Active or ongoing courses Training course for support activities for disabled pupils (support course)Total validation procedure 24 cfuTraining course 5 cfuTraining course 60 cfu Training initiatives in previous years Specialisation courses for supportSpecialised qualifying coursesActive Training CourseTraining Course for the acquisition of 24 cfu Reference regulations Decree 59 of 13.04.2017 - Reorganisation, adjustment and simplification of the system of initial training and access to teaching roles in secondary schools to make it functional to the social and cultural enhancement of the professionDecree 616 of 10.08.2017 - Modalities for the acquisition of university and academic training credits pursuant to art.5 of Legislative Decree no. 59 of 13/04/2017Annex to Decree 616 of 10.08.2017 Decreto MIUR 19 del 14.02.2016 - New Competition Classes: denomination, access qualifications, related teachingsDecree 259 of 9.05.2017 - "Update of competition classes 2017: denomination, access qualifications, related teachings": MIUR Note no. 5499 of 19/05/2017Law no. 79 of 29 June 2022: Conversion into law, with amendments, of Decree-Law No 36 of 30 April 2022, containing further urgent measures for the implementation of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) Contact Master's degree, TFA and state examsCounter hours:Wednesday - 9am-1pm in person only by appointmentWednesday - 9am-12pm remotely (virtual counter) only by appointmentThursday - 9.30-11.30 a.m. in person only by +39 010 2095795 Mondays and Fridays from 9 a.m. to 12 noon