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A tutor for you

The University of Genoa provides you with three types of tutors who can help you enjoy your university experience. You can benefit from their support for free. Tutors are senior students, who have followed specific training courses, and who will be an important reference point during your career.

Find a tutor for you

Verification of OFA initial preparation

In order to enrol for the courses, you will have to take an initial knowledge test (TE.L.E.MA.CO.) and an English language assessment test to check your B1 level. The tests are not selective nor do they foresee any closed number. The Additional Formative Obligations (OFA) are supplementary activities to make up for any gaps in the entrance test.

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Freshman's project

During the first year, you can have specialised tutoring services to facilitate your successful integration in the University.

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Get an appointment for a private counselling

Private counselling is available for every student. You can get in contact with them in case you encounter any problems during the course you are taking, to learn more about your course or re-orientate yourself to pursue a different course. You can book in advance, and you can even get an online meeting. 

Psychological counselling

A team of psychologists and psychotherapists is available to help you in case of need. You may be dealing with situations of personal, relational or learning-related difficulties. The counselling path, which can be booked booked in advance, takes place over 4-5 meetings. 

A tutorial for you

On the UnigeOrienta YouTube channel find the Opendays playlist of all study courses and some video tutorials for you. The playlist of tutorials is constantly being updated...

Useuful websites

Complete your study plan, manage your career, download your self-certifications, simulate calculations and pay your fees... and much more
Online services 

News and information
Vai al Portale studenti e laureati

News, events and resources
Vai alla pagina Studenti del sito UniGe

Class schedules, exam schedules, spaces and classrooms for you, MyUnige app
Vai all'agenda web

E-learning Aulaweb
Vai su AulaWeb

Schools and deparrments
Vai alla pagina di Scuole e Dipartimenti

Take part in sport activities thanks to the Centro Universitario Sportivo (CUS Genova) and download the CUS App to manage your training
Vai al sito del CUS

Last update 19/07/2024