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UniGe is organizing two business plan competitions dedicated to high-tech business ideas that aim to promote and support the startup of innovative realities resulting from the best results of academic research.

The first one represents the "University of Genoa Special Section" of the Smart Cup Liguria initiative, promoted by Regione Liguria and organized by FILSE, to reward entrepreneurial ideas in the fields  Life sciences, ICT, Cleantech&Energy and Industrial.

The second is the "Humanities-Social Sciences Start Cup" dedicated to innovative entrepreneurial ideas matured in humanities research contexts in Schools of Social Sciences and Humanities.

START CUP Unige 2023 and SMART CUP Liguria 2023

The new edition of Start Cup Unige 2023, the University of Genoa's business plan competition that rewards the best business ideas and supports start-ups with high technological and innovative potential, and provides cash prizes to concretely support its students, doctoral students, postgraduates, research-doctoral fellows-specialized graduates (not more than three years old) in the establishment of the innovative start-up. The UniGe prizes awarded to the top three eligible winners from among the 12 projects to be selected by the jury will be as follows:

    1st place: prize of 8,000.00 euros
   2nd place: prize of 6.500.00 euros
    3rd place: prize of 5,500.00 euros

In addition, the top three winners will be awarded the following additional prizes:

- free use, for 6 months, of a workstation within the space called "Coworking UniGe" of the BIC Incubator of Enterprises of FILSE S.p.A, in Via Greto di Cornigliano;
- making available, free of charge, for 6 months, the services of FILSE S.p.A, in collaboration with UniGe, related to monitoring and support for the start-up of entrepreneurial activity, business mentoring, involvement in promotion, dissemination and marketing initiatives, information activity on financing.

START CUP humanities-social 2023

Project submission deadline: from 1/12/2023 to 15/02/2024 - 12 noon.00

The University of Genoa's Start Cup Humanities-Social Science call for projects reopens, dedicated to innovative business ideas matured in humanities research settings in the Schools of Social Sciences and Humanities.
With this business plan competition  the University of Genoa rewards the best ideas proposed by its students, doctoral students, postgraduates, postdoctoral fellows, and graduate-doctoral researchers-specialized (not more than three years old) and supports them in the establishment of the innovative start-up. 

The top two winners will be awarded the following cash prizes:
    1st place: prize of 15,000 euros
   2nd place: prize of 10.000 euros

The top three winners will also be awarded the following prizes:
-    free use, for 6 months, of a workstation within the space called "Coworking UniGe" of the BIC Business Incubator of FILSE S.p.A, in Via Greto di Cornigliano; 
-   making available, free of charge, for 6 months, the services of FILSE S.p.A, in collaboration with UniGe, related to monitoring and support for the start-up of entrepreneurial activity, business mentoring, involvement in promotion, dissemination and marketing initiatives, information activity on financing.

Previous START CUP editions

Project #Sipuòfare

UniGe, as part of its initiatives to foster the birth of new businesses from research, has entered into an agreement with Confindustria Genova and Alleanza delle Cooperative Italiane Liguria with the aim of supporting students and researchers who intend to implement an entrepreneurial idea arising from their activities.
As part of the Project #Sipufare, informational meetings are organized and support services are offered for the creation of the new enterprise.
During the meetings people will learn about the services and opportunities available to translate an entrepreneurial idea into a successful venture.

Guides for Start Up

Here are some links, dedicated to potential new start-ups and already established companies, where you can find both the information and support you need to establish, start up and develop your business.


Research Enhancement and Technology Transfer Department

Last update 16/12/2024