ALISEO student residences Student residences managed by the ALISEO (Agenzia Ligure per lo Studente e l'Orientamento), located in the vicinity of university sites, are allocated by means of an open competition to students meeting the requirements set out in the appropriate notice, normally issued in June each year. Accommodation S.P.Im Are you an 'out-of-towner'? Are you looking for accommodation in Genoa? The S.P.Im, Società per la Promozione Immobiliare del Comune di Genova, allocates accommodation by means of a call for applications.The main requirement is to be a student, PhD student or university researcher resident outside the municipality of Genoa or the region of Liguria.Bando Stay&Study: beds in Via Porro 6 (GE) starting from 200 euro per month for students under 35. Housing notice board Go to the Housing Noticeboard and discover UniGe Cerco Alloggio, the service that helps you find a room or a flat if you are a student at the University of Genoa, and that supports you in creating ads if you want to publish an offer of a housing solution as an advertiser. Religious facilities for university students Available at the Orientation Service - Ufficio Orientamento agli Studi Universitari - Piazza della Nunziata 6 - Genoa - (e-mail:, a list of male and female religious colleges is available. On request, the staff will provide addresses, telephone numbers, costs and availability. Legally recognised university colleges They are university residences offering qualified and modern housing services together with a broader academic and vocational training project.www.collegiuniversitari.itFor more information on admissions, conventions and subsidised tuition fees see:RUI FoundationCapodifaroPeschiere Contact Study Guidance Department