If you don't find the procedure you are interested in on this page, you can consult the evaluation procedures for full professors of II fascia pursuant to Law 240 of 30.12.2010, art 24, paragraph 5.ContactsFaculty Recruitment Department Year 2014Please be advised that by R.D. No. 1792 of 23.12.2014, no. 7 evaluation procedures for the Department, School, sectors and names below:Polytechnic SchoolDIPARTMENT OF NAVY ENGINEERING, ELECTRICS, ELECTRONICS AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS (DITEN)09/E2 Electrical Power Engineering - ING-IND/33 Electrical Systems for Energy - Renato PROCOPIOSchool of HumanitiesDIPARTMENT OF ITALIANISTICS, ROMANISTICS, ANTICHISTICS, ARTS AND SPECTACLE (DIRAAS)10/B1 History of Art - L-ART/02 History of Modern Art - Laura STAGNO10/C1 Theatre, Music, Film, Television and Audiovisual Media - L-ART/05 Disciplines of Performing Arts - Roberto CUPPONE DIPARTMENT OF ANTIQUITY, PHILOSOPHY AND HISTORY (DAFIST)10/A1 Archaeology - L-FIL-LET/01 Aegean Civilizations - Nicola CUCUZZADIPARTMENT OF MODERN LANGUAGES AND CULTURES10/L1 English and Anglo-American Languages, Literatures and Cultures - L-LIN/10 English Literature - Laura COLOMBINO10/M1 Languages, Germanic Literatures and Cultures - L-FIL-LET/15 Germanic Philology - Chiara BENATI10/I1 Spanish and Hispanic-American Languages, Literatures and Cultures - L-LIN/06 Hispanic-American Language and Literatures - Michele PORCIELLOapplication deadline: 9.1.2015NoticeAnnex AFILE "B" (application) Form "C" - Form "D"DepartmentConcurrent Sector/Scientific Disciplinary AreaD.R. committee appointmentEvaluation criteriaFinal reportCall resolutionDITEN09/E2 - ING-IND/33 (Procopio)R.D. no.164 dated 22.1.2015Criteria ReportFinal ReportCoD meeting of 19.2.2015DIRAAS10/B1 - L-ART/02 (Tin)R.D. no.338 dated 2.2.2015Criteria reportFinal ReportCdD of 19.3.2015DIRAAS10/C1 - L-ART/05 (Cuppone)R.D. no.338 dated 2.2.2015Criteria VerbalFinal ReportCoD meeting of 19.3.2015DAFIST10/A1 - L-FIL-LET/01 (Cucuzza)R.D. no.345 dated 2.2.2015Criteria ReportFinal ReportCoD meeting of 22.4.2015LINGUES10/L1 - L-LIN/10 (Columbine)R.D. no.196 dated 26.1.2015Verbal CriteriaFinal ReportCoD meeting of 17.2.2015LANGUAGES10/M1 - L-FIL-LET/15 (Benati)R.D. no.196 dated 26.1.2015Verbal CriteriaFinal ReportCoD meeting of 17.2.2015LANGUAGES10/I1 - L-LIN/06 (Porciello)R.D. no.196 dated 26.1.2015Criteria ReportFinal ReportBoard Meeting of 11.3.2015By D.R. No. 1597 dated 2.12.2014, 6 evaluation procedures are announced for the following Department, School, areas and names:SCHOOL OF SCIENCES M.F.N.DIPARTMENT OF PHYSICS02/A1 Experimental Physics of Fundamental Interactions - FIS/01 Experimental Physics - Maria Roberta MONGE02/A1 Experimental Physics of Fundamental Interactions - FIS/01 Experimental Physics - Claudia PATRIGNANI02/B1 Experimental Physics of Matter - FIS/01 Experimental Physics - Gianangelo BRACCODIPARTMENT OF INFORMATICS, BIO-ENGINEERING, ROBOTICS AND SYSTEMS ENGINEERING (DIBRIS)01/B1 Computer Science - INF/01 Computer Science - Viviana MASCARDI Social Sciences SchoolDIPARTMENT OF TRAINING SCIENCES (DISFOR)14/C2 Sociology of Cultural and Communicative Processes - SPS/08 Sociology of Cultural and Communicative Processes - Federico RAHOLA14/D1 Sociology of Economic, Labor, Environmental and Territorial Processes - SPS/09 Sociology of Economic and Labor Processes - Emanuela ABBATECOLA application deadline: 12.12.2014NoticeAllegato AALLEGATE "B" (application) Form "C" - Form "D"DepartmentConcurrent Sector/Scientific Disciplinary AreaD.R. committee appointmentEvaluation criteriaFinal reportCall ResolutionDIFI02/A1 - FIS/01 (MONGE)R.D. no.1843 dated Dec. 29, 2014Criteria ReportFinal ReportCoD meeting of 16.4.2015DIFI02/A1 - FIS/01 (PATRIGNANI)R.D. no.1843 dated Dec. 29, 2014Criteria ReportFinal ReportWaiverDIFI02/B1 - FIS/01 (BRACCO)R.D. no. 1843 of 29.12.2014Criteria ReportFinal ReportCoD meeting of 19.2.2015DIBRIS01/B1 - INF/01 (MASCARDI)R.D. no.1706 dated 18.12.2014Criteria ReportFinal ReportCoD meeting of 13.1.2015DISFOR14/C2 - SPS/08 (RAHOLA)R.D. no. 369. dated 3.2.2015Criteria VerbalFinal ReactionCouncil Meeting of 16.4.2015DISFOR14/D1 - SPS/09 (ABBATECOLA)R.D. n 369. of 3.2.2015Criteria VerbalFinal ReactionBoard Meeting of 16.4.2015Notices are hereby given that by R.D. No. 1136 of 18.9.2014, no. 13 evaluation procedures for the Department, School, sectors and names below:Polytechnic SchoolDEPARTMENT OF COMPUTERICS, BIOINGIGNERING, ROBOTICS AND SYSTEMS ENGINEERING (DIBRIS)09/H1 Information Processing Systems - ING-INF/05 Information Processing Systems - Marco MARATEA09/H1 Information Processing Systems - ING-INF/05 Information Processing Systems - Gualtiero VOLPE09/G2 Bioengineering - ING-INF/06 Electronic and Computer Bioengineering - Maura CASADIO01/B1 Computer Science - INF/01 Computer Science - Francesca ODONE DIPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, CHEMISTRY AND ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY (DICCA)03/B2 Chemical fundamentals of technologies - Chim/07 Chemical fundamentals of technologies - Elisabetta FINOCCHIODIPARTMENT OF SCIENCES FOR ARCHITECTURE (DSA)08/C1 Design and technological design of architecture - ICAR/10 Technical Architecture - Renata MORBIDUCCI08/C1 Design and Technological Design of Architecture - ICAR/13 Industrial Design - Mario Ivan ZIGNEGO08/D1 Architectural Design - ICAR/14 Architectural and Urban Composition - Massimiliano GIBERTI08/E2 Restoration and architectural history - ICAR/19 Restoration - Anna BOATO08/C1 Architectural design and technology design - ICAR/12 Architectural technology - Andrea GIACHETTA08/C1 Architectural design and technology design - ICAR/13 Industrial design - Maria MOROZZO DELLA ROCCA E DI BIANZE'08/D1 Architectural design - ICAR/15 Landscape architecture - Adriana GHERSI08/C1 Design and technological design of architecture - Giorgio MOR(application deadline: 3.10.2014NoticeAllegato AALLEGATE "B" (application) Form "C" - Form "D"DepartmentCompetition Area/Disciplinary Scientific AreaD.R. committee appointmentEvaluation criteriaFinal reportCall resolutionDIBRIS09/H1 - ING-INF/05 (Maratea)R.D. no.1230 dated 08.10.2014Criteria ReportFinal ReportCoD meeting of 10.11.2014DIBRIS09/H1 - ING-INF/05 (Volpe)R.D. no.1230 dated 08.10.2014Criteria ReportFinal ReportCoD meeting of 10.11.2014DIBRIS09/G2 - ING-INF/06R.D. no.1230 dated 08.10.2014Criteria ReportFinal ReportBoD meeting of 9.12.2014DIBRIS01/B1 - INF/01R.D. no.1230 dated 08.10.2014Criteria ReportFinal ReportCoD meeting of 10.11.2014DICCA03/B2 - CHIM/07R.D. no.1230 dated 08.10.2014Criteria ReportFinal ReportCoD meeting of 17.11.2014DSA08/C1R.D. no.1233 dated 09.10.2014Criteria ReportFinal ReportCoD meeting of 12.11.2014DSA08/C1 - ICAR/10R.D. no.1233 dated 09.10.2014Criteria ReportFinal ReportCoD meeting of 12.11.2014DSA08/C1 - ICAR/13 (Morozzo della Rocca)R.D. no.1233 dated 09.10.2014Criteria ReportFinal ReportCoD meeting of 12.11.2014DSA08/C1 - ICAR/13 (Zignego)R.D. no.1233 dated 09.10.2014Criteria ReportFinal ReportCoD meeting of 12.11.2014DSA08/D1 - ICAR/14R.D. no.1233 dated 09.10.2014Criteria ReportFinal ReportCoD meeting of 12.11.2014DSA08/D1 - ICAR/15R.D. no.1233 dated 09.10.2014Criteria ReportFinal ReportCoD meeting of 12.11.2014DSA08/C1 - ICAR/12R.D. no.1233 dated 09.10.2014Criteria ReportFinal ReportCoD meeting of 12.11.2014DSA08/E2 - ICAR/19R.D. no.1233 dated 09.10.2014Criteria reportFinal ReportBoard Meeting of 10.12.2014Notices are hereby given that by R.D. No. 939 of 29.7.2014, no. 24 evaluation procedures for the Department, School, sectors and names below:Social Sciences School13/A1 Political Economy - SECS-P/01 Political Economy - Maurizio CONTI13/A2 Economic Policy - SECS-P/02 Economic Policy - Gabriele CARDULLO13/A2 Economic Policy - SECS-P/02 Economic Policy -Elena SEGHEZZA13/C1 Economic History - SECS-P/04 History of Economic Thought - Riccardo SOLIANI13/B1 Business Economics - SECS-P/07 Business Economics - Renata DAMERI13/B1 Business Economics - SECS-P/07 Business Economics - Paola RAMASSA13/B2 Business Economics and Management - SECS-P/08 Business Economics and Management - Roberta SCARSI13/B3 Business Organization - SECS-P/10 Business Organization - Angelo GASPARRE13/C1 Economic History - SECS-P/12 Economic history - Andrea ZANINI13/D4 Mathematical methods of economics and actuarial and financial sciences - SECS-S/06 Mathematical methodsof economics and actuarial and financial sciences - Gabriella PISCOPO - ECONOMICS- JURISPRUDENCE12/A1 Private Law - IUS 01 Private Law - Mauro GRONDONA12/B1 Commercial and Navigation Law - IUS/04 Commercial Law - Michele SIRI12/C1 Constitutional Law - IUS/08 Constitutional Law - Lara TRUCCO12/E1 International and European Union Law - IUS/14 European Union Law - Chiara Enrica TUO12/G1 Criminal Law - IUS/17 Criminal Law - Federico CONSULICH12/H1 Roman Law and Rights of Antiquity - IUS/18 Roman Law and Rights of Antiquity - Gloria VIARENGO12/H3 Philosophy of Law - IUS/20 Philosophy of Law - Isabel FANLO CORTES - DISFOR11/E3 Social Psychology, of work and organizations - M-PSI/05 Social psychology - Luca ANDRIGHETTO11/B1 Geography - M-GGR/01 Geography - Antonella PRIMI11/E4 Clinical and dynamic psychology - M-PSI/07 Dynamic Psychology - Patrizia VELOTTI- DISPO12/C1 Constitutional Law - IUS/09 Public Law Institutions - Patrizia VIPIANA11/A3 Contemporary History - M-STO/04 Contemporary History - Maria Elisabetta TONIZZI13/A1 Political Economy - SECS-P/01 Political Economy - Luca GORI14/C1 General Sociology, Legal and Political - SPS/11 Sociology of Political Phenomena - Andrea Fabrizio PIRNI(Application deadline: 8.8.2014NoticeAnnex AAnnex "B" (application) Form "C" - Form "D"DepartmentCompetitive Sector/Scientific Disciplinary AreaD.R. committee appointmentEvaluation criteriaFinal reportCall resolutionECONOMICS13/A1 - SECS-P/01R.D. No. 1228 dated 8.10.2014Criteria reportFinal ReportCoD meeting of 17.11.2014ECONOMICS13/A2 - SECS-P/02R.D. No. 1228 dated 8.10.2014Criteria reportFinal ReportCouncilDepartment of Economics meeting of 7.11.2014ECONOMICS13/A2 - SECS-P/02R.D. No. 1228 of 8.10.2014Criteria reportFinal ReportCouncilDepartment meeting of 7.11.2014ECONOMICS13/C1 - SECS-P/04R.D. No. 1228 dated 8.10.2014Criteria reportFinal ReportCoD meeting of 11.12.2014ECONOMY13/B1 - SECS-P/07R.D. No. 1228 dated 8.10.2014Criteria reportFinal ReportCouncilDepartment meeting of 7.11.2014ECONOMICS13/B1 - SECS-P/07R.D. No. 1228 dated 8.10.2014Criteria ReportFinal ReportBoard meeting of 7.11.2014ECONOMICS13/B2 - SECS-P/08R.D. No. 1228 dated 8.10.2014Criteria ReportFinal ReportCouncilDepartment meeting of 7.11.2014ECONOMICS13/B3 - SECS-P/10R.D. No. 1228 dated 8.10.2014Criteria reportFinal ReportCouncilDepartment meeting of 7.11.2014ECONOMICS13/C1 - SECS-P/12R.D. No. 1228 dated 8.10.2014Criteria reportFinal ReportBoD meeting of 17.11.2014ECONOMICS13/D4 - SECS-S/06R.D. No. 1228 of 8.10.2014Criteria reportFinal ReportCouncilDepartment meeting of 7.11.2014JURISPRUDENCE12/A1 - IUS/01R.D. No. 1243 dated Oct. 14, 2014Criteria reportFinal ReportCouncil Meeting of 26.11.2014JURISPRUDENCE12/B1 - IUS/04R.D. No. 1243 dated 14.10.2014Criteria reportFinal ReportBoD meeting of 26.11.2014JURISPRUDENCE12/C1 - IUS/08R.D. no. 1243 of 14.10.2014Criteria reportFinal ReportCommissIUS08JurisprudenceverbaleIIseduta.pdf">CommissIUS08CommissIUS08JurisprudenceverbaleIIseduta.11.2014JURISPRUDENCE12/E1 - IUS/14R.D. no. 1243 of 14.10.2014Criteria reportFinal ReportBoD meeting of 26.11.2014JURISPRUDENCE12/G1 - IUS/17R.D. No. 1243, Oct. 14, 2014Criteria reportFinal ReportCoD meeting of 10.12.2014JURISPRUDENCE12/H1 - IUS/18R.D. No. 1243 dated 14.10.2014Criteria VerbalFinal ReportCoD meeting of 10.12.2014JURISPRUDENCE12/H3 - IUS/20R.D. No. 1243 dated 14.10.2014Criteria reportFinal ReportCdD meeting of 26.11.2014DISFOR11/E3 - M-PSI/05R.D. No. 1268 dated 20.10.2014Criteria reportFinal ReportCoD meeting of 22.1.2015DISFOR11/B1 - M-GGR/01R.D. No. 1268 of 20.10.2014Criteria reportFinal ReportCoD meeting of 10.12.2014DISFOR11/E4 - M-PSI/07R.D. No. 1268, Oct. 20, 2014Criteria VerbalFinal ReportCoD meeting of 10.3.2015DISPO12/C1 - IUS/09R.D. No. 1259 dated 15.10.2014Criteria reportFinal ReportCoD meeting of 9.12.2014DISPO11/A3 - M-STO/04R.D. No. 1259 of 15.10.2014Criteria VerbalFinal ReportCoD meeting of 9.12.2014DISPO13/A1 - SECS-P/01R.D. No. 1259 of 15.10.2014Criteria ReportFinal ReportCoD meeting of 21.11.2014DISPO14/C1 - SPS/11R.D. No. 1259 dated 15.10.2014Criteria reportFinal ReportBoard meeting of 9.12.2014Notice is hereby given that by R.D. No. 783 of 26.6.2014, no. 2 evaluation procedures for the Department, School, areas and names below:School of Humanities- DAFIST14/A1 Political Philosophy - SPS/01 Political Philosophy - Valeria OTTONELLI11/A2 Modern History - M-STO/02 Modern History - Luca LO BASSO (application deadline: 7.7.2014NoticeAllegato AALLEGATE "B" (application) Form "C" - Form "D"DepartmentCompetition Area/Disciplinary Scientific AreaD.R. committee appointmentEvaluation criteriaFinal reportCall resolutionDAFIST14/A1 - SPS/01R.D. No. 900, 23.7.2014Criteria ReportFinal ReactionCoD meeting of 4.9.2014DAFIST11/A2 - M-STO/02R.D. No. 900, 23.7.2014Criteria VerbalFinal ReportBoard meeting of 4.9.2014Go to next years archive2021202020192018-20172016-2015