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If you don't find the procedure you are interested in on this page, you can consult the evaluation procedures for professors of II fascia pursuant to Law 240 of 30.12.2010, art 24, paragraph 5.


Faculty Recruitment Sector 

Year 2019

Evaluation procedure for filling no. 1 position of professor of first rank, by call

in accordance with Art. 24, Paragraph 6, of Law No. 240 of 30.12.2010

Notice is hereby given that by R.D. No. 5521 of 28.11.2019, an evaluation procedure is called, for no. 1 position for the following Department, School, concurrency and disciplinary scientific area:



Competition Area/Scientific Disciplinary Area

D.R. committee appointment

Single Session Minutes and Appointment Decree

School of Social Sciences


12/C1 Constitutional Law

IUS/09 Institutions of Public Law (no. 1 position)

R.D. no. 527, dated 10.2.2020

Single-Session Minutes

Approval of acts and appointment DR 953 of 06.03.2020

application submission deadline: 13.12.2019


Annexes A-B-C


Assessment procedure for the filling of no. 1 position of professor of second rank, by call

in accordance with Art. 2, Paragraph 6, of Law No. 240 of 30.12.2010

Notice is hereby given that by R.D. No. 5522 of 28.11.2019, an evaluation procedure is called for no. 1 position for the Department, School, concurrency and scientific disciplinary areas indicated below:



Competition area/Scientific disciplinary area

D.R. committee appointment

Single Session Minutes and Appointment Decree

School Politecnica


08/D1 Architectural Design

ICAR/14 Architectural and Urban Composition (no. 1 position)

R.D. no. 588 of 13.02.2020

DR extension no. 1358 of 10.4.2020

Single Session Minutes

DR deeds and appointment GALLI

application deadline: 13.12.2019


Annexes A-B-C


Assessment procedures for filling 2 positions of second-rank professor, by call

in accordance with Art. 24, Paragraph 6, of Law No. 240 of 30.12.2010

Notice is hereby given that by R.D. No. 4820 of 30.10.2019, two evaluation procedures are called, at no. 1 position each, for the Departments, Schools, concurrency and scientific disciplinary areas indicated below:



Competition area/Scientific disciplinary area

D.R. committee appointment

Single Session Minutes and Appointment Decree

Polytechnic School


01/B1 Computer Science

INF/01 Computer Science (no. 1 place)

D.R. no. 5173 dated 18.11.2019

Single Session Minutes

decree acts and appointment

School of Mathematical Sciences, Physical and Natural Sciences


01/A3 Mathematical Analysis, Probability and Mathematical Statistics

MAT/05 Mathematical Analysis (no. 1 place)

R.D. No. 5806, 6.12.2019

Single session minutes

decree acts and appointment

application deadline: 14.11.2019


Annexes A-B-C


Evaluation procedure for filling no. 2 positions of first-rank professor, by call

in accordance with Article 24, paragraph 6, of Law No. 240 of 30.12.2010

This is to inform you that by R.D. No. 4811 of 30.10.2019, an evaluation procedure is announced, at no. 2 positions for the Department, School, concurrency and disciplinary scientific area indicated below:



Competition area/Scientific disciplinary area

D.R. commission appointment

Criteria Minutes

II and III Minutes

DR acts and  DR appointment

Polytechnic School


01/B1 Computer Science

INF/01 Computer Science

Appointment commission DR 763 of 24.2.2020

Verbale criteria INF/01

Verbal II sitting

DR acts 1647 of 29.04.2020

Session III Minutes

DR appointment ODONE

Polytechnic School


09/H1 Information Processing Systems

ING-INF/05 Information Processing Systems

DR 651 dated 18.02.2020

DR commission extension

Verbal criteria ING-INF/05

Verbal II session

DR approval acts

Verbale3_PO_INGINF05 .pdf

DR nomination Tacchella

application deadline: 14.11.2019

Proclamation Amendment to the Notice

Annexes A-B-C


Assessment procedure for the filling of no. 2 positions of first-rank professor, by call

in accordance with art. 24, paragraph 6, of Law 30.12.2010, no. 240

Notice is hereby given that by R.D. No. 4150 dated 1.10.2019, an evaluation procedure is announced, for no. 2 positions for the following Department, School, concurrency and disciplinary scientific area:



Competition Area/Scientific Disciplinary Area

D.R. committee appointment

Single Session Minutes and Appointment Decree

School Polytechnic


09/C1 Energy and Environmental Machinery and Systems

ING-IND/09 Energy and environmental systems (no. 2 places)

R.D. no. 4657 of

Single Session Minutes

decree deeds and appointment

decree deeds and appointment

application deadline: 16.10.2019


Annexes A-B-C


Evaluation procedures for filling no. 2 positions of second-rank professor, by call

in accordance with Art. 24, Paragraph 6, of Law No. 240 of 30.12.2010

You are hereby notified that by D.R. no. 4147 dated 1.10.2019, two evaluation procedures are announced, at no. 1 position each, for the Departments, Schools, concurrency and scientific disciplinary areas indicated below:



Competition Area/Scientific Disciplinary Area

D.R. committee appointment

Single session minutes and Appointment Decree

School of Social Sciences


13/D4 Mathematical methods of economics and actuarial and financial sciences

SECS-S/06 Mathematical methods of economics and actuarial and financial sciences (no. 1 position)

D.R. No. 4649 of 24.10.2019

verbals of the session

approval acts appointment

Polytechnic School


08/A4 Geometry

ICAR/06 Topography and Cartography (no.1 place)

R.D. no. 4783 dated Oct. 30, 2019

Single Session Minutes

Decree of Deeds and Appointment

application deadline: 16.10.2019


Annexes A-B-C


Evaluation procedures for filling no. 3 positions of first-rank professor, by call

in accordance with Art. 24, Paragraph 6, of Law No. 240 of 30.12.2010

This is to inform you that by R.D. No. 4140 of 1.10.2019, three evaluation procedures are called, at no. 1 position each, for the Departments, Schools, concurrency and scientific disciplinary areas indicated below:



Competition Area/Scientific Disciplinary Area

D.R. committee appointment

Session minutes and decree of approval of acts (preliminary stage)

Session minutes and Appointment Decree

School of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences


06/A3 - Microbiology and clinical microbiology

MED/07 Microbiology and clinical microbiology

(no. 1 place)

R.D. no. 5291 of 20.11.2019


Single Session Verbal

decree acts and appointment

School of Medical and Pharmaceutical


06/C1 - General Surgery

MED/18 - General Surgery (1 position)

R.D. no. 5292 of 20.11.2019

Decree extension works DR 1077 of 16.3.2020

Session One Minutes

Session Two Minutes

Session Third Minutes

Decree deeds

verbale fourth_session

decree acts and appointment

School of Social Sciences


12/G1 - Criminal Law

IUS/17 - Criminal Law

(no. 1 place)

R.D. No. 5115 of 13.11.2019


Single session minutes

Decree of Deeds and Appointment

application deadline: 16.10.2019


Annexes A-B-C


Evaluation procedures for filling no. 2 positions of first-rank professor, by call

in accordance with art. 24, paragraph 6, of Law 30.12.2010, no. 240

This is to inform you that by R.D. no. 3686 of 5.9.2019, two evaluation procedures are announced for the Department, School, concurrency and scientific disciplinary areas indicated below:



Competition Area/Scientific Disciplinary Area

D.R. committee appointment

Single Session Minutes and Appointment Decree

School of Humanities


10/A1 - Archaeology

L-ANT/08 Christian and Medieval Archaeology

(no. 1 place)

R.D. No. 4346 dated 9.10.2019

Single Session Minutes decree acts and appointment

School of Humanities


10/E1 - Middle Latin and Romance Philologies and Literatures

L-FIL-LET/08 - Medieval and Humanistic Latin Literature

(no. 1 place)

R.D. no. 4349 of 10.10.2019

Single session minutes decree acts and appointment

application deadline: 20.9.2019


Annexes A-B-C


Evaluation procedure for filling no. 1 position of professor of first rank, by call

in accordance with Art. 24, paragraph 6, of Law 30.12.2010, no. 240

This is to inform you that by R.D. no. 2716 of 2.7.2019, an evaluation procedure is announced for the Department, School, concurrency and disciplinary scientific area indicated below:



Competition Area/Scientific Disciplinary Area

D.R. appointment commission

R.D. commission extension

Single session minutes and Decree appointment

School Politecnica


08/D1 Architectural Design

ICAR/15 Landscape Architecture

(no. 1 place)

R.D. no. 3941 dated 20.9.2019

R.R. no. 5317 of 21.11..2019

Sessional Minutes

decree acts and appointment

application submission deadline: 17.7.2019


Annexes A-B-C


Evaluation procedure for filling no. 1 position of professor of second rank, by call

in accordance with Art. 24, paragraph 6, of Law 30.12.2010, no. 240

This is to inform you that by R.D. no. 2719 of 2.7.2019, an evaluation procedure is announced for the Department, School, competition area and disciplinary scientific area indicated below:



Competition Area/Scientific Disciplinary Area

D.R. committee appointment

Single Session Minutes and Appointment Decree

School of Mathematical Sciences, Physics and Natural Sciences


04/A4 Geophysics

GEO/10 Solid Earth Geophysics

(no. 1 position)

D.R. No. 3099, dated 7/24/2019

Single session minutes

decree of acts and appointment

application deadline: 17.7.2019


Annexes A-B-C


Evaluation procedures for filling a total of no. 5 positions of second-rank professor, by call

in accordance with Art. 24, Paragraph 6, of Law 30.12.2010, No. 240

Please note that by R.D. No. 2243 of 5.6.2019, 4 evaluation procedures are announced for the following Schools, Departments, and concurrency and scientific-disciplinary fields:



Competition Area/Scientific Disciplinary Area

D.R. committee appointment

session minutes

decree approval acts

(preliminary stage)

Sessional Minutes and Appointment Decree

School of Medical Sciences and Pharmaceuticals


05/G1 Pharmacology, clinical pharmacology and pharmacognosy

BIO/14 Pharmacology

(no. 1 place)

R.D. no. 4179 of 3.10.2019

verbale first session verbal second sitting decree acts

verbal third session

decree acts and appointment

School of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences


06/A2 General pathology and clinical pathology

MED/04 General pathology

(no. 1 place)

R.D. No. 3173, 29.7.2019


Single Session Minutes

decree acts and appointment

School of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences


05/D1 Physiology

BIO/09 Physiology

(no. 2 places)

R.D. No. 3171, 29.7.2019

verbal first session

verbals second session

decree deeds

verbals third session

decree acts and appointment

decree acts and appointment

School of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences


05/H1 Human Anatomy

BIO/16 Human Anatomy

(no. 1 place)

D.R. No. 3172 of 29.7.2019


Single Session Minutes

decree acts and appointment

application deadline: 20.6.2019


Annexes A-B-C


Evaluation procedures for filling a total of no. 5 positions of first-rank professor , by call

in accordance with Art. 24, paragraph 6, of Law 30.12.2010, No. 240

This is to inform you that by R.D. No. 2242 of 5.6.2019, five evaluation procedures are announced for the following Schools, Departments, and concurrency and scientific-disciplinary fields:




Competition area/Scientific disciplinary area

D.R. committee appointment

Session Minutes and Appointment Decree

School of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences



06/B1 Internal Medicine -

MED/09 Internal Medicine

(no. 1 place)

R.D. No. 2776 dated 5.7.2019

Single Session Minutes

decree acts and appointment

School of Medical and Pharmaceutical



06/D1 Cardiovascular and respiratory diseases

MED/11 Cardiovascular diseases

(no. 1 place)

R.D. No. 2777, 5.7.2019

Single Session Minutes

decree acts and appointment

School of Medical and Pharmaceutical



05/G1 Pharmacology, clinical pharmacology and pharmacognosy

BIO/14 Pharmacology

(no. 1 place)

R.D. no. 2775 of 5.7.2019

Single session minutes

decree acts and appointment

School of Medical and Pharmaceutical



06/M2 Forensic and Occupational Medicine

MED/44 Occupational Medicine

(no. 1 place)

D.R. No. 3214, dated 31.7.2019

Single Session Minutes

decree acts and appointment

School of Medical Sciences and Pharmaceuticals


05/G1 Pharmacology, clinical pharmacology and pharmacognosy

BIO/14 Pharmacology

(no. 1 position)


R.D. No. 4178, 3.10.2019


verbal third session

decree acts and appointment

application submission deadline: 20.6.2019


Annexes A-B-C


Evaluation procedures for filling a total of no. 3 positions of first-rank professor , by call

in accordance with Art. 24, paragraph 6, of Law 30.12.2010, no. 240

This is to inform you that by R.D. no. 1845 of 15.5.2019, three evaluation procedures are announced for the following Schools, Departments, and concurrency and scientific-disciplinary fields:



Competition Area/Scientific Disciplinary Area

D.R. commission appointment

seating minutes

decree approval acts

(preliminary stage)

Sessional Minutes and Appointment Decree

Polytechnic School


09/E3 Electronics - ING-INF/01 Electronics

(no. 1 place)

R.D. no. 2321 of 11.6.2019

verbal first session

verbal second session

decree acts

Session Three Minutes

Appointment Decree



Competition area/Scientific disciplinary area




School of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences


03/C2 Industrial Chemistry - CHIM/04 Industrial Chemistry (no. 1 place)

R.R. no. 2265 of 7.6.2019


Single session minutes

Appointment Decree

School of Social Sciences


12/H1 Roman Law and Rights of Antiquity - IUS/18 Roman law and rights of antiquity

(no. 1 place)

R.D. no. 2260 of 28.6.2019


Single Session Minutes Appointment Decree

application deadline: 30.5.2019



Annexes A-B-C


Evaluation procedures for filling a total of no. 5 positions of second-rank professor , by call

under Article 24, paragraph 6, of Law 30.12.2010, no. 240

Notice is hereby given that by R.D. No. 1802 of 13.5.2019, four evaluation procedures are announced for the following School, Departments and concurrency and scientific-disciplinary fields:

School of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences


05/E1 General Biochemistry - BIO/10 Biochemistry (no. 2 places)

05/F1 Applied biology - BIO/13 Applied biology (no. 1 place)

06/A2 General pathology and clinical pathology - MED/04 General pathology (no. 1 place)


06/D6 Neurology - MED/26 Neurology (no. 1 position)

application deadline: 5/28/2019


Annexes A-B-C


Concurrent Sector/Scientific Disciplinary Area

D.R. commission appointment

session minutes decree approval acts

(preliminary stage)

Sessional Minutes Appointment Decree


05/E1 General Biochemistry - BIO/10 Biochemistry (2 places)

R.D. No. 2486, 18.6.2019

verbal first session

verbal second session

decree deeds

verbalen third session

decree of acts and appointment

decree acts and appointment


05/F1Applied Biology - BIO/13 Applied Biology

R.D. no. 2488 of 18.6.2019


Single Session Minutes

decree deeds and appointment


06/A2 General Pathology and Clinical Pathology - MED/04 General Pathology

R.D. no. 2489 of 18.6.2019


Single session minutes

decree acts and appointment


06/D6 Neurology - MED/26 Neurology

R.D. No. 2276 of 10.6.2019

verbal first session

verbal second session

decree acts


Evaluation procedures for filling no. 2 positions of second-rank professor , by call

in accordance with art. 24, paragraph 6, of Law 30.12.2010, no. 240

It is hereby announced that by R.D. no. 878 of 4.3.2019, two evaluation procedures are announced for the School, Department, and areas indicated below:

School of Social Sciences


13/A2 Economic Policy - SECS-P/02 Economic Policy (no. 1 place)

13/B1 Business Economics - SECS-P/07 Business Economics(no. 1 place)

application deadline: 19.3.2019


Annexes A-B-C


Concurrent Sector/Scientific Disciplinary Area

D.R. committee appointment

Single Session Minutes and Appointment Decree


13/A2 Economic Policy - SECS-P/02 Economic Policy

R.D. No. 1811 dated 5/13/2019


Appointment Decree


13/B1Business Economics - SECS-P/07Business Economics

R.R. No. 1809 of 13.5.2019

SEDUCE UNICA Appointment Decree

Please be advised that by R.D. No. 433 dated 1.2.2019, two evaluation procedures are announced for the Departments, Schools and areas indicated below:

Polytechnic School


09/G1Automatics - ING-INF/04Automatics (no. 1 place)

School of Mathematical Sciences, Physics and Natural Sciences


13/D1Statistics - SECS-S/01Statistics (no. 1 position)

application deadline: 16.2.2019


Annexes A-B-C


Concurrent Sector/Scientific Disciplinary Area

D.R. committee appointment

seating minutes

decree approval acts

(preliminary stage)

Single Session Minutes and Appointment Decree


09/G1Automatics - ING-INF/04Automatics

R.D. No. 1002 dated 12.3.2019


decree approving deeds

Single Session Verbal

Appointment Decree


13/D1Statistics - SECS-S/01Statistics

R.R. No. 1406 of 11.4.2019


Single Session Minutes

decree approving acts and appointment

Evaluation procedure for filling positions of first-rank professor, by call

in accordance with Art. 24, Paragraph 6, of Law No. 240 of 30.12.2010

You are hereby notified that by R.D. No. 185 of, an evaluation procedure is announced for the Department, School and field indicated below:

School of Social Sciences


12/B1 Commercial Law - IUS/04 Commercial Law

application deadline: 30.1.2019


Annexes A-B-C


Concurrent Sector/Scientific Disciplinary Area

D.R. committee appointment

Single Session Minutes and Appointment Decree


12/B1 - IUS/04

R.D. No. 582, 12.2.2019

Single session minutes

decree approving acts and appointment

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  • Last update 17/11/2023