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Every year the University of Genoa welcomes new students by activating the Matricole Project. 

The aim of the project is to accompany male and female students as they embark on a new cycle of education by encouraging their gradual integration through information meetings, group workshops and tutoring. On the other hand, using effective learning strategies helps to achieve satisfactory academic results and to orientate themselves in different fields of study with greater autonomy. 

The Freshers' Project is on Teams

And offers:

  • Personalised counselling: a dedicated environment to raise questions and clarify doubts regarding the academic pathway, both didactically and organisationally.
  • Advanced support: through an in-depth analysis of needs, it will be possible to organise tutoring sessions and provide operational guidance to refine one's skills and study strategies.
  • Reorientation: in the event that you intend to change course of study, useful methods and resources will be indicated to accompany this decision.

Teams Desk Hours:

To access the Teams channel, use the code phfjano


How to join the Project activities

If you are a UniGe freshman and would like to join the Project activities, please fill in the adhesion form

You will receive communications regarding the Freshmen Project and the proposed activities throughout the year.

Calendar of meetings

Of fundamental importance is the support of experts with psycho-pedagogical skills in the planning and realisation of the activities and meetings in which the UniGe tutors collaborate. 

Group meeting I - You can always learn to study (even better!)
period: October

II group meeting - You can always learn to study (even better!)
period: November

III group meeting - Facing exams
period: December-January

About us

The Freshers' Project refers to the Orientation, Career Service and Inclusion Service, working in synergy with the Rector's Delegate for Orientation and Tutoring, the University Orientation Commission and the University Working Group on the Freshers' Project (WGPM).

The coordination and monitoring of the activities involves a network of figures and professionals within the University, including both the teaching and technical-administrative components.

progetto matricole valori

Objectives and values

  • Creating a participatory learning environment
  • Providing a continuous tutoring service 
  • Enhance the exchange between students and tutors
  • Offering methodological and motivational support for study


+39 0103359680 (Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 12 noon)

Book an appointment at the counter in person or virtually by phoning +39 0103359680 (Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 12 noon)

Last update 07/01/2025