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Are you in your final years of high school and would like to learn more about the university and its courses?
During open weeks and open days you can talk to course lecturers and student tutors, attend lectures and participate in presentations of the range of courses on offer, visit departments and/or campuses.
You can also take part in workshops on choosing a postgraduate route and the professions of the future.

University Open Day

UniGeWeek - from study to work

UniGeWeek Open Day;undergraduate and postgraduate single-cycle degrees
10 and 11 May 2024 - concluded

Academic Open Day undergraduate and postgraduate degrees
13 May 2024 - concluded

from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. - Via Balbi 5, Genoa - Read the programme

UniGe Campus

  • Campus of La Spezia - 18 to 20 April 2024 - Programme
  • Campus of Savona - 20 and 21 March 2024 -  Programme
  • Campus of Imperia - 15 and 16 February 2024 - Programme

UniGe facilities

Open summer day

 DateLocationDetailsLETTEREJuly 4, 2024GenoaleafletModern Languages and CulturesJuly 11, 2024Genova locandinaMATHEMATIC, PHYSICAL AND NATURAL SCIENCESJuly 18, 2024  
hours 10-16GenovalandmarkPOLITICAL AND INTERNATIONAL SCIENCESJune 11, 2024 
hours 9-17Genovalandmark


Open week

 DateLocationDetailsARCHITECTURE14 and 15 February 2024  
hours 9.30-13 or 14.30-18Stradone  di Sant'Agostino, 37 - Genoa

by 13 February 12 noon


ECONOMIA21 and 26 February 2024    
4 March 2024Via Vivaldi, 5 - GenoalocandinaFARMACY19 February 2024Viale Cembrano, 4 - GenovalocandinaGIURISPRUDENCE13 and 14 February 2024 Via Balbi, 5 - GenovalocandinaINGEGNERIA8-9-10-11 April 2024Genova


By 4 April 12 noon

LETTERE5-7 March 2024Genoa

Brief description


SCIENCE OF TRAININGperiod 5-9 February A. Podestà, 2 - Genoa



MATHEMATIC, PHYSICAL AND NATURAL SCIENCES13 and 15 February 2024GenovalandmarkPOLITICAL AND INTERNATIONAL SCIENCES12 and 13 March 2024Piazzale E. Brignole, 3rd canc. - Genoa




Last update 16/07/2024