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Until 18 February 2025 you can apply to become a civil service worker and work with us.

The University of Genoa is proposing three Universal Civil Service, for a total of 15 places:

  • Words Beyond the Walls
  • Insieme nelle culture e nei saperi 
  • Dietro le quinte della giustizia sociale: Università, Teatro, Carcere e Commercio Equo

People aged between 18 and 28 years old can apply for the their online application by 18 February 2025 at 2 p.m.
In order to provide all the useful information, two in-person appointments are being organised:

  • in Genoa on 24 January in the Aula Magna of Via Balbi V
  • in Savona on 5 February at the university campus

From 7 January a telephone counselling service will be activated.
Useful information on how to apply is available on the website of the Department for Youth Policies and Universal Civil Service 

In detail, information on the new projects and activities: 

Words Beyond the Walls

  • 7 positions, of which 2 reserved for people with ISEE less than 15.000 euro
  • Project code: PTCSU0042524011313NMTX
  • Project locations: 
    • PUP, location code: 212749 
    • ARCI Genoa, location code: 140964
    • Centro di Solidarietà della Compagnia delle Opere Liguria (CDS), head office code: 208389
    • Sc'Art!, venue code: 170663

The project involves several entities, including the University of Genoa, the Association for Social Promotion Sc'Art!, the Solidarity Centre of Compagnia delle Opere Liguria (CDS) and ARCI Genoa, to provide assistance to inmates and ex-inmates in several prisons in Liguria. These institutions are characterised by overcrowding and a very diverse inmate population. The project aims to improve prisoners' living conditions by providing educational and training opportunities, in line with European and national regulations. Through initiatives such as the Regional Penitentiary University Pole and various creative workshops, the aim is to foster the social and professional reintegration of inmates, contributing to their resocialisation.

More information is available on the PUP
Read thecomplete fact sheet of the project.

Insieme nelle culture e nei saperi

  • 4 positions
  • Project code: PTXSU0042524012676NXTX
  • Project locations:
    • Department of Earth, Environmental and Life Sciences - DISTAV, location code: 196867 
    • Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry - DCCI, location code: 196858 
    • Department of Education Sciences - DISFOR, venue code: 196870

The project aims at enhancing the cultural heritage of the University of Genoa in order to strengthen social cohesion and promote the active participation of citizens. Through various initiatives the University of Genoa intends to share its rich historical, scientific and cultural heritage, involving different age groups, including students, lecturers, citizens and vulnerable groups such as people with disabilities and migrants. The aim is to improve the visibility of the University in the city of Genoa, promote sustainability and inclusiveness, and consolidate the relationship between the university and the community. Through collaboration with ASC APS and other organisations, the project aims to create positive synergies for the harmonious and sustainable development of the local community.

Read the summary sheet of the project.

Behind the Scenes of Social Justice: University, Theatre, Prison and Fair Trade

(Bottega Solidale proposing body)

  • 4 positions, of which 1 reserved for persons with ISEE less than 15.000
  • Project code: PTCSU0021824011339NMTX
  • Project location: 
    • Palazzo dell'Università di Genova Via Balbi, location code: 19687

The project involves various realities, including the University of Genoa, the Bottega Solidale, Teatro Akropolis and Teatro dell'Arca and refers in particular to the theme of social inclusion and reintegration. The idea is that in order to amplify the impact of the activities implemented in the area to reduce social inequalities and to foster the inclusion of young people in marginalised contexts (economic hardship or physical disability), and the re-integration of convicts in prison, social theatre, the O'Press screen-printing workshop, the KC Ecological Printing House and the Creazioni al Fresco project production are very effective tools, both in involving the target audience and in raising awareness among a wide public and influencing decisions that can really change the state of things.

Fino al 18 febbraio 2025 puoi fare domanda per diventare operatore di servizio civile e lavorare con noi.

L'Università di Genova propone per il 2025, con avvio delle attività previsto per maggio-giugno, tre progetti di Servizio Civile Universale, per un totale di 15 posti:

  • Parole oltre le mura
  • Insieme nelle culture e nei saperi 
  • Dietro le quinte della giustizia sociale: Università, Teatro, Carcere e Commercio Equo

Le persone di età compresa tra i 18 e i 28 anni possono presentare la propria candidatura online entro il 18 febbraio 2025 ore 14 (è stato prorogato fino al 27 febbraio ore 14).
Per fornire tutte le indicazioni utili, si stanno organizzando due appuntamenti in presenza:

  • a Genova il 24 gennaio nell’Aula Magna di Via Balbi V dalle 11.00 alle 15.00
  • a Savona il 5 febbraio nell'Aula DE120 presso il campus universitario dalle 10.00 alle 13.00

Dal 7 gennaio sarà attivato un servizio di consulenza telefonica al seguente numero 010 3358099  dalle 10:00 alle 12:00 dal lunedì al venerdì.
Per la presentazione della domande sono disponibili un tutorial e le informazioni sul sito del Dipartimento per le Politiche Giovanili e il Servizio Civile Universale, maggiori informazioni sono disponibili anche nella nostra sezione FAQ

In dettaglio le informazioni sui nuovi progetti e attività: 

Words beyond the walls

  • 7 positions, of which 2 reserved for persons with ISEE less than 15.000 euro
  • Project code: PTCSU0042524011313NMTX
  • Project locations: 
    • PUP, location code: 212749 
    • ARCI Genoa, location code: 140964
    • Centro di Solidarietà della Compagnia delle Opere Liguria (CDS), head office code: 208389
    • Sc'Art!, venue code: 170663

The project involves several entities, including the University of Genoa, the Association of Social Promotion Sc'Art!, the Solidarity Centre of Compagnia delle Opere Liguria (CDS) and ARCI Genoa, to provide assistance to inmates and ex-inmates in several prisons in Liguria. These institutions are characterised by overcrowding and a very diverse inmate population. The project aims to improve prisoners' living conditions by providing educational and training opportunities, in line with European and national regulations. Through initiatives such as the Regional University Prison Pole and various creative workshops, the aim is to foster the social and professional reintegration of inmates, contributing to their resocialisation.

More information is available on the PUP
Read thecomplete fact sheet of the project.

Together in cultures and knowledge

  • 4 positions
  • Project code: PTXSU0042524012676NXTX
  • Project locations:
    • Department of Earth, Environmental and Life Sciences - DISTAV, location code: 196867 
    • Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry - DCCI, location code: 196858 
    • Department of Education Sciences - DISFOR, venue code: 196870

The project aims at enhancing the cultural heritage of the University of Genoa in order to strengthen social cohesion and promote the active participation of citizens. Through various initiatives the University of Genoa intends to share its rich historical, scientific and cultural heritage, involving different age groups, including students, lecturers, citizens and vulnerable groups such as people with disabilities and migrants. The aim is to improve the visibility of the University in the city of Genoa, promote sustainability and inclusiveness, and consolidate the relationship between the university and the community. Through collaboration with ASC APS and other organisations, the project aims to create positive synergies for the harmonious and sustainable development of the local community.

Read the synthesis sheet full project summary.

Behind the Scenes of Social Justice: University, Theatre, Prison and Fair Trade

(proposing body Bottega Solidale)

  • 4 positions, of which 1 reserved for persons with ISEE less than 15.000
  • Project code: PTCSU0021824011339NMTX
  • Project location: 
    • Palazzo dell'Università di Genova Via Balbi, location code: 196871

The project involves various realities, including the University of Genoa, the Bottega Solidale, Teatro Akropolis and Teatro dell'Arca and refers in particular to the theme of social inclusion and reintegration. The idea is that in order to amplify the impact of the activities carried out in the area to reduce social inequalities and to foster the inclusion of young people in marginalised contexts (economic hardship or physical disability), and the re-integration of imprisoned prisoners, social theatre, the O'Press screen-printing workshop, the KC Ecological Printing House and the Creazioni al Fresco project production are very effective tools, both in involving the target audience and in raising awareness among a wide public and influencing decisions that can really change the state of things.

Read the summary sheet complete with the project.

Last update 24/03/2025