Description The service meets the needs of organising and rationalising bibliographic material by cataloguing, discarding and moving it.StakeholdersStudents, students and their families, Staff, Local Communities.RecipientsStudents and students, PhD students, teaching staff, research assistants.Methods of provisionThe service is provided by the Libraries within the University Library System.The service is accessible through the channels of the reference offices during the hours indicated on the relevant pages. Performance Organisation and management of library holdings Library of the School of Mathematical, Physical and Natural SciencesReference officeService of the University Library SystemMedical-Scientific Area Library ClusterLibrary of the School of Mathematical, Physical and Natural SciencesStaff ManagerLaura TestoniWebsitehttps://biblioteca.mfn.unige.en/ Library of the School of Medical and Pharmaceutical SciencesReference OfficeUniversity Library System ServiceMedical-Scientific Area Library ClusterLibrary of the School of Medical and Pharmaceutical SciencesLibrary ManagerLaura TestoniWebsitehttps://biblioteca.polobiomedico.unige.en/ Library of the School of Social SciencesReference OfficeSocial Sciences Library System ServiceLibrary of the School of Social SciencesSocial Science LibraryMonica PorcileWebsitehttps://biblioteca.scienzesociali.unige.en/ Library of the School of HumanitiesReference OfficeUniversity Library System ServiceLibrary Cluster for Humanities and LanguagesLibrary of the School of HumanitiesLibrary ManagerCarmen SpisaWebsite Library of the Polytechnic SchoolReference OfficeUniversity Library System ServiceLibrary Cluster of Polytechnic SciencesLibrary of the Polytechnic SchoolResponsible personPaola BagnascoWebsite Library of the School of Mathematical, Physical and Natural SciencesReference officeService of the University Library SystemMedical-Scientific Area Library ClusterLibrary of the School of Mathematical, Physical and Natural SciencesStaff ManagerLaura TestoniWebsitehttps://biblioteca.mfn.unige.en/ Library of the School of Medical and Pharmaceutical SciencesReference OfficeUniversity Library System ServiceMedical-Scientific Area Library ClusterLibrary of the School of Medical and Pharmaceutical SciencesLibrary ManagerLaura TestoniWebsitehttps://biblioteca.polobiomedico.unige.en/ Library of the School of Social SciencesReference OfficeSocial Sciences Library System ServiceLibrary of the School of Social SciencesSocial Science LibraryMonica PorcileWebsitehttps://biblioteca.scienzesociali.unige.en/ Library of the School of HumanitiesReference OfficeUniversity Library System ServiceLibrary Cluster for Humanities and LanguagesLibrary of the School of HumanitiesLibrary ManagerCarmen SpisaWebsite Library of the Polytechnic SchoolReference OfficeUniversity Library System ServiceLibrary Cluster of Polytechnic SciencesLibrary of the Polytechnic SchoolResponsible personPaola BagnascoWebsite Quality Indicators and Standards Indicators IndicatorsIndicatorsValueAccessibilityChannels available to access the servicePhysical access Telephone E- mail PEC Microsoft Teams WebsiteAccessibilityPhysical accessmail PEC Microsoft Teams WebsiteTimescaleMaximum response time for taking up email requests2 working days Average service delivery timeDelivery time varies depending on the complexity of the service TransparencyManner of publishing useful informationPrompt publication on the websiteEffectivenessUser satisfaction (1/6 scale)4,67 Teaching staff satisfaction (1/6 scale)5.15 IndicatorsIndicatorsValueAccessibilityChannels available to access the servicePhysical access Telephone E- mail PEC Microsoft Teams WebsiteAccessibilityPhysical accessmail PEC Microsoft Teams WebsiteTimescaleMaximum response time for taking up email requests2 working days Average service delivery timeDelivery time varies depending on the complexity of the service TransparencyManner of publishing useful informationPrompt publication on the websiteEffectivenessUser satisfaction (1/6 scale)4,67 Teaching staff satisfaction (1/6 scale)5.15 Service quality levels provided with regard to the effective accessibility of services for people with disabilities The web pages dedicated to the service have a level of conformity with WCAG 2.1 or WCAG 2.0 requirements as indicated in the relevant declaration of conformity of the site.There are no architectural barriers.To report an architectural barrier that prevents access to a facility of the Athenaeum, you can fill out the form on the page Ateneo accessibile. The web pages dedicated to the service have a level of conformity with WCAG 2.1 or WCAG 2.0 requirements as indicated in the relevant declaration of conformity of the site.There are no architectural barriers.To report an architectural barrier that prevents access to a facility of the Athenaeum, you can fill out the form on the page Ateneo accessibile. Complaints Complaint modalities Any reports or complaints may be addressed directly to the head of the office to which the report is addressed, at Ufficio Relazioni con il Pubblico (URP), to the University Guarantor, according to the indications given on the page Participating in quality - reports and complaints. Any reports or complaints may be addressed directly to the head of the office to which the report is addressed, at Ufficio Relazioni con il Pubblico (URP), to the University Guarantor, according to the indications given on the page Participating in quality - reports and complaints. Rights that users with disabilities can demand Specific services, aids and adaptations made available for the inclusion of students with disabilities or DSAs may be requested in the manner indicated on the Disability and DSA page.Any problems encountered by students with disabilities or DSAs may be reported to the Disability and DSA Support Services Sector.The recipients of the services can make a complaint to the Administration in the same way as for the other types.In the absence of a response from the Administration, it is always possible to forward a report to the Digital Ombudsman for digital services or to the National Authority for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities for architectural or sensory barriers. Specific services, aids and adaptations made available for the inclusion of students with disabilities or DSAs may be requested in the manner indicated on the Disability and DSA page.Any problems encountered by students with disabilities or DSAs may be reported to the Disability and DSA Support Services Sector.The recipients of the services can make a complaint to the Administration in the same way as for the other types.In the absence of a response from the Administration, it is always possible to forward a report to the Digital Ombudsman for digital services or to the National Authority for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities for architectural or sensory barriers. Back to the main page of the Service Charter