International cooperation is one of the main strategic goals of the University of Genoa.Through cooperation with foreign institutions and by developing E+ projects, the University mainly aims to increase educational, scientific and cultural exchanges.The International Cooperation Development Sector is in charge of promoting and managing the following activities:Main ActivitiesAcademic CooperationAcademic Cooperation with foreign universities and other institutions in order to:organize joint programs and promote scholarships for research, education and training development in partner universities, increase international mobility of students and university staff, strengthen cooperation in scientific research.The project is developed, in particular, through:the mobility of undergraduate and postgraduate students, faculty, professors, researchers, technical and administrative personnel, collaboration in activities of special scientific interest, including through the sharing of experience in the use of complex scientific and technical apparatus, cultural initiatives of common interest such as seminars, conferences and study meetings, development of initiatives aimed at improving governance and management, development of joint projects to be submitted for funding by the European Commission or other supranational organizations, actions aimed at communication and dissemination of knowledge acquired by carrying out the above activities.Styping of cooperation agreements with foreign higher education institutions, aimed at promoting collaboration for the development of integrated scientific activities and joint study programs.Official agreement templates - with or without an implementation protocol - are available in several languages.List of concluded cooperation agreements - procedure managed by the International Cooperation Sector.International Cooperation ProjectsEU Program: ERASMUS+Previous EU programs:Alpha IIIErasmus MundusTempusDevelopment and submission of applications for cooperation projects with institutions of EU member states and partner countries, within the framework of programs promoted by the European Commission. Management and implementation of granted projects.Daily tasks:Management of project work plan. Organization of project meetings to be held at UniGe or at partner institutions, training internships for delegations, intensive courses for JR teaching staff, mobility flows, etc. Dissemination and networking activities. Accounting and reporting activities. Running Projects Cofinanziato dalla Commissione europea - EACEAProgramma ERASMUS+ KA2 - Cooperazione tra organizzazioni e istituzioni:Capacity Building in Higher Education (CBHE)Alliances for Innovation (ALL-INNO) Fostering Socially Distanced and Inclusive on-Campus Education in Armenian HEIs (eCAMPUS)Project ID number: 101177299 ERASMUS-EDU-2024-CBHE-STRAND-3UniGe role: PartnereCAMPUS websiteProject info Bridging Environmental Concerns, Societal Needs, and Good Governance in Central Asian Education and Employment Sectors (ESGCA)Project ID number: 101082919 ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CBHE-STRAND-2UniGe role: CoordinatorESGCA websiteProject info Establishment of National framework of Key Performance Indicators for good governance and quality towards inclusive, digital and green oriented higher education in Armenia (KPI4HE)Project ID number: 101128552 ERASMUS-EDU-2023-CBHE-STRAND3UniGe role: PartnerProject info Designing Green Tourism Concepts through Learning (ENRICHER - hubs)Project ID number: 101082919 ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CBHE-STRAND-2UniGe role: PartnerENRICHER hubs websiteProject info Supporting the energy transition of the building stock (SHERLOCK)Project ID number: 101105629 ERASMUS-EDU-2022-PI-ALL-INNOUniGe role: CoordinatorProject info Capacity Building in Robotics & Autonomous Systems in India (IRAS-HUB)Project ID number: 101083029 ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CBHEUniGe role: PartnerIRAS-HUB websiteProject info Innovative Master courses supporting the improvement of the energy and carbon footprint of the Ukrainian building stock (UKRENERGY)Project ID number: 101082898 ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CBHEUniGe role: CoordinatorUKRENERGY websiteProject info Developing Curricula for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (DeCAIR)Project ID number: 618535-EPP-1-2020-1-JO-EPPKA2-CBHEUniGe role: PartnerDeCAIR website Improving internationalisation practices in South Asian higher education (MERGE)Project ID number: 610391-EPP-1-2019-1-IT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JPUniGe role: CoordinatorMERGE websiteProject info Malaysian Sustainable University Campus Network (MYSUN)Project ID number: 609969-EPP-1-2019-1-MY-EPPKA2-CBHE-SPUniGe role: PartnerMYSUN websiteProject info Network for the Modernisation of the Higher Education Sector in Libya (WHEEL)Project ID number: 598610-EPP-1-2018-1-IT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JPUniGe role: PartnerWHEEL websiteProject info Concluded Projects Co-financed by the European Commission - EACEAProgramme ERASMUS+ KA2 - Capacity Building in Higher Education (CBHE) Towards Sustainable Financial Management of Cambodian Universities (BALANCE)Project ID number: 598669-EPP-1-2018-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-SPUniGe role: PartnerBALANCE websiteProject info On-line Quality Assurance and EUR-ACE Accreditation of Engineering Programmes in Mediterranean Area (MEDACCR)Project ID number: 586452‐EPP‐1‐2017‐1‐IT‐EPPKA2‐CBHE‐SPUniGe role: CoordinatorMEDACCR websiteProject info Boosting Environmental Protection and Energy Efficient Buildings in Mediterranean Region (PROEMED)Project ID number: 573644-EPP-1-2016-1-IT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JPUniGe role: CoordinatorPROEMED websiteProject info Enhancing Quality Assurance in South Asia (EQASA)Project ID number: 574078-EPP-1-2016-1-EL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JPUniGe role: PartnerEQASA website Fostering Research‐based Entrepreneurship and the Development of Spin‐off Companies in Central America (FREENETWORK)Project ID number: 573971‐EPP‐1‐2016‐1‐PA‐EPPKA2‐CBHE‐JPUniGe role: PartnerFREENETWORK websiteProject info Strengthening Climate Change Research and Innovation Capacities in Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam (REACT)Project ID number: 573964-EPP-1-2016-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JPUniGe role: PartnerREACT websiteProject info Solutions Académiques pour le Territoire Euro-méditerranéen Leader d’Innovations et Transferts technologiques d’excellence (SATELIT)Project ID number: 574015-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA2-CBHE-SPUniGe role: PartnerSATELIT website Strategic support on strengthening the quality assurance structures at the private HEIs in Albania (QAINAL)Project ID number: 561510-EPP-1-2015-1-AT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JPUniGe role: PartnerQAINAL website Management - Innovation - Development (MIND)Project ID number: 561539-EPP-1-2015-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JPUniGe role: PartnerMIND website Master Degree in Innovative Technologies in Energy Efficient Buildings for RU & AM Universities & Stakeholders (MARUEEB)Project ID number: 561890-EPP-1-2015-1-IT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JPUniGe role: CoordinatorMARUEEB website Programme ALFA IIIProject ID number: DCI-ALA/19.09.01/10/21526/245-661/ALFAIII(2010)143Title: Towards Sustainable Financial Management of Universities in Latin America (SUMA)UNIGE Role: PartnerProgramme ERASMUS MUNDUSProject ID number: 372356-1-2012-1-ES-ERA MUNDUS-EMA21Title: Central Asian Network of Economics and Management (CANEM)UNIGE Role: PartnerProject ID number: 545087-EM-1-2013-1-ES-ERA MUNDUS-EMA21Title: Central Asian Network of Economics and Management II (CANEM II)UNIGE Role: PartnerProgramme TEMPUSProject ID Number: SMGR/145177/2008Title: Development of the Model for Professional Recognition of Foreign Qualifications in Russia (PRIMO_RF)UNIGE Role: CoordinatorProject ID number: JPHES/145054/2008Title: Towards a sustainable university-enterprise partnership scheme in Tunisia "UNILINK"UNIGE Role: PartnerProject ID number: JPCR/144976/2008Title: Professionnalisation des enseignements en travail socialUNIGE Role: PartnerProject ID number: JPGR/144764/2008Title: Network of International Relations Offices in Azerbaijan (N.I.R.O.A.)UNIGE Role: CoordinatorProject ID number: JPCR/159311/2009Title: Network for Master training in technologies of water resources managementUNIGE Role: CoordinatorProject ID number: JPCR/158982/2009Title: Towards Sustainable Water Resources Management in Central AsiaUNIGE Role: PartnerProject ID number: SMHES/158980/2009Title: Teacher Training Сenter for Inclusive Education in Moldova (MOLDINCLUD)UNIGE Role: PartnerProject ID number: JPGR/511109/2010Title: Promoting the modernization and strengthening of institutional and financial autonomy in Southern Neighbouring Area higher education institutionsUNIGE Role: PartnerProject ID number: JPCR/510972/2010Title: Création d'un master, en réseau, sur le développement territorial, aménagement, tourisme et mise en valeur du patrimoine au Liban, Algérie et SyrieUNIGE Role: PartnerProject ID number: JPCR/517340/2011Title: Documentation for quality assurance of study programmesUNIGE Role: CoordinatorProject ID number: JPCR/530385/2012 Title: Curriculum Development and Capacity Building in the field of EU Studies - CURDEUSUNIGE Role: PartnerProject ID number: SMGR/530326/2012Title: Quality of Engineering Education in Central Asia - QUEECAUNIGE Role: PartnerProject ID number: JPCR/530620/2012 Title: LLL Training and Master in Innovative Technologies for Energy Saving and Environmental Control for Russian Universities, involving Stakeholders. Green MasterUNIGE Role: CoordinatorProject ID number: SMGR/543727/2013Title: On-line Quality Assurance of Study ProgrammesUNIGE Role: CoordinatorProject ID number: SMGR/544125/2013 Title: Promoting Internationalization of HEIs in Eastern Neighborhood Countries through Cultural and Structural Adaptations - PICASAUNIGE Role: PartnerProject ID number: SMHES/544524/2013 Title: Qualifications Frameworks for Environmental Science at Ukrainian Universities - QANTUSUNIGE Role: Partner Logistic Info How to reach Genoa and some hotels.pdf Comment arriver à Gênes et des hôtels.pdf Cómo llegar a Génova y unos hoteles.pdf Contacts Head of the International Cooperation Sector:Angelo MusaioStaff:Aldina BianchiMichela ParodiMiriam