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A.Y. 2025/26: steps to enroll in a UniGe course

fasi iscrizioni internazionali

A.Y. 2025/26: the various steps for course enrollment

  • Pre-evaluation stage required in a mandatory way for access: to all master's degrees (Master's degree) delivered in English and in Italian and ONLY for the degree (Bachelor's degree) in computer engineering - Imperia site delivered in English.
  • Pre-evaluation is not required: for all other degrees (Bachelor's degree) or 5-6 years single cycle degrees.

  • Pre-evaluation stage required in a mandatory way for access: to all master's degrees (Master's degree) delivered in English and in Italian and ONLY for the degree (Bachelor's degree) in computer engineering - Imperia site delivered in English.
  • Pre-evaluation is not required: for all other degrees (Bachelor's degree) or 5-6 years single cycle degrees.

Documenti richiesti per la domanda su Universitaly


  • The submission of the application for a visa on the external ministerial portal to Unige (Universitaly ) is mandatory for all courses.
  • Check the dates on Deadlines A.y. 2025/26. Applications submitted after the deadline will be rejected.
  • Enter your personal details exactly as shown on your passport. If you have multiple names and/or surnames marked on your passport, please enter them all in the correct order, if the first name or surname entry is blank on your passport, fill it out using an "X".
  • The University of Genoa will validate your application and forward it to the Embassy if the application is considered complete. 
  • For technical problems related to the operation of and log-in issues, please refer to Universitaly support.
  • Please note: on Universitaly you will only be able to choose an Italian University and a course. Once you have submitted your application, if you decide to change university, you will need to ask for the annulment (that is, the rejection of your application by the university for which you submitted it).
  • You will then have to complete the procedure for issuing a study visa at the Italian Embassy or Consulate that you indicated when filling out your application on Universitaly. Always check the documents required by your Embassy (in addition to the documents on the title already uploaded to Universitaly) during the appointment phase.
  • Attention: University has no power to influence the scheduling of Embassy appointments. Students may report problems, but, unfortunately, we will not be able to take action on this aspect.
  • Important communication: Uni-Italia for international students 
    Non-EU applicants living abroad can contact the Uni-Italia centers for information on the Italian system of higher education and for assistance in admission procedures and application for study visas. 
    Link to the Uni-Italia portal 

Documenti richiesti per la domanda su Universitaly


  • The submission of the application for a visa on the external ministerial portal to Unige (Universitaly ) is mandatory for all courses.
  • Check the dates on Deadlines A.y. 2025/26. Applications submitted after the deadline will be rejected.
  • Enter your personal details exactly as shown on your passport. If you have multiple names and/or surnames marked on your passport, please enter them all in the correct order, if the first name or surname entry is blank on your passport, fill it out using an "X".
  • The University of Genoa will validate your application and forward it to the Embassy if the application is considered complete. 
  • For technical problems related to the operation of and log-in issues, please refer to Universitaly support.
  • Please note: on Universitaly you will only be able to choose an Italian University and a course. Once you have submitted your application, if you decide to change university, you will need to ask for the annulment (that is, the rejection of your application by the university for which you submitted it).
  • You will then have to complete the procedure for issuing a study visa at the Italian Embassy or Consulate that you indicated when filling out your application on Universitaly. Always check the documents required by your Embassy (in addition to the documents on the title already uploaded to Universitaly) during the appointment phase.
  • Attention: University has no power to influence the scheduling of Embassy appointments. Students may report problems, but, unfortunately, we will not be able to take action on this aspect.
  • Important communication: Uni-Italia for international students 
    Non-EU applicants living abroad can contact the Uni-Italia centers for information on the Italian system of higher education and for assistance in admission procedures and application for study visas. 
    Link to the Uni-Italia portal 

After applying on Universitaly, you can start pre-enrollment on Unige Online Services in the following cases:

  • For undergraduate courses (Bachelor’s degree) and master’s degree (Master’s degree) with free access: meet the deadlines listed in the table above. You can pre-register even if you are completing your studies (see the deadline for obtaining the title);
  • For limited access courses: check the deadlines provided by the respective calls for competition. Consult the page of calls with programmed number
  • For students who have submitted the pre-enrollment application for the courses of Medicine and Surgery and Dentistry in order to participate in the May session and have followed different indications than those given below: refer to the information on the call and consult the information described in STEP 3 - ENROLLMENT.

Check at STEP 2-A how to register and fill in the pre-enrolment application.

After applying on Universitaly, you can start pre-enrollment on Unige Online Services in the following cases:

  • For undergraduate courses (Bachelor’s degree) and master’s degree (Master’s degree) with free access: meet the deadlines listed in the table above. You can pre-register even if you are completing your studies (see the deadline for obtaining the title);
  • For limited access courses: check the deadlines provided by the respective calls for competition. Consult the page of calls with programmed number
  • For students who have submitted the pre-enrollment application for the courses of Medicine and Surgery and Dentistry in order to participate in the May session and have followed different indications than those given below: refer to the information on the call and consult the information described in STEP 3 - ENROLLMENT.

Check at STEP 2-A how to register and fill in the pre-enrolment application.

  • If you did not have to submit an application for a pre-evaluation on UniGeApply, register to obtain the UniGePass credentials (username and password). Credentials are used to access the Online Services. If you have applied to UniGeApply, use the UniGePass credentials you already have. During registration, be careful to fill in the fields with the data exactly as shown on your passport. In case of surname and/or compound name, enter all surnames and names on your passport (do not use dashes and dots). Be careful not to reverse the surname and first name fields. If one of the two fields is empty on your passport, fill in using an X. Filling in with an error can slow down the services offered. Please note that the fields filled during the registration phase cannot be modified by the user during the pre-enrolment application process.
  • Go to Online Services, enter your credentials to access and start pre-enrollment.
  • Select the course of interest for which you have applied on Universitaly. For master’s degree programs that require the submission of the application for pre-selection on UniGeApply, it will not be possible to begin pre-enrolment if you have not received a positive outcome (accepted or conditionally accepted) during the evaluation. In case of a bachelor’s degree, mark in the options of "preliminary test exemption" > no exemption. In the case of a master’s degree, mark in the options of "date of test" > select the first available date; "credit requirements" > to be verified; "preliminary test exemption" > no exemption.
  • In the "Profile" section, once you have selected your nationality, you DO NOT have to tick the box that will appear with the following words: ‘I declare to be legally resident in Italy according to the current Immigration Law (as per D. Lgs. 286/98 and subsequent amendments)’. The box will be checked only by students who have not applied for a visa because they are already regularly in Italy.
  • In the section "Education": the fields that will be automatically filled in in the case of selection of foreign diploma (or Italian diploma obtained abroad) or foreign degree must not be changed, indicate that the qualification is obtain in a foreign institution.
  • Load the scan of your document (front/back). The document must be legible. One of the two pages must contain all your personal information with your photo. Also upload a photo.
  • In the section "Documents" only upload any documents expressly required by the selected course of study, such as the certificate of knowledge of the language. The documents required to complete the enrollment that are listed in the section "Documents for enrollment" will then be provided in another way.
  • If you did not have to submit an application for a pre-evaluation on UniGeApply, register to obtain the UniGePass credentials (username and password). Credentials are used to access the Online Services. If you have applied to UniGeApply, use the UniGePass credentials you already have. During registration, be careful to fill in the fields with the data exactly as shown on your passport. In case of surname and/or compound name, enter all surnames and names on your passport (do not use dashes and dots). Be careful not to reverse the surname and first name fields. If one of the two fields is empty on your passport, fill in using an X. Filling in with an error can slow down the services offered. Please note that the fields filled during the registration phase cannot be modified by the user during the pre-enrolment application process.
  • Go to Online Services, enter your credentials to access and start pre-enrollment.
  • Select the course of interest for which you have applied on Universitaly. For master’s degree programs that require the submission of the application for pre-selection on UniGeApply, it will not be possible to begin pre-enrolment if you have not received a positive outcome (accepted or conditionally accepted) during the evaluation. In case of a bachelor’s degree, mark in the options of "preliminary test exemption" > no exemption. In the case of a master’s degree, mark in the options of "date of test" > select the first available date; "credit requirements" > to be verified; "preliminary test exemption" > no exemption.
  • In the "Profile" section, once you have selected your nationality, you DO NOT have to tick the box that will appear with the following words: ‘I declare to be legally resident in Italy according to the current Immigration Law (as per D. Lgs. 286/98 and subsequent amendments)’. The box will be checked only by students who have not applied for a visa because they are already regularly in Italy.
  • In the section "Education": the fields that will be automatically filled in in the case of selection of foreign diploma (or Italian diploma obtained abroad) or foreign degree must not be changed, indicate that the qualification is obtain in a foreign institution.
  • Load the scan of your document (front/back). The document must be legible. One of the two pages must contain all your personal information with your photo. Also upload a photo.
  • In the section "Documents" only upload any documents expressly required by the selected course of study, such as the certificate of knowledge of the language. The documents required to complete the enrollment that are listed in the section "Documents for enrollment" will then be provided in another way.

  • If your application has the words "pending approval from Welcome Office", once the review operation is complete you will receive an email with the subject: UNIGE pre-enrollment - Preliminary verification of requirements completed. 
  • After receiving the email, you will be able to access again your pre-enrollment application on Unige Online Services, view your data and make the final submission of the application.

You will then receive an email notifying you that the pre-enrolment process has been successful.

  • If your application has the words "pending approval from Welcome Office", once the review operation is complete you will receive an email with the subject: UNIGE pre-enrollment - Preliminary verification of requirements completed. 
  • After receiving the email, you will be able to access again your pre-enrollment application on Unige Online Services, view your data and make the final submission of the application.

You will then receive an email notifying you that the pre-enrolment process has been successful.

When you arrive in Italy

 Once you have completed the pre-enrollment application (it must be "complete"), you can confirm your enrollment only if all requirements are met.

Requirements for confirmation of enrollment:

  • arrival in Italy (mandatory to meet the deadlines on arrival, see the initial table);
  • sending of complete documentation on the title;
  • sending of the receipt for the application for a residence permit (permesso di soggiorno);
  • "In-person" presentation of the original documents;
  • passing the Italian language test (only for courses Taught in Italian if no recognized certification has been presented);
  • in case of Master’s Degree: the course of studies must confirm eligibility for enrollment on the basis of the title submitted for admission. Students already pre-evaluated on Unigeapply will only have to wait for the course to confirm the result of the pre-selection and any updates if conditional acceptance has been given.

Attention. In case of BRIDGE CAREER to be able to access a Master’s Degree: you will not be able to enroll until you have passed the bridge career (the exams required to be eligible for enrollment). The bridge career enrollment will take place only after arrival in Italy and therefore it is not possible to take the bridge career examinations before then. Please always consult your course page for more details, starting from

The actions to follow on arrival in Italy:

  • Apply for a residence permit: you can go to a post office to collect the free kit to fill out. The application for the first residence permit must always be submitted within 8 days of entry in Italy. You can find all the information on our dedicated page where there is also an attachment (at the bottom of the page) with all the instructions on filling out the application kit for the residence permit that you can already fill out yourself.
  • Scan all the final documents on the title and the application receipt for the residence permit: check in the section "enrollment documents" all the required documents, scan them and save them in format . pdf (presents all documents on the title even if already submitted during other steps of the enrollment process).
  • Prepare a single email with the documents on the title and the receipt of application for residence permit: title email > visa applicant - enrollment docs Bachelor course/Bachelor single cycle/Master course (choose one of three options depending on your degree program, whether you have applied for a Bachelor’s degree course, single cycle Bachelor’s degree or Master’s degree); email body > your first name, surname and registration number (example S1234567, your number assigned as UniGePass username to access the Unige Online Services) and the course chosen (course coinciding with the application submitted on Universitaly for visa application); attachments > passport, title documents and residence permit. Send the email with these features (one email) to
  • Prepare the original documents and submit them in person: after sending the email (or having uploaded all scans on a USB stick if the email was not sent) go to:
      - Between 21st July and 3rd October: Infopoint in via Balbi 5 Genoa (headquarters of the University of Genoa) from Monday to Friday between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. without appointment. In the lobby you will see a stand with the words "Welcome Office".
      - After 3rd October: every Tuesday, by appointment only, at our offices open from 9 a.m. to 12 a.m.. Book your appointment from this link .

If you do not have some documents - enrollment with reserve:

  • Legalization of the title (or CIMEA verification certificate): you can submit the document by 31st January 2025. In the meantime, you can be enrolled with reservation. When you will be in possession of the document send an email to with title email > resident legalization of the title - elimination of the reservation; body email > first name, surname, registration number and course for which you have made the registration; attachment > document in format .pdf
  • Declaration of value (or CIMEA comparability certificate or Diploma Supplement): you can submit the document by 31st January 2025. In the meantime, you can be registered with reserve. When you have the document send an email to title email > declaration of value - elimination of reserve; body email > first name, surname, matricola (registration number) and course for which you have registered; attachment > document in format . pdf
  • Receipt of application for the residence permit: if you have submitted all documents on the title, the visa and you came "in presence" to verify your arrival in Italy, you can be enrolled with reserve. When you have the document send an email to with title email > residence permit application – elimination of reserve; body email > first name, surname, matricola (registration number) and course for which you have registered; attachment > document in format . pdf

Attention: the enrollment with reserve does not allow to take the exams, you can only follow the lessons. 

 Once you have completed the pre-enrollment application (it must be "complete"), you can confirm your enrollment only if all requirements are met.

Requirements for confirmation of enrollment:

  • arrival in Italy (mandatory to meet the deadlines on arrival, see the initial table);
  • sending of complete documentation on the title;
  • sending of the receipt for the application for a residence permit (permesso di soggiorno);
  • "In-person" presentation of the original documents;
  • passing the Italian language test (only for courses Taught in Italian if no recognized certification has been presented);
  • in case of Master’s Degree: the course of studies must confirm eligibility for enrollment on the basis of the title submitted for admission. Students already pre-evaluated on Unigeapply will only have to wait for the course to confirm the result of the pre-selection and any updates if conditional acceptance has been given.

Attention. In case of BRIDGE CAREER to be able to access a Master’s Degree: you will not be able to enroll until you have passed the bridge career (the exams required to be eligible for enrollment). The bridge career enrollment will take place only after arrival in Italy and therefore it is not possible to take the bridge career examinations before then. Please always consult your course page for more details, starting from

The actions to follow on arrival in Italy:

  • Apply for a residence permit: you can go to a post office to collect the free kit to fill out. The application for the first residence permit must always be submitted within 8 days of entry in Italy. You can find all the information on our dedicated page where there is also an attachment (at the bottom of the page) with all the instructions on filling out the application kit for the residence permit that you can already fill out yourself.
  • Scan all the final documents on the title and the application receipt for the residence permit: check in the section "enrollment documents" all the required documents, scan them and save them in format . pdf (presents all documents on the title even if already submitted during other steps of the enrollment process).
  • Prepare a single email with the documents on the title and the receipt of application for residence permit: title email > visa applicant - enrollment docs Bachelor course/Bachelor single cycle/Master course (choose one of three options depending on your degree program, whether you have applied for a Bachelor’s degree course, single cycle Bachelor’s degree or Master’s degree); email body > your first name, surname and registration number (example S1234567, your number assigned as UniGePass username to access the Unige Online Services) and the course chosen (course coinciding with the application submitted on Universitaly for visa application); attachments > passport, title documents and residence permit. Send the email with these features (one email) to
  • Prepare the original documents and submit them in person: after sending the email (or having uploaded all scans on a USB stick if the email was not sent) go to:
      - Between 21st July and 3rd October: Infopoint in via Balbi 5 Genoa (headquarters of the University of Genoa) from Monday to Friday between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. without appointment. In the lobby you will see a stand with the words "Welcome Office".
      - After 3rd October: every Tuesday, by appointment only, at our offices open from 9 a.m. to 12 a.m.. Book your appointment from this link .

If you do not have some documents - enrollment with reserve:

  • Legalization of the title (or CIMEA verification certificate): you can submit the document by 31st January 2025. In the meantime, you can be enrolled with reservation. When you will be in possession of the document send an email to with title email > resident legalization of the title - elimination of the reservation; body email > first name, surname, registration number and course for which you have made the registration; attachment > document in format .pdf
  • Declaration of value (or CIMEA comparability certificate or Diploma Supplement): you can submit the document by 31st January 2025. In the meantime, you can be registered with reserve. When you have the document send an email to title email > declaration of value - elimination of reserve; body email > first name, surname, matricola (registration number) and course for which you have registered; attachment > document in format . pdf
  • Receipt of application for the residence permit: if you have submitted all documents on the title, the visa and you came "in presence" to verify your arrival in Italy, you can be enrolled with reserve. When you have the document send an email to with title email > residence permit application – elimination of reserve; body email > first name, surname, matricola (registration number) and course for which you have registered; attachment > document in format . pdf

Attention: the enrollment with reserve does not allow to take the exams, you can only follow the lessons. 

Knowledge of the language (Italian/English): certificates and tests

all students will have to take the Italian language test and get at least level A2 (minimum level required only to complete the enrolment). Unige requires level B2. You cannot take the language test only if you have provided a certificate of knowledge of the Italian language recognized by Unige. More information on the Recognized Certifications. You can also take a course independently, we point out the Centro Studi Italiani (with an office in Genoa) issuing a certificate recognized by Unige.
You can find all the information on the required requirements and the Italian language tests (which you should read carefully) at the following page: Test of Italian language

all students will have to take the Italian language test and get at least level A2 (minimum level required only to complete the enrolment). Unige requires level B2. You cannot take the language test only if you have provided a certificate of knowledge of the Italian language recognized by Unige. More information on the Recognized Certifications. You can also take a course independently, we point out the Centro Studi Italiani (with an office in Genoa) issuing a certificate recognized by Unige.
You can find all the information on the required requirements and the Italian language tests (which you should read carefully) at the following page: Test of Italian language

you do not have to demonstrate the knowledge of the Italian language, you can provide a certificate of English proficiency (at least level B2) recognized by Unige or submit a document stating that English has been the medium of instruction (MOI) of the degree you have obtained. In the case of access to a Master’s Degree in English, during the pre-selection on UniGeApply you will be able to provide the document of knowledge of the English language. If you get it later, you can provide it during the pre-enrolment phase or later you can contact the Secretarial Offices of your School of reference to provide the certificate (you can start from, search for your course and see the contacts, or see

you do not have to demonstrate the knowledge of the Italian language, you can provide a certificate of English proficiency (at least level B2) recognized by Unige or submit a document stating that English has been the medium of instruction (MOI) of the degree you have obtained. In the case of access to a Master’s Degree in English, during the pre-selection on UniGeApply you will be able to provide the document of knowledge of the English language. If you get it later, you can provide it during the pre-enrolment phase or later you can contact the Secretarial Offices of your School of reference to provide the certificate (you can start from, search for your course and see the contacts, or see

If you choose a course with admission test and limited access

  • Check information on the course web pages in the Prospective Students section with details of entrance tests and deadlines. Start from and find your course of interest or click here: Calls for admission
  • For Medicine and Surgery and Dentistry: a national reform is in progress which includes the elimination of the entry test, wait for the updates on the course page.

If you choose to apply for a single teaching unit

You have to pre-enroll at the Italian Embassy or Consulate where you will also have to submit your grade transcript, or your diploma, or any other document issued by your Faculty for its translation, legalization and issue of the declaration of value. The University of Genoa also accepts the certificate of comparability issued by CIMEA - Centro Informazioni Mobilità Equivalenze Accademiche or the Diploma Supplement that may be presented instead of the DOV.

Check out the teaching units

Places reserved for foreign students

Each year each course of study sets a number of places reserved for non-EU students residing abroad. To know the number of reserved seats you can access the table

Attention! If you have a residence permit for study purposes and decide to give up your studies, you will no longer be able to enrol in the same course or in a different course.

Useful information

  • Scholarships
    Please, see the page with all information on scholarships and incentives for international students.
  • Tuition fees
    To submit a pre-evaluation application to UniGeApply (if required) you do not need to pay any registration fee.
    Enrolment in a course of study. The fees or student contribution are the sum of the stamp duty (16 euros), the regional tax (minimum 120 euros) and the university contribution. Tuition fees are calculated on the basis of the ISEEU that the student can apply for at a CAF upon arrival in Italy. Students receiving an Aliseo scholarship (see link in the previous section) pay only 16 euros per year of tuition fees. For more detail visit the dedicated page and check the contacts therein.
    The payment of tuition fees can be made only after arrival in Italy, no payment is required prior to arrival in Italy.
  • Contribution for admission tests to programmed access courses
    The payment of the contribution can be made after completing and correctly saved ("green" complete) the pre-enrollment application.

More information

If you want support and directions for finding accommodation, for information on the residence permit and obtaining the tax code or if you need information on health care, to open a bank account, on the bus pass subscription, on university canteens, visit the Welcoming international students page.

For further information on the procedures for entry, stay and enrolment of foreign/international students in higher education courses in Italy for a.y. 2024-2025 visit the MUR website.


Settore Welcome Office

Last update 21/03/2025