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The Schools of Specialisation in the Medical Area of the University of Genoa, in compliance with the obligation provided for by D.I. 402/2017, adopt the computer-based logbook (Logbook): doctors undergoing specialised training record the training and assistance activities carried out during their entire training pathway. These activities are assessed and validated by the Tutors and the Directors/Directors of the Schools of Specialisation and of the structures of the accredited training networks.

The logbook in use at the University of Genoa, developed by the company NOMOS, can be accessed by all users (doctors in specialised training, individual tutors*, School Directors and secretarial users) at the page
Access to the application is possible through UnigePass credentials.

For a correct compilation of the booklet-diary, it is suggested to consult the following material:




Computerised e-booklet manual - school director

Computerized electronic handbook manual - Tutor

Computerized electronic handbook manual - Teaching Secretariat School

Computerized electronic booklet manual - Postgraduate School

For any problems and/or requests, please write to:

*The individual tutor of the doctor in specialist training (art. 38 Legislative Decree 368/99) is designated by the School Council and identified from among the personnel employed by facilities forming part of the training network.


Last update 05/03/2024