Identify the category of students you belong to and get the necessary information:
- Enrolment of European or non-EU students regularly residing in Italy with Italian qualifications (obtained in Italy) Read more
- Enrolment of European or non-EU students regularly residing in Italy with an Italian diploma obtained abroad (access to a single cycle 5-6 years degree or bachelor’s degree) Read more
- Enrolment of non-EU students living abroad (visa applicants) with an Italian diploma obtained abroad (access to a single cycle 5-6 years degree or bachelor’s degree) Read more
For the choice of courses, see the list of bachelor's degree, (5-6 years) single cycle degree and master’s degree courses of the University of Genoa. Access the course of interest webpage for more details.
Check out the degree courses
If you choose to enroll in Medicine and Surgery, Dentistry or Architectural Sciences, you will also need to register for the admission test on Universitaly within the deadlines that will be indicated on the website.
If you choose to enroll in a scheduled access course (not only for Medicine and Surgery, Dentistry or Architectural Sciences) check the calls on the web pages of the courses in the "Prospective Students" section with details on admission tests and deadlines.
Also check the calls on the dedicated page of UniGe
If you choose a course taught in Italian: your degree allows you to access directly, certificates or language tests are not required.
If you choose a course taught in English: access the webpage of the course of interest in the section "Prospective students" for more information. Courses of study generally require a B2 level certificate from those recognized by Unige (or the use of an access qualification taught in English).
Please, see the page with all information on scholarships and incentives for international students.
Tuition fees
Enrolment in a course of study. The fees or student contribution are the sum of the stamp duty (16 euros), the regional tax (minimum 120 euros) and the university contribution. Tuition fees are calculated on the basis of the ISEEU that the student can apply for at a CAF in Italy. Students receiving an Aliseo scholarship (see link in the previous section) pay only 16 euros per year of tuition fees. For more details, visit the dedicated page and check the contacts therein.
The payment of the fees can be made only after the enrolment confirmation, in the case of non-EU students (visa applicants) will take place after arrival in Italy, no payment is required during the pre-enrolment phase.
Contribution for admission tests to programmed access courses
The payment of the contribution can be made after completing and correctly saved ("green" complete) the pre-enrollment application.
If you want support and directions for finding accommodation, for information on the residence permit and obtaining the tax code or if you need information on health care, to open a bank account, on the bus pass subscription, on university canteens, visit the Welcoming international students page
For further information on the procedures for entry, stay and enrolment of foreign/international students in higher education courses in Italy for a.y. 2024-2025 visit the MUR website.