The University Services Charter is a document that describes the main services provided by the University of Genoa and identifies the optimal quality levels for each of them.The Services Charter is also an institutional communication tool aimed at increasing the information and active participation of the target users, whose satisfaction is measured annually through the administration of customer satisfaction questionnaires.The Service Charter, therefore, is aimed at providing its users and, more generally, its stakeholders, with increasingly accessible, immediate, transparent and complete information, promoting knowledge of the services and their quality standards. The regulatory framework The concept of the Service Charter was introduced for the first time in Italy in 1993, by the Department for Public Administration, to establish the fundamental principles to guarantee an effective delivery of public services within the framework of the Public Administration reform process started with Law no. 241/1990.These principles were subsequently defined with the Directive "Principles on the Delivery of Public Services" of the President of the Council of Ministers of 27 January 1994.Law Decree no. 163 of 12 May 1995, converted into Law no. 273 of 11 July 1995, then provided for the adoption, by Prime Ministerial Decree, of general reference schemes of charters for identified public services, with the obligation for all public service providers to issue their respective service charters in accordance with these schemes. Legislative Decree No. 286/1999 abrogated this provision, establishing a more simplified discipline on the determination of the guiding parameters for the adoption of the service charters.Law Decree No. 1 of 24 January 2012, the so-called 'Grow Italy' decree, converted with amendments into Law No. 27/2012, further enhanced the value of the service charters. 27/2012 further enhanced the effectiveness of the service charters, sanctioning their binding value.Finally, Legislative Decree no. 33/2013 requires public administrations to publish their service charters or the document containing the quality standards of the public services provided in the Transparency section of the institutional website. Back to the main page of the Service Charter