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The University of Genoa has presented a teaching offer for the activation of the second cycle of qualifying training courses.

In order to be able to activate the courses it is necessary to wait for the conclusion of the Ministerial approval process, which will end with the issue of a ministerial decree authorising the launch of the admission competition.

While awaiting the activation of the qualifying courses envisaged by the D.P.C.M. it is not possible to provide specific information regarding the teaching organisation or the validation of past credits.

By Rectoral Decree 92863 of 27/09/2024 the Multidisciplinary Centre for Teacher Training was established. Annex B to the aforementioned decree contains the table of competition classes identified from those listed in Table A of Ministerial Decree no. 255 of 22 December 2023 revising and updating the classes of competition for access to the roles of teaching staff of first and second grade secondary schools, which are listed below: 

  • A-01 (ex A-01 A-17) - Drawing and History of Art in Secondary I and II Grade Education
  • A-11 - Literary Disciplines and Latin
  • A-12 (ex A-12 A-22) - Literary Disciplines in Secondary I and II Grade Education
  • A-13 - Literary Disciplines, Latin and Greek
  • A-18 - Philosophy and Humanities
  • A-19 - Philosophy and History
  • A-20 - Physics
  • A-21 - Geography
  • A-22 French (ex A-24, A-25) - Foreign Languages and Cultures in Secondary Education
  • A-22 English (ex A-24, A-25) - Foreign Languages and Cultures in Secondary Education
  • A-22 Spanish (ex A-24, A-25) - Foreign Languages and Cultures in Secondary Education
  • A-22 German (ex A-24, A-25) - Foreign Languages and Cultures in I and II Grade Secondary Education
  • A-26 - Mathematics
  • A-27 - Mathematics and Physics
  • A-28 - Mathematics and Science
  • A-34 - Chemical Sciences and Technologies
  • A-37 - Construction Sciences and Technologies technologies and graphic representation techniques
  • A-45 - Economic and business sciences
  • A-46 - Legal and economic sciences
  • A-48 (ex A-48 A-49) - Motor and sport sciences in secondary education
  • A-50 - Natural sciences chemical and biological sciences
  • A-54 - History of art
  • A-60 - Technology in lower-secondary education
  • B-02 French - Conversation in a foreign language
  • B-02 English - Conversation in a foreign language
  • B-02 Spanish - Conversation in a foreign language

The basic elements of the reform are summarised below:

Initial training system and access to permanent posts in secondary schools

According to Law 79/2022, which amended Legislative Decree No. 59 of 13 April 2017, the
new system of initial training and access to permanent secondary school tenure

  • a university qualifying initial training course of no less than 60 CFU
  • a national open competition
  • a one-year in-service probationary period with a final test and final evaluation

Entry requirements

Course enrolment is open to: 

  • those in possession of a laurea magistrale or magistrale a ciclo unico, or a level II diploma of the alta formazione artistica, musicale e coreutica, or an equivalent or equivalent qualification, consistent with the competition classes in force on the date of publication of the notice. The consistency of the qualification with the competition class of interest can be verified on the Ministry of Education and Merit website, by consulting the P.P.R. 19/2016 and the Ministerial Decree 259/2017.
  • those who are regularly enrolled in courses of study aimed at obtaining the same qualifications as those referred to in the previous point (for those who are enrolled in courses of study aimed at obtaining a single-cycle degree, access is subject to the acquisition of 180 CFU)
  • relative to the posts of technical-practical teacher, holders of a secondary school diploma consistent with the competition classes in force on the date of publication of the notice (the requirements set out in Article 5, paragraph 2, of Legislative Decree 59/2017 are required for participation in competitions announced after 31 December 2024).

According to the provisions of the annexes to the Prime Ministerial Decree of 4 August 2023, the qualifying courses will be as follows

  • 60 CFUs pursuant to Art. 2-bis of Legislative Decree 59/2017 (Annex 1 of the Prime Ministerial Decree of 4 August 2023);
  • 30 CFUs pursuant to Art. 13, para 2, of Dlgs 59/2017 (attachment 2 of DPCM 4 August 2023);
  • 30 CFUs pursuant to art. 18-bis, para 3, first sentence, of Dlgs 59/2017 (attachment 3 of DPCM 4 August 2023);
  • 30 CFUs pursuant to art.18-bis, paragraph 3, second sentence, of Dlgs 59/2017 (attachment 4 of DPCM 4 August  2023);
  • 36 CFUs pursuant to art. 18-bis, paragraph 4, of Dlgs 59/2017, for those who enter the competition with the possession of 24 CFUs achieved by 31 October 2022 (attachment 5  of DPCM 4 August  2023)

Access modes

An initial selection is envisaged if, for individual qualification classes, the number of applications for
admission exceeds the number of places available (Art. 14, c. 6, Prime Ministerial Decree of 4/8/2023).
The selection will be carried out in accordance with procedures that will be communicated afterwards.

The selection process will be carried out in accordance with the following procedure


According to Art. 7 paragraph 7 of the Prime Ministerial Decree of 4 August 2023, a minimum attendance rate of 70% for each training activity will be required to access the final examination.
Exclusively for the academic years 2023/2024 and 2024/2025, the university initial training courses may be structured in synchronous telematic mode, with the exclusion of internships and laboratories and in any case not more than 50% of the total.
Synchronous telematic mode means the teaching activities carried out in streaming or with the simultaneous online presence of lecturer and students.


CFU recognition

The methods for recognising any previous CFUs from the university career are specified when the pathways are activated, in accordance with Annex B of the Prime Ministerial Decree of 4 August 2023 "Guidelines for the recognition of credits".

Final test

At the end of the course, those who successfully pass the final examination acquire the teaching qualification for the relevant competition class.

Reference regulations

Last update 03/02/2025