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Application to the Rector

In the case of duly certified serious reasons, the student may submit an application to the Magnificent Rector in accordance with Art. 29 of the Student Contribution and University Benefits Regulations.

Rectoral measures may provide for extensions of deadlines, instalments, partial/total exemptions from university fees and are definitive acts. It is possible to take advantage of these concessions only once during the course of a university career, except in cases of exceptional seriousness, duly documented.

Requests must be addressed to the Rector within the due datesfor payment of the university fee. The deadlines are peremptory.

How to apply

In the application (duly signed and dated) the student must state the reasons for the request.

The request must be sent by email to the email address or by registered mail with return receipt: Al Magnifico Rettore - Università degli Studi di Genova - Via Balbi, 5 - 16126 Genova.

In the application the student must declare: personal data, matriculation number, telephone number (mobile/fixed) and updated e-mail address. The following must be attached to the application:

  • copy front/back of a valid identity document
  • ISEE-U declaration
  • Documents proving the seriousness of the declared personal or family situations.

Acknowledgement by the Administration will be made in chronological order of receipt.

Acceptance of the request, in relation to the seriousness of the reasons, and the modalities for making use of the facilities will be communicated to the student via email to the address indicated in the application.

The student's university career will be automatically updated.

Applications received beyond the deadlines indicated above will not be accepted, except, by way of exception:

  • Out-of-term applications from students with revocation/withdrawal of ALISEO grant
  • Out-of-term applications from students who have not been able to graduate by March.

Last update 21/06/2024