VARIATION OF DAYS AND CONTACT HOURS FOR SUPPORT COURSE SECRETARIAT AT DISFOR: The support course secretariat at DISFOR answers the telephone on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 12 noon at 010 20953817 (e-mail contact: PERGAMEN EIGHTH CYCLE (published on 12/11/2024)Third repechage registrations - deadline 12:00 on 19/08/2024 (published on 8/08/2024) Inaugural meeting 9th cycle support course - For any further information please contact the didactics secretariat, writing to (published on 5/08/2024)Please note that the Aulaweb of the Specialisation Course for Educational Support Activities for Pupils with Disabilities (9th cycle. The platform will be accessible as soon as enrolment has been completed. The platform can be accessed by authenticating with the UniGePASS credentials received when enrolling for the course. For any information regarding access to AulaWeb, please contact the teaching secretariat by writing to (published on 5/08/2024). Second repechage enrolments - Expires at 12:00 noon on 8/08/2024 (published on 5/08/2024)First repechage with seat allocation First repechage enrolment - Expires at 12:00 noon on 2/08/2024 AVISO Availability of vacancies for the Primary and Nursery School to be reserved foreligible candidates in the 9th cycle rankings of other universities (published on 24/07/2024)Admission application form for availability of places - Cycle IXADVISORY Modalities and deadlines for enrolment competition winners and admitted supernumeraries (published on 22/07/2024)Final list competition (published on 22/07/2024):Primary SchoolPrimary SchoolSecondary SchoolSecondary School - The ranking list has been edited due to material error (published on 24/07/2024) List supernumerary admitted (published on 22/07/2024)List locations assigned to those enrolled and assigned a reserved position (published on 22/07/2024) Faced with candidates' remarks, the Selection Board has proceeded, by issuing the appropriate minutes, to duly modify the evaluation of qualifications for primary school, first degree secondary school and second degree secondary school as indicated below:Primary school (published on 15/07/2024)Secondary school (published on 15/07/2024)Secondary school (published on 15/07/2024) - modified due to material error (published on 19/07/2024)Oral test papersPrimary school (published on 15/07/2024)Primary school (published on 15/07/2024)Primary school modified due to material error (published on 16/07/2024)Primary school (published on 15/07/2024)Secondary school (published on 15/07/2024) Following the comments of the interested parties, duly verified, the Selection Board with the minutes of 3 July 2024 proceeded to modify the assessment assessable qualifications for primary school - edited assessment (published on 10/07/2024)CALL FOR AN ORAL TEST FOR SECONDARY SECONDARY SCHOOL (published on 5/07/2024)The candidates are called:on 10 July 2024 at 14:00 at the Dipartimento di Scienze della Formazione (Disfor), Corso Andrea Podestà, 2, Genova - calendaron 12 July 2024 at 14:00 at the Dipartimento di Scienze della Formazione (Disfor), Corso Andrea Podestà, 2, Genova - calendaron 13 July 2024 at 9:00 a.m. at the Dipartimento di Scienze della Formazione (Disfor), Corso Andrea Podestà, 2, Genova - calendarCALL FOR ORAL TEST SCUOLA DELL'INFANZIA E PRIMARIAThe candidates are summoned to the Piazzale del Dipartimento di Scienze della Formazione (Disfor), Corso Andrea Podestà, 2, Genova, on 3 July 2024 at 8:30 a.m. for the recognition procedure. The test will start at 9:00 a.m.Convocation notice for the oral test of 3 July 2024 for pre-school and primary school CALL FOR ORAL TEST FOR SECONDARY SCHOOL OF FIRST GRADEThe candidates are summoned to the Piazzale del Dipartimento di Scienze della Formazione (Disfor), Corso Andrea Podestà, 2, Genova, on 10 July 2024 at 8:30 a.m. for the recognition procedure. The test will start at 9:00 a.m. - calendar TITLE EVALUATIONPrimary School (published on 28/06/2024) Primary School (published on 28/06/2024)Secondary school (substituted as containing material errors on 2/07/2024)Secondary school (published on 5/07/2024)WRITTEN TESTHEADSPrimary school (published on 27/06/2024)Primary school (published on 27/06/2024) Secondary school (published on 28/06/2024)Secondary school (published on 03/07/2024)Third sliding of the list of those entitled to direct admission to secondary school (deadline for registration today 13 June 2024 at 12:00) - (published on 13/06/2024)Modalities for the written test (published on 12/06/2024)Second round of the list of those eligible for direct admission to the secondary school (deadline for finalising registration 12 June 2024 at 18:00) - (published on 11/06/2024). R.D. no. 2927 of 10 June 2024 - Admission of supernumerary students to the 9th cycle of the support course (published on 11/06/2024)Go to the enrolment procedure (deadline 12:00 noon on 27 June 2024) Written test convocation for the first and second grade secondary school(published on 8/06/2024) Final ranking list for the allocation of places in reserve for the second grade secondary school (published on 8/06/2024)Ranking list those entitled to direct admission to secondary school (deadline for finalising registration 11 June 2024 at 12:00) - (published on 8/06/2024)Terms and modalities for the enrolment of candidates who have been removed from the list of those eligible for direct admission to secondary schools (published on 8/06/2024)Final ranking list allocation of places from the reserve for first level secondary school (published on 7/06/2024)Following the final revision, due to the sliding of the ranking list, the freshman 1506585 has the right to complete the enrolment in accordance with the procedures set out in the notice published on 24/05/2024 by 12:00 noon on Tuesday 11 June 2024 (published on 7/06/2024) LIST OF CANDIDATES CALLED TO APPLY TO THE WRITTEN TESTPrimary School (published on 28/05/2024)Primary School (published on 29/05/2024)First Grade Secondary School (published on 10/06/2024)Secondary School (published on 13/06/2024) In order to allow candidates who have applied for admission to both the Primary School and the Primary School to take both tests, the convocation and starting times of the tests have been modified as indicated below:Primary School on 31 May 2024 at 8.30 for the recognition procedure at the forecourt in front of the Biomedical Educational Pole (former Saiwa) located in Corso Gastaldi, 29 16131 Genoa - The test will start at 9.00Primary School on 31 May 2024 at 13.15 for the recognition procedure in the square in front of the Biomedical Education Centre (ex Saiwa) located in Corso Gastaldi, 29 16131 Genoa - The test will start at 13.45 (Published on 28/05/2024). In view of the persistence of problems of a technical-informatics nature and problems relating to the correct and definitive compilation of the "reserve" (35%) lists, which need, also for the protection of all candidates, to be re-examined, and in view of the fact that candidates who may be excluded from the reserve list must be enabled to take part in the written testsI HEREBY GIVE NOTICEthat the written test for candidates from pre-school, primary and secondary schools, scheduled for Wednesday 29 May p.v., will not take place;that the written test for secondary school candidates scheduled for Friday 31 May will also not take place.CANDIDATESCandidates called to take the written test for the Infant School on 31 May 2024 at 8.30 a.m. for the recognition procedure at the forecourt in front of the Biomedical Education Centre (ex Saiwa) located in Corso Gastaldi, 29 16131 Genova - The test will begin at 9.30 a.m.Candidates called to take the written test for the Primary School on 31 May 2024 at 9.Candidates called to take the written test for the Primary and Secondary School are invited to consult the page of the University website where, in the next few days, they will be informed of the date and location of the test (published on 27/05/2024).. Ranking list those entitled to direct admission for primary school (deadline registration completion today 27 May 2024 23:59) - published on 27/05/2024 We are sorry to inform you that following a report from the candidates, duly verified,the rankings of those admitted directly to the course for primary, secondary and lower secondary schools have been revised again therefore the previous rankings already published are no longer effective.The rankings for kindergarten remain effective, as they have not changed: Scorrimento graduatoria entitled to direct admission for infant school (deadline for finalising registration today 27 May 2024 at 18:00) - published on 27/05/2024The above-mentioned rankings for primary, lower secondary and upper secondary school, duly revised and amended, are published below.The registration already carried out by those who were in the ranking list as assignees of the place and remain in a useful position for these purposes, retains its effectiveness.All those who are in the revised rankings and have not registered are invited to register by 12:00 noon today 27/05/2024.The registration of those who are not assignees of place according to the rankings now corrected but who were assignees of place according to the previous rankings, remains suspended until the completion of the repechage procedure. If, at the end of the repechage procedures, no vacancies remain, the application itself will be cancelled and the amounts paid will be refunded.Revised ranking list allocation of places under the primary reserve list (published on 27/05/2024)Revised ranking listAllocation of places from the reserve first grade secondary (published on 27/05/2024)Revised ranking listAllocation of places from the reserve second grade secondary (published on 27/05/2024) We are sorry to report that following ministerial response to a specific query submitted by other universities, of which we received news only late yesterday afternoon, 23 May 2024, with regard to the score assigned to the grade obtained in the admission qualification (always reported on a 100 basis), the following correct interpretation has been applied - contrary to what was initially envisaged - and referred to the degree 96 ꓿ 1 point , 97 ꓿ 2 points , 98 ꓿ 3 points, 99 ꓿ 4 points , 100 ꓿ 5 points , Honours ꓿ 7 points total (5+2), which reported for convenience to the degree titles expressed in 110 results in 106=1 point, 107=2 points, 108=3 points, 109=4 points, 110=5 points, Honours= 7 points total.The lists of candidates applying for direct access to the course for the primary and secondary schools already published are therefore ineffective; the list for the pre-school, on the other hand, remains effective.The above-mentioned rankings for primary and secondary school, duly revised and amended, and for infant school, which has not been amended, are therefore published below.The registration already carried out by those who were in the rankings as assignees of a place and remain in a useful position for the above-mentioned purposes, retains its effectiveness.All those who are in the revised rankings, including the assignees of nursery school places, and have not registered are invited to register by 6:30 p.m. today, 24/05/2024.The registration of those who are not assignees of places according to the now corrected rankings, but who were assignees of places according to the previous rankings, remains suspended until the completion of the repechage procedure. If at the end of the repechage procedures no vacancies remain, the application will be cancelled and the amounts paid will be refunded.Children's reserve list (published on 24/05/2024)Revised ranking list for primary reserve posts (published on 24/05/2024)Revised ranking list of posts in the first grade secondary reserve (published on 24/05/2024)Ranking list for the reserve for secondary school - first registration deadline 27/05/2024 12:00 (published on 24/05/2024)Terms and modalities for enrolling for the reserved secondary school places (published on 24/05/2024) Due to organisational problems, it has been necessary to change the timetable for the written tests, which will be held as follows (published on 22/05/2024): WRITTEN TEST SECONDARY SCHOOL OF FIRST GRADE: 29 May 2024 8.30 a.m. recognition procedure and 10.00 a.m. start of the testCandidates are called at 8.00 at the entrance of the Department of Economics in Via F. Vivaldi, 5 - Darsena - 16126 GenovaWRITTEN TEST SCHOOL OF EDUCATION: 29 May 2024 hours 9.00 acknowledgement procedure and 10.00 a.m. start of the testCandidates are convened at 8.45 a.m. at the entrance of the Department of Economics in Via F. Vivaldi, 5 - Darsena - 16126 GenovaWRITTEN TEST PRIMARY SCHOOL: 29 May 2024 1.00 p.m.30 acknowledgement procedure and 3.00 p.m. start of the testCandidates are convened at 1.15 p.m. at the entrance of the Department of Economics in Via F. Vivaldi, 5 - Darsena - 16126 GenovaWRITTEN TEST SECONDARY SCHOOL OF SECONDARY SCHOOL: 31 May 2024 (published on 23/05/2024)1.00 p.m.30 acknowledgement procedure and 3.00 p.m. start of the testCandidates are convened at 1.15 p.m. at the forecourt in front of the Biomedical Educational Pole (ex Saiwa), Corso Gastaldi, 29 16131 Genoa SCORRIMENTO GRADUATORIE RESERVED POSITIONS FOR CHILDREN'S SCHOOL, PRIMARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS OF FIRST GRADE - Application deadline 12:00 on 27 May 2025 (published on 23/05/2024) MODIFICATION AND INTEGRATION OF RESERVED POSITIONS ASSIGNMENT GRADIUM (published on 23/05/2024)GRADUATION OF RESERVED POSITION ASSIGNMENT GRADIUM (published on 21/05/2024)Primary schoolPrimary schoolSecondary schoolTerms and modalities of enrolment direct to the course for the assignees of the reserved places - first enrolment deadline 12:00 on 23/05/2024 (published on 21/05/2024)WRITTEN TEST CALENDAR FOR ALL SCHOOL GRADES (published on 17/05/2024)PRE-ELECTIVE TEST EXAMINATIONS for secondary school (published on 16/05/2024)CANDIDATES CONVOKED TO APPOINT FOR THE PRESELECTIVE TEST FOR SECONDARY SCHOOL (published on 7/05/2024)INSTRUCTIONS FOR PARTICIPATION IN THE PRE-ELECTIVE TEST for secondary school (published on 7/05/2024)APPOINTMENT OF JUDGEMENT COMMITTEE Emergency Decree of the Vice-Director of the Department of Education no. 2120 of 30/04/2024 (published on 03/05/2024)NO NOTICEto candidates who have applied for admission to the support course for the primary, primary and secondary school (published on 02/05/2024)CALL FOR ADMISSION to the training courses for the specialisation in teaching support activities for pupils with disabilities - academic year 2023/2024 (IX CYCLE)issued with R.D. 1856 of 15.04.2024 (published on 15 April 2024)Support Teaching SecretariatContact email: sostegno.ordinario@unige.itTelephone contact: 010 20953817 - on Wednesdays and Fridays, from 9am to 12pmVIII CYCLE Specialisation for teaching support activities for pupils with disabilities (Call expired)VII CICLO Specialization for the activity of didactic support to pupils with disabilities (Announcement expired) Contact Masters, TFAs and state examsDesk hours: Tuesday - 9am-1pm in person only by appointment Wednesday - 9am-12pm remotely (virtual desk) only by appointment Thursday - 9.30-11.30 am in presence only by appointment +39 010 2095795 Mondays and Fridays from 9.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon