Supplementary Elections for Courses of Study Councils (CCS) replacement of a student representative in the CCL in psychological science and techniques and master's degree in psychology (DISFOR) - b.a. 2023/2025 approval of acts and proclamation of elected student representatives in the Governing Bodies approval of the acts of the elections and proclamation of those elected as student representatives on the curriculum councils (CCS) for b.a. 2023/2025The Election Committee met at 10:00 a.m. on 5.5.2023 to verify the ballots conducted by the computerized system.Final turnout Governing Bodies:for Academic Senate 18.80% of voters voted - for the Board of Trustees 14.08% of voters voted.Course council turnout: Lists-and-candidates-admitted-by-election-committeeFinal elections can be found on the page at Online Services/For Students/Student Representative ElectionsRectoral Decree No. 1470 of 27.3.2023 deferring the deadline for students to express their availability to be elected to their course of study council (CCS)Rectoral Decree No. 832 of 20.2.2023 of constitution of the Election CommissionRectoral Decree No. 645 of 10.2.2023 of calling elections of student representatives in the Councils of study coursesRectorial Decree No. 506 of 6.2.2023 of calling for competing list elections for the telematic elections of student representatives in the Academic Senate and the Board of Directors