Initial training system and access to permanent posts in secondary schools According to the Law no. 79/2022, which amended Legislative Decree no. 59 of 13.042017, the new system of initial training and access to permanent positions in secondary schools envisages:a university qualifying initial training course of no less than 60 CFUs;a national open competition;a one-year probationary period in service with a final test and final assessment.The University of Genoa has submitted to the MUR the request for accreditation of the qualifying training courses ex D.P.C.M. 4 August 2023 to be activated for the academic year. 2024/25, regarding the competition classes indicated below: Competition classesCompetition classesA045ECONOMIC AND BUSINESS LICENCEECONOMIC LICENCE.BUSINESSA046JURIDICAL-ECONOMIC LICENCESA037CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY AND GRAPHIC REPRINT TECHNOLOGYA054 HISTORY OF ARTA020PHYSICSA026MATHEMATICSA027MATHEMATICS AND PHYSICSA050NAT, CHIM AND BIOLOGICAL SCIENCESA048MOTOR AND SPORTS SCIENCES GRADO IIA049MOTOR AND SPORTS SCIENCES IN THE SECONDARY SCHOOL OF I GRADO SECONDARY SCHOOLA011LITERARY LICENCE AND LATINA012LITERARY LICENCE AND LATIN IN THE II GR SCHOOLA013LITERARY LICENCE, LATIN AND GREEKA022 ITALIAN, HISTORY, HISTORY, GEOGRAPHY IN THE SECONDARY SCHOOL OF THE 1st GRADEA018PHILOSOPHY AND HUMAN SCIENCESA019PHILOSOPHY AND HISTORYA021GEOGRAPHYAA24FOREIGN LANGUAGE AND CULTURE (FRENCH)AA25English and Second Language IN SECONDARY SCHOOL I GRADE (FRENCH)AB24FOREIGN LANGUAGE AND CULT (ENGLISH)AD24FOREIGN LANGUAGE AND CULT (GERMAN)AC25ENGLISH AND COMMUNITY LANGUAGE AND CULT IN SECONDARY SCHOOL I GRADE (SPANISH) In order to be able to activate the above-mentioned courses, it is necessary to wait for the conclusion of the ministerial approval process, which will end with the issuance of a ministerial decree authorising the launch of the admission competition.Therefore, at the moment it is not possible to provide specific information regarding the didactic organisation or the validation of past credits.We hereby inform you that, by Rectoral Decree no. 92863 of 27/09/2024, the Multidisciplinary Centre for Teacher Training was set up at the University of Genoa with the task of organising and implementing university courses for the initial training of secondary school teachers.The following is a summary of the basic elements of the reform: Entry requirements Course enrolment is open to: those in possession of a laurea magistrale or magistrale a ciclo unico, or a level II diploma of the alta formazione artistica, musicale e coreutica, or an equivalent or equivalent qualification, consistent with the competition classes in force on the date of publication of the notice. The consistency of the entry qualification with the competition class of interest can be verified on the website of the Ministry of Education and Merit, by consulting the D.P.R. 19/2016 and the D.M. 259/2017those who are duly enrolled in courses of study aimed at obtaining the same qualifications referred to in the previous point (for those who are enrolled in courses of study aimed at obtaining a single-cycle degree, access is subject to the acquisition of 180 CFU)relative to the posts of technical-practical teacher, those in possession of a secondary school diploma consistent with the competition classes in force on the date of publication of the notice (the requirements set out in Article 5(2) of Legislative Decree 59/2017 are required for participation in competitions announced after 31 December 2024). Access modes The initial selection is envisaged if, for individual qualification classes, the number of applications foradmission exceeds the number of places available (Art. 14, c. 6, Prime Ministerial Decree of 4/8/2023).The selection will be carried out in accordance with procedures that will be communicated afterwards. The selection process will be carried out in accordance with the circumstances. Frequency According to Art. 7, paragraph 7 of the Prime Ministerial Decree of 4 August 2023, a minimum percentage of attendance at the training activities equal to 70% for each of them will be required for access to the final examination.Exclusively for the academic year 2024/2025, the activities of the initial university training courses, with the exception of internships and workshops, may be delivered in synchronous telematic mode, the latter not exceeding 50% in total. Exclusively for the academic year 2024/2025, the activities of the university initial training courses, with the exception of internships and workshops, may be delivered in synchronous telematic mode, the latter not exceeding 50% of the total.Synchronous telematic mode means the teaching activities carried out with the simultaneous online presence of lecturer and students.. CFU recognition The methods for recognising any previous CFUs from the university career will be specified when the pathways are activated, in accordance with attachment B of the Prime Ministerial Decree of 4 August 2023 "Guidelines for the recognition of credits". Final test At the end of the course, those who successfully pass the final examination acquire the teaching qualification for the relevant competition class. Reference regulations Law no. 36/2022Law no. 79 of 29 June 2022, which amended Legislative Decree no. 59 of 13 April 2017Legislative Decree No. 59 of 13 April 2017DPCM of 4 August 2023 Contact Didactic area, student services, orientation and internationalisationSupport area for the Multidisciplinary Centre for Teacher Education:e-mail