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The University of Genoa promotes study experiences and internships abroad
You can choose between the Erasmus+ programme and other opportunities listed here:

  • selection announcements
    • International educational-mobility educational research thesis in non-EU countries
    • International Mobility extra Erasmus+
  • Project for International Didactic and Training Mobility

European Programmes

The University of Genoa, as of 2016, has activated the action KA107 International Credit Mobility, through which it is possible to set up mobility agreements with universities in partner countries worldwide, in order to send and receive students, lecturers and staff.
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CINDA Programme

Thanks to an intercontinental exchange programme, you have the opportunity to study at the best universities in Central and South American countries.
With the Cinda Programme, you can take exams or study for your thesis while receiving a substantial financial contribution in addition to a travel reimbursement that is fixed from year to year.
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Summer School in Europe

Summer schools are courses organised by universities or other higher education institutions. They cover a wide variety of fields, take place during the summer or winter break and can last from a few days to several weeks.
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Economic benefits

If you are interested in an international experience, please declare the value ISEE-U

The ISEE-U declaration is indispensable in order to be eligible for any financial benefits


Last update 09/07/2024