Call 2022 For the Call for the selection of the Universal Civil Service 2022, the University of Genoa presented 3 projects in co-programming with Confcooperative, Cooperativa La Comunità and the Municipality of Genoa: 1. In and out: pathways of education, training and work in prisons Project code: PTCSU0042522011523NMTXProgramme title: Community Resiliences Sector: A - Assistance - 7. Prisoners, prisoners in alternative sentencing measures, ex-prisoners Description: The project intends to contribute to the construction of a resilient approach and to the realisation of personal well-being in a specific and complex context such as the prison environment.Available places: 6Project schedule "Inside and Outside"Info on the programme and the other projects of Coop La Comunità Project code: PTCSU0042522011523NMTXProgramme title: Community Resiliences Sector: A - Assistance - 7. Prisoners, prisoners in alternative sentencing measures, ex-prisoners Description: The project intends to contribute to the construction of a resilient approach and to the realisation of personal well-being in a specific and complex context such as the prison environment.Available places: 6Project schedule "Inside and Outside"Info on the programme and the other projects of Coop La Comunità 2. Intergenerational university-courses, alliances and synergies for active ageing and lifelong learning Project code: PTXSU0042522013006NMTXProgramme title: RES PUBLICA 2023 - 10 COMMUNITY RESILIENCE PROJECTSSector: E - Education and promotion of culture, landscape, environment, sustainable and social tourism and sport - 3. Cultural animation with the elderly- 23. IT education Description: To promote a model of active and participative ageing by realising in-presence and online training courses, social and intergenerational activities targeting the elderly population of the Genoese and Ligurian territory, reaching also the most fragile groups.Available places: 6Schedule "Intergenerational University"Info on the programme and the other projects of the Coop Agorà Project code: PTXSU0042522013006NMTXProgramme title: RES PUBLICA 2023 - 10 COMMUNITY RESILIENCE PROJECTSSector: E - Education and promotion of culture, landscape, environment, sustainable and social tourism and sport - 3. Cultural animation with the elderly- 23. IT education Description: To promote a model of active and participative ageing by realising in-presence and online training courses, social and intergenerational activities targeting the elderly population of the Genoese and Ligurian territory, reaching also the most fragile groups.Available places: 6Schedule "Intergenerational University"Info on the programme and the other projects of the Coop Agorà 3. Cultural Heritage, Knowledge and New Knowledge - UniGe 2023 Project code: PTXSU0042522012799NMTXProgramme title:An umbrella for peaceSRector: D - Historical, artistic and cultural heritage 3. Enhancement of local histories and cultures4. Enhancement of the public and private museum systemDescription: To promote actions and events of public engagement, scientific and cultural dissemination, also in the context of lifelong learning.To improve the usability of the scientific, historical, artistic, library, archival and museum heritage of the Athenaeum.Available places: 6Project sheet "Cultural assets, knowledge, new knowledge"Info on the programme and other projects of the Municipality of Genoa Project code: PTXSU0042522012799NMTXProgramme title:An umbrella for peaceSRector: D - Historical, artistic and cultural heritage 3. Enhancement of local histories and cultures4. Enhancement of the public and private museum systemDescription: To promote actions and events of public engagement, scientific and cultural dissemination, also in the context of lifelong learning.To improve the usability of the scientific, historical, artistic, library, archival and museum heritage of the Athenaeum.Available places: 6Project sheet "Cultural assets, knowledge, new knowledge"Info on the programme and other projects of the Municipality of Genoa Announcement 2021 For the Call for Proposals for the selection of the Universal Civil Service 2021, the University of Genoa presented 3 projects in co-programming with Confcooperative and Cooperativa La Comunità and in co-projecting with the Municipality of Genoa. 1. Doing and knowing within Project code: PTCSU0042521010360NMTXProgramme title: #FARECOMMUNITY 2022Sector: A - Assistance - 7. Prisoners, inmates in alternative measures to punishment, ex-prisonersDESCRIPTION: Ensure the participation of the prison population in activities essential to the development of the person with a view to social inclusion and active citizenshipAVAILABLE PLACES: 5 - essential elements sheet - THEMEMBER AND THE KNOWLEDGE INTO Project code: PTCSU0042521010360NMTXProgramme title: #FARECOMMUNITY 2022Sector: A - Assistance - 7. Prisoners, inmates in alternative measures to punishment, ex-prisonersDESCRIPTION: Ensure the participation of the prison population in activities essential to the development of the person with a view to social inclusion and active citizenshipAVAILABLE PLACES: 5 - essential elements sheet - THEMEMBER AND THE KNOWLEDGE INTO 2. Mobilis in mobile - third age at university in the classroom and at home Project code: PTXSU0042521013424NMTXProgramme title: RES - PUBLICA 22 Sector: E - Education and promotion of culture, landscape, environment, sustainable and social tourism and sport - 3. Cultural animation with the elderly- 23. Computer education DESCRIPTION: Support to the management of training paths, cultural events and social and intergenerational activities for the population belonging to the so-called third age of the Genoese and Ligurian territory within the activities of Unite, University of the Third Age. AVAILABLE PLACES: 6 - essentials sheet - MOBILIS IN MOBILE Project code: PTXSU0042521013424NMTXProgramme title: RES - PUBLICA 22 Sector: E - Education and promotion of culture, landscape, environment, sustainable and social tourism and sport - 3. Cultural animation with the elderly- 23. Computer education DESCRIPTION: Support to the management of training paths, cultural events and social and intergenerational activities for the population belonging to the so-called third age of the Genoese and Ligurian territory within the activities of Unite, University of the Third Age. AVAILABLE PLACES: 6 - essentials sheet - MOBILIS IN MOBILE 3. The history of the city is us Project code: PTCSU00143210129NXTXProgramme title: NEW SKILLSSector: D - Historical, artistic and cultural heritage 3. Enhancement of local histories and cultures 4. Enhancement of public and private museum system DESCRIPTION: The project aims to promote and disseminate the narrative of the urban and building history of the most significant places in the city through the enhancement of cultural venues and their collections. In a process of cultural co-creation that will involve volunteers, students, university staff and citizens. AVAILABLE PLACES: 25 of which 4 in UniGe - essential elements sheet - The city's history is us Project code: PTCSU00143210129NXTXProgramme title: NEW SKILLSSector: D - Historical, artistic and cultural heritage 3. Enhancement of local histories and cultures 4. Enhancement of public and private museum system DESCRIPTION: The project aims to promote and disseminate the narrative of the urban and building history of the most significant places in the city through the enhancement of cultural venues and their collections. In a process of cultural co-creation that will involve volunteers, students, university staff and citizens. AVAILABLE PLACES: 25 of which 4 in UniGe - essential elements sheet - The city's history is us