Description The University of Genoa offers recent graduates and professionals the opportunity to specialise and deepen the knowledge acquired during their university studies, through a wide variety of postgraduate study courses including master's degrees, PhDs, specialisation schools and teacher training courses, designed to meet changing professional needs and to foster the pursuit of specific career goals.The service ensures the smooth running of all the activities that make it possible to deliver the courses:teaching coveragecourse organisationlesson deliveryquality monitoring.StakeholdersStudents, students and their families, the social and productive system, Institutions.Target audienceFuture and current PhD students, future and current postgraduate students, future and current students of masters and teacher training courses, teaching staff, contract teaching staff.Methods of deliveryThe service is provided by the Schools and Departments and coordinated by the Teaching, Student Services, Orientation and Internationalisation Area.The service can be accessed through the channels of the relevant offices at the times indicated on the relevant pages. Performance Enrolment in doctorates, graduate schools The service is available to future PhD students and postgraduate students. Office of referenceEducation area, student services, orientation and internationalisationHigher education servicePhD department and postgraduate schoolsDoctoral departmentIlaria MantegazzaWebsite The service is available to future PhD students and postgraduate students. Office of referenceEducation area, student services, orientation and internationalisationHigher education servicePhD department and postgraduate schoolsDoctoral departmentIlaria MantegazzaWebsite Enrolment in masters and teacher training courses The service is available to prospective and current students of master's degrees and teacher training courses. Reference officeEducation area, student services, orientation and internationalisationStudent training serviceState examinations, masters and teacher training departmentStaff responsibleMarianna ModicaWebsite The service is available to prospective and current students of master's degrees and teacher training courses. Reference officeEducation area, student services, orientation and internationalisationStudent training serviceState examinations, masters and teacher training departmentStaff responsibleMarianna ModicaWebsite Organisation of postgraduate courses The service is available to future and current PhD students, future and current postgraduate students, future and current master's and teacher training students, teaching staff and contract teaching staff School of Mathematical, Physical and Natural SciencesCourses of Study of the Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry - DCCI, Department of Physics - DIFI, Department of Mathematics - DIMAReference OfficeSchool of Mathematical, Physical and Natural SciencesEducational Support Unit for the Departments of the Valletta Puggia PoleSchool of Mathematics, Physics and Natural SciencesGrazia EspositoReference person for the Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry, the Department of Physics and the Department of MathematicsWebsite Study Programmes of the Department of Earth, Environmental and Life Sciences - DISTAVReference OfficeSchool of Mathematical, Physical and Natural SciencesEducation Support Unit for the Department of the St. Martin's PoleDepartment HeadFrancesca RossiWebsitehttps://scienze.unige.en/ School of Medical and Pharmaceutical SciencesCourses of the Department of Pharmacy - DIFAR, the Department of Internal Medicine and Medical Specialities - DIMI, the Department of Experimental Medicine - DIMES, the Department of Neuroscience, Rehabilitation, Ophthalmology genetics and maternal-infantile sciences - DINOGMI, of the Department of integrated surgical and diagnostic sciences - DISC, of the Department of health sciences - DISSALReference officeSchool of Medical and Pharmaceutical SciencesUnit of Didactic Support for the Schools of Specialisation in the Health AreaResponsible personIngrid IrreraWebsite to Departments of the School of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences School of Social SciencesCourses of Study in the Department of EconomicsReference OfficeDepartment of EconomicsEducation Support UnitDepartment of EconomicsOrietta BertonascoWebsitehttps://economia.unige.en/ Study Programmes of the Department of LawReference OfficeDepartment of LawDidactics Support UnitDirectorFilippo PessinoWebsite Study Courses of the Department of Education Sciences - DISFORReference OfficeDepartment of Education Sciences - DISFOREducation Support UnitDepartment HeadDebora DevcichWebsite Study Programmes of the Department of Political Science and International Affairs - DiSPiReference OfficeDepartment of Political Science and International Affairs - DiSPiEducation Support UnitLeaderMonica SitziaWebsitehttps://dispi.unige.en/ School of HumanitiesCourses of Study of the Department of Antiquities, Philosophy and History - DAFIST, Department of Italianistics, Romanities, Antiquities, Arts and Performing Arts - DIRAASReference OfficeSchool of HumanitiesEducation Support Unit for the Department of Italian Studies, Romanities, Antiquities, Arts and Performing Arts - DIRAAS and the Department of Antiquities, Philosophy and History - DAFISTStaff ManagerEnrica RovetaWebsitehttps://scienzeumanistiche.unige.en/node/117 Study Programmes of the Department of Modern Languages and Cultures - DLCMReference OfficeSchool of HumanitiesEducation Support Unit for the Department of Modern Languages and CulturesDepartment HeadRoberta FerrandoWebsitehttps://scienzeumanistiche.unige.ithttps://lingue.unige.en/ Polytechnic SchoolDepartment of Architecture and Design - DADDepartment of Architecture and DesignDepartment of Architecture and DesignEducation Support UnitDepartment HeadAntonella PantaniWebsitehttps://architettura.unige.en/ Courses of the Department of Computer Science, Bioengineering, Robotics and Systems Engineering - DIBRISReference OfficeDepartment of Computer Science, Bioengineering, Robotics and Systems Engineering - DIBRISEducation Support UnitDepartment HeadElena TortoraWebsitehttps://dibris.unige.en/ Courses of Study of the Department of Civil, Chemical and Environmental Engineering - DICCAReference OfficeDepartment of Civil, Chemical and Environmental Engineering - DICCAUnit of Support for TeachingResponsible personSimona GrilloWebsite Courses of Study of the Department of Mechanical, Energetic, Managerial and Transport Engineering - DIMEReference OfficeDepartment of Mechanical, Energetic, Managerial and Transport Engineering - DIMEUnit for Supporting TeachingLeaderFrancesca LivrieriWebsitehttps://www.dime.unige.en/ Courses of Study of the Department of Naval, Electrical, Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering - DITENReference OfficeDepartment of Naval, Electrical, Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering - DITENEducation Support UnitDirectorPaola BergantinWebsite First Level and Master Level IANUA coursesReference OfficeUniversity of Genoa - IANUAReference OfficeMonica BallariniWebsite The service is available to future and current PhD students, future and current postgraduate students, future and current master's and teacher training students, teaching staff and contract teaching staff School of Mathematical, Physical and Natural SciencesCourses of Study of the Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry - DCCI, Department of Physics - DIFI, Department of Mathematics - DIMAReference OfficeSchool of Mathematical, Physical and Natural SciencesEducational Support Unit for the Departments of the Valletta Puggia PoleSchool of Mathematics, Physics and Natural SciencesGrazia EspositoReference person for the Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry, the Department of Physics and the Department of MathematicsWebsite Study Programmes of the Department of Earth, Environmental and Life Sciences - DISTAVReference OfficeSchool of Mathematical, Physical and Natural SciencesEducation Support Unit for the Department of the St. Martin's PoleDepartment HeadFrancesca RossiWebsitehttps://scienze.unige.en/ School of Medical and Pharmaceutical SciencesCourses of the Department of Pharmacy - DIFAR, the Department of Internal Medicine and Medical Specialities - DIMI, the Department of Experimental Medicine - DIMES, the Department of Neuroscience, Rehabilitation, Ophthalmology genetics and maternal-infantile sciences - DINOGMI, of the Department of integrated surgical and diagnostic sciences - DISC, of the Department of health sciences - DISSALReference officeSchool of Medical and Pharmaceutical SciencesUnit of Didactic Support for the Schools of Specialisation in the Health AreaResponsible personIngrid IrreraWebsite to Departments of the School of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences School of Social SciencesCourses of Study in the Department of EconomicsReference OfficeDepartment of EconomicsEducation Support UnitDepartment of EconomicsOrietta BertonascoWebsitehttps://economia.unige.en/ Study Programmes of the Department of LawReference OfficeDepartment of LawDidactics Support UnitDirectorFilippo PessinoWebsite Study Courses of the Department of Education Sciences - DISFORReference OfficeDepartment of Education Sciences - DISFOREducation Support UnitDepartment HeadDebora DevcichWebsite Study Programmes of the Department of Political Science and International Affairs - DiSPiReference OfficeDepartment of Political Science and International Affairs - DiSPiEducation Support UnitLeaderMonica SitziaWebsitehttps://dispi.unige.en/ School of HumanitiesCourses of Study of the Department of Antiquities, Philosophy and History - DAFIST, Department of Italianistics, Romanities, Antiquities, Arts and Performing Arts - DIRAASReference OfficeSchool of HumanitiesEducation Support Unit for the Department of Italian Studies, Romanities, Antiquities, Arts and Performing Arts - DIRAAS and the Department of Antiquities, Philosophy and History - DAFISTStaff ManagerEnrica RovetaWebsitehttps://scienzeumanistiche.unige.en/node/117 Study Programmes of the Department of Modern Languages and Cultures - DLCMReference OfficeSchool of HumanitiesEducation Support Unit for the Department of Modern Languages and CulturesDepartment HeadRoberta FerrandoWebsitehttps://scienzeumanistiche.unige.ithttps://lingue.unige.en/ Polytechnic SchoolDepartment of Architecture and Design - DADDepartment of Architecture and DesignDepartment of Architecture and DesignEducation Support UnitDepartment HeadAntonella PantaniWebsitehttps://architettura.unige.en/ Courses of the Department of Computer Science, Bioengineering, Robotics and Systems Engineering - DIBRISReference OfficeDepartment of Computer Science, Bioengineering, Robotics and Systems Engineering - DIBRISEducation Support UnitDepartment HeadElena TortoraWebsitehttps://dibris.unige.en/ Courses of Study of the Department of Civil, Chemical and Environmental Engineering - DICCAReference OfficeDepartment of Civil, Chemical and Environmental Engineering - DICCAUnit of Support for TeachingResponsible personSimona GrilloWebsite Courses of Study of the Department of Mechanical, Energetic, Managerial and Transport Engineering - DIMEReference OfficeDepartment of Mechanical, Energetic, Managerial and Transport Engineering - DIMEUnit for Supporting TeachingLeaderFrancesca LivrieriWebsitehttps://www.dime.unige.en/ Courses of Study of the Department of Naval, Electrical, Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering - DITENReference OfficeDepartment of Naval, Electrical, Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering - DITENEducation Support UnitDirectorPaola BergantinWebsite First Level and Master Level IANUA coursesReference OfficeUniversity of Genoa - IANUAReference OfficeMonica BallariniWebsite Quality Indicators and Standards Indicators IndicatorsIndicatorsValueAccessibilityChannels available to access the servicePhysical access E-mail Microsoft Teams WebsiteTimescalesMaximum response time for taking over email requests2 working days Average service delivery timeThe delivery time varies according to the complexity of the serviceTransparencyMode of publication of useful informationPublication in a timely manner on the websiteEffectivenessSatisfaction of PhD students (PhD questionnaire scale 1/10)6.85 Satisfaction of teaching staff (scale 1/6)5.02 IndicatorsIndicatorsValueAccessibilityChannels available to access the servicePhysical access E-mail Microsoft Teams WebsiteTimescalesMaximum response time for taking over email requests2 working days Average service delivery timeThe delivery time varies according to the complexity of the serviceTransparencyMode of publication of useful informationPublication in a timely manner on the websiteEffectivenessSatisfaction of PhD students (PhD questionnaire scale 1/10)6.85 Satisfaction of teaching staff (scale 1/6)5.02 Service quality levels provided with regard to the effective accessibility of services for people with disabilities The web pages dedicated to the service have a level of conformity with WCAG 2.1 or WCAG 2.0 requirements as indicated in the site's relative declaration of conformity.You can check the physical accessibility of all the University's classrooms through the View Classrooms function available at EasyRoom.At the indicated address, click on "View classrooms" and then choose from the drop-down menu the building of interest, to check, for all the classrooms of the building, the absence of architectural barriers.The accessible entrance of via Balbi 5 is located in Salita di Pietraminuta, the alley that separates the University Building from the Church of San Vittore (via Balbi 7). To access this entrance, it is necessary to ring the bell and wait for the porter to arrive.If you have problems accessing the other buildings where the offices are located, you can report it to the porter's lodge at the contact details given on the page Edifici.To report an architectural barrier that prevents access to a University building, fill in the form on the page Ateneo accessibile. The web pages dedicated to the service have a level of conformity with WCAG 2.1 or WCAG 2.0 requirements as indicated in the site's relative declaration of conformity.You can check the physical accessibility of all the University's classrooms through the View Classrooms function available at EasyRoom.At the indicated address, click on "View classrooms" and then choose from the drop-down menu the building of interest, to check, for all the classrooms of the building, the absence of architectural barriers.The accessible entrance of via Balbi 5 is located in Salita di Pietraminuta, the alley that separates the University Building from the Church of San Vittore (via Balbi 7). To access this entrance, it is necessary to ring the bell and wait for the porter to arrive.If you have problems accessing the other buildings where the offices are located, you can report it to the porter's lodge at the contact details given on the page Edifici.To report an architectural barrier that prevents access to a University building, fill in the form on the page Ateneo accessibile. Complaints Complaint modalities Any reports or complaints may be addressed directly to the head of the office to which the report is addressed, at Ufficio Relazioni con il Pubblico (URP), to the University Guarantor, according to the indications on the page Participating in quality - reports and complaints. Any reports or complaints may be addressed directly to the head of the office to which the report is addressed, at Ufficio Relazioni con il Pubblico (URP), to the University Guarantor, according to the indications on the page Participating in quality - reports and complaints. Rights that users with disabilities can demand Specific services, aids and adaptations made available for the inclusion of students with disabilities or DSAs may be requested in the manner indicated on the Disability and DSA page.Any problems encountered by students with disabilities or DSAs may be reported to the Disability and DSA Support Services Sector.The recipients of the service can lodge a complaint with the Administration in the same way as for the other types.In the absence of a response from the Administration, it is always possible to forward a report to the Digital Ombudsman for digital services or to the National Authority for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities for architectural or sensory barriers. Specific services, aids and adaptations made available for the inclusion of students with disabilities or DSAs may be requested in the manner indicated on the Disability and DSA page.Any problems encountered by students with disabilities or DSAs may be reported to the Disability and DSA Support Services Sector.The recipients of the service can lodge a complaint with the Administration in the same way as for the other types.In the absence of a response from the Administration, it is always possible to forward a report to the Digital Ombudsman for digital services or to the National Authority for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities for architectural or sensory barriers. Back to the main page of the Service Charter