19/03/2025 - 19/03/2025 Talk + pasta partyA new format organised by the Innovation Hub Tourism & Culture of the University of Genoa in the Ulysseus European University network with the contribution of the UniGe School of Social Sciences: an invitation to reflect on innovation in the field of culture and tourism, with an interdisciplinary approach that brings together different professional skills and perspectives.Fourth appointmentWe talk about the impact of cultural activities, with Renata Paola Dameri, UniGe lecturer in Business Economics, pro-rector for internationalisation and head of scientific coordination of the hub, in dialogue with Andrea Erri, general director of the Fondazione Teatro La Fenice di Venezia.The seminar will conclude with a participatory session with questions from the audience present or connected online. Where and when? Wednesday 19 March 2025, from 12:45 to 14:00 UniGe World, via Balbi 40r (street level of Palazzo Balbi 4), Genoa Participation is free of charge while places are available; reservation required. The event is broadcast live on the UniGe YouTube channel. Further details are also available at hubcultura.unige.it.