European students with residence in Italy or abroad and foreign qualification, or non-EU students with residence in Italy and foreign qualificationRead more Type #3: Pre-enrollment and enrollment for European or non-EU students with an Italian qualificationRead moreContactsWelcome Office Piazza della Nunziata 6, 16124 Genova (GE) +39 010 209 51525