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The University of Genoa welcomes new students every year by activating the Matricole Project. The aim of the project is to accompany the transition to university in an effective way, enhancing certain transversal skills that are particularly useful for adapting to the university environment.

Accompanying male and female students as they embark on a new cycle of education means facilitating their progressive integration through information meetings, group workshops and tutoring actions.
On the other hand, using effective learning strategies helps to achieve satisfactory academic results and to orientate themselves in the different fields of study with greater autonomy. 

Project Objectives and Values




  • Creating a participative learning environment
  • Offering an ongoing tutoring service to increase its timely and constant impact over time
  • Powering the exchange between students and tutors
  • Offering methodological and motivational support for study 

References and figures involved

The Matriculation Project refers to the Guidance, Career Service and Inclusion Service working in synergy with the Rector's Delegate for Orientation and Tutoring, the University Orientation Commission and the University Working Group on the Matriculation Project (WGPM).

The coordination and monitoring of the activities involves a network of figures and professionals within the University that includes both the teaching and the technical-administrative components.


How to join the Freshers' Project

If you are a UniGe Freshman and would like to join the Project, please fill in the dedicated form 

You will receive communications regarding the Freshmen Project and the activities proposed throughout the year.

Calendar of meetings

Of fundamental importance is the support of experts with psycho-pedagogical skills in the planning and implementation of activities and meetings in which UniGe tutors collaborate.

  • Lettere e Filosofia, Lingue e culture moderne
    • venerdì 20 ottobre 2023 h. 8.30-10.00 via Balbi, 5 aula Tarello. ATTENZIONE! EVENTO ANNULLATO CAUSA ALLERTA METEO ARANCIONE
  • Medicina e Chirurgia, Farmacia, Ingegneria
    • mercoledì 25 ottobre 2023 h. 17.00-19.00 Polo Saiwa, aula T (Corso Gastaldi, 161). Compila il form per prenotare (max 100 posti)
  • Giurisprudenza, Scienze Politiche e internazionali, Lingue e culture moderne, Architettura
    • mercoledì 25 ottobre 2023 h. 17-19,  Albergo dei Poveri, aula 4. Compila il form per prenotare (max 100 posti)
  • Scienze Matematiche Fisiche e Naurali, Ingegneria
    • venerdì 27 ottobre 2023 h. 14-15.30,  Valletta Puggia, DCCI, aula 2. Compila il form per prenotare (max 100 posti)
  • Economia, Lettere e Filosofia
    • venerdì 27 ottobre 2023 h. 8.30-10  Darsena, aula Galata. Compila il form per prenotare (max 100 posti)

  • Medicina e Chirurgia, Farmacia, Ingegneria
    • mercoledì 22 novembre 2023 h. 17.00-19.00, Polo Saiwa, aula 3-4 (Corso Gastaldi, 161). Compila il form per prenotare (max 100 posti)  
  • Giurisprudenza, Scienze Politiche e internazionali, Lingue e culture moderne, Lettere e Filosofia  
    • mercoledì 22 novembre 2023 h. 17.00-19.00, Albergo dei Poveri, aula 4. Compila il form per prenotare (max 100 posti) 
  • Architettura
    • mercoledì 22 novembre 2023 h. 9.00-10.30, Architettura - Lotto P, aula 1B. Compila il form per prenotare (max 100 posti)
  • Economia  
    • giovedì 23 novembre 2023 h. 13.30-15.00, Darsena, aula Spinola. Compila il form per prenotare (max 90 posti)
  • Scienze Matematiche Fisiche e Naturali, Ingegneria
    • venerdì 24 novembre 2023 h. 14.00-15.30, Valletta Puggia, DCCI, aula 2. Compila il form per prenotare (max 100 posti) 

  • venerdì 1 dicembre 2023
  • venerdì 12 gennaio 2024

Le attività si svolgono presso le strutture didattiche dell'Ateneo e/o presso il Servizio Orientamento, Career Service e Inclusione, piazza della Nunziata 6, 16124 Genova.

Le informazioni di dettaglio saranno diffuse attraverso tutti i canali di comunicazione.


The Freshers' Project is on Teams

In July 2024 the Freshers' Project will offer the following on Teams:

  • Personalised Counselling: a dedicated environment to raise questions and clarify doubts regarding the academic path, both from an educational and organisational point of view.
  • Advanced Support: through an in-depth analysis of needs, it will be possible to organise tutoring sessions and provide operational guidance to refine one's skills and study strategies.
  • Reorientation: if you intend to change your course of study, you will be provided with useful methods and resources to accompany this decision.

To schedule an interview, you must book by filling out the dedicated form
To access the Teams channel, you must use the code phfjano 
active at the following times:

  • Monday: 12.00 - 15.00
  • Wednesday: 9.00 - 12.00
  • Wednesday: 9.00 - 12.00
  • Thursday: 15.00 - 17.00
  • Friday: 12.00 - 15.00

Email service

Services suspended in July:

  • Call centre service
    Dedicated telephone number for the Freshers' Project: +39 0103359680
  • Desk service
    Book an appointment counter (select Freshers' Project from the drop-down menu)

Last update 02/07/2024