04/03/2025 Gender Violence and Youth Study Day, an event with experts and academics to analyse the dynamics of gender-based violence among adolescents and young adults. This is an important opportunity for discussion and reflection to understand and combat gender-based violence.Friday 7 March 2025 - from 9.15 a.m. to 5 p.m. - via Balbi 5, Genoa The following will take part:Nicoletta Dacrema, Deputy Vice-Chancellor of the University of Genoa; Angela Celeste Taramasso, Equal Opportunities Delegate of the University of Genoa; Chiara Rollero of the University of Turin; Luisa Stagi from the University of Genoa;. The programme includes talks by experts in the field, such as Elisabetta Camussi (University of Milan Bicocca), who will speak on equal opportunities and strategies for combating violence, and Emanuela Abbatecola (University of Genoa), with an analysis of internalised patriarchal rhetoric.For further information: cpo.unige.it.