If you don't find the procedure you are interested in on this page, you can consult the evaluation procedures for full professors of II fascia pursuant to Law 240 of 30.12.2010, art 24, paragraph 5.ContactsFaculty Recruitment Sector Year 2016Evaluation procedure for filling no.1 position of first-rank professor, by call, pursuant to Article 24, paragraph 6, of Law No. 240 of 30.12.2010Please note that by R.D. No. 3737 of 7.11.2016, no. 1 evaluation procedure for the following Department, School, field and name:Department of Physics (DIFI)02/A2 Theoretical Physics of Fundamental Interactions - FIS/02 Theoretical Physics Mathematical Models and Methods - Pierantonio ZANGHI'(Application deadline: 22.11.2016)NoticeAnnex AAppendices B-C-DDepartmentCompetitive Sector/Scientific Disciplinary AreaR.D. committee appointmentSingle session minutes and Appointment DecreeDIFI02/A2 - FIS/02 - PIERANTONIO ZANGHI'R.D. no. 4242 of 9.12.2016DR ATTI N. 192 del 20.1.2017unique verbalEvaluation procedures for filling positions of second-rank professor, by call, pursuant to Article 24, paragraph 6, of Law No. 240 of 30.12.2010Notice is hereby given that by R.D. No. 2606 of 2.8.2016, no. 2 evaluation procedures for the following Departments, Schools, Sectors and names:School of Medical and Pharmaceutical SciencesDIPARTMENT OF INTERNAL MEDICINE AND MEDICAL SPECIALTIES (DIMI)06/B1 Internal Medicine - MED/09 Internal Medicine - Fabrizio MONTECUCCOSchool of Social SciencesDEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS (DIEC)01/06 Operations Research- MAT/09 Operations Research-Daniela AMBROSINO Application submission deadline: 17.8.2016NoticeAnnex AAnnexes B-C-DDepartmentCompetition Sector/Scientific Disciplinary AreaD.R. committee appointmentSingle session minutes and Decree appointmentDIMI06/B1-MED/09(Fabrizio MONTECUCCO)R.D. No. 3239, 7.10.2016DR ACTS No. 3651 of 31.10.2016 and single minutesDIEC01/06 - MAT/09 (Daniela AMBROSINO)R.D. No. 3029 of 21.9.2016DR ATTI No. 3246 of 7.10.2016 and single minutes Evaluation procedure for the filling of no.1 position of professor of first rank, by call, pursuant to art. 24, paragraph 6, of Law 30.12.2010, n. 240Please note that by R.D. n. 2601 of 2.8.2016 is announced no. 1 evaluation procedure for the following Department, School, field and name:Department of Science for Architecture (DSA)08/C1 Design and Technological Design of Architecture - ICAR/13 Industrial Design - Niccolò CASIDDU(application deadline: 17.8.2016)NoticeAnnex AAppendices B-C-DDepartmentCompetition Sector/Scientific Disciplinary AreaD.R. appointment of committeeSingle session minutes and Appointment DecreeDSA08/C1- ICAR/13 (Niccolò CASIDDU)R.D. No. 3137, dated 9/30/2016DR ATTI No. 3470, dated 10/20/2016unique verbalEvaluation procedure for the filling of no. 1 position of professor of second rank, by call, in accordance with art. 24, paragraph 6, of Law 30.12.2010, no. 240Notice is hereby given that by R.D. no. 2207 of 29.6.2016 no. 1 evaluation procedure for the following Department, School, field and appointee:School of Medical and Pharmaceutical SciencesDIPARTMENT OF HEALTH SCIENCES (DISSAL)06/N1 Health Professions Sciences and Applied Medical Technology - MED/50 Applied Technical Sciences - Alessandra RUBAGOTTI(Application deadline: 14.7.2016)NoticeAnnex AAppendices B-C-DDepartmentCompetition Sector/Scientific Disciplinary AreaD.R. committee appointmentSingle session minutes and Appointment DecreeDISSAL06/N1 - MED/50 (Alessandra RUBAGOTTI)R.D. no. 2437, 7/15/2016DR ATTI N. 2737 del 8.8.2016unique verbalEvaluation procedures for filling positions of second-rank professors, by call, pursuant to Article 24, paragraph 6, of Law No. 240 of 30.12.2010Please note that by R.D. No. 1962 of 7.6.2016, no. 3 evaluation procedures for the following Departments, Schools, sectors and names:Polytechnic SchoolDIPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, CHEMISTRY AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING (DICCA)03/B2 Chemical foundations of technologies - CHIM/07 Chemical Foundations of Technologies - Antonio BARBUCCI08/A1 Hydraulics, Hydrology, Hydraulic and Maritime Construction - ICAR/02 Hydraulic and Maritime Construction and Hydrology - Ilaria GNECCO08/B2 Construction Science - ICAR/08 Construction Science - Federica TUBINO(Application deadline: 22.6.2016)NoticeAnnex AAppendices B-C-DDepartmentCompetition Sector/Scientific Disciplinary AreaD.R. committee appointmentSingle session minutes and Decree of appointmentDICCA03/B2 - CHIM/07 (Antonio BARBUCCI)R.D. No. 2223, 30.6.2016DR ATTI No. 2740, 8.8.2016unique verbalDICCA08/A1 - ICAR/02 (Ilaria GNECCO)R.D. No. 2223, 30.6.2016DR ACTI No. 2739 dated 8.8.2016unique verbalDICCA08/B2 - ICAR/08 (Federica TUBINO)R.D. No. 2223, 30.6.2016DR ATTI No. 2738, 8.8.2016unique verbalEvaluation procedures for filling positions of professor of first rank, by call, pursuant to art. 24, paragraph 6, of Law 30.12.2010, no. 240It is hereby announced that by R.D. no. 1514 of 2.5.2016, no. 1 evaluation procedure for the following Department, School, field and name:Department of Health Sciences (DISSAL)06/I1 Diagnostic Imaging, Radiotherapy and Neuroradiology - MED/36 Diagnostic Imaging and Radiotherapy - Gianmario SAMBUCETI(Application deadline: 17.5.2016)NoticeALEGATO AAnnexes B-C-DDepartmentCompetition Sector/Scientific Disciplinary AreaR.D. committee appointmentSingle session minutes and Appointment DecreeDISSAL06/I1- MED/36 (Gianmario SAMBUCETI)R.D. No. 1786 of 19.5.2016DR ACTS No. 2170 of 23.6.2016 + single minutes Evaluation procedures for filling positions of professor of second rank, by call, pursuant to Article 24, paragraph 6, of Law No. 240 of 30.12.2010It is hereby announced that by R.D. No. 1516 of 2.5.2016 are called no. 5 evaluation procedures for the following Departments, Schools, Sectors and names:Polytechnic SchoolDIPARTMENT OF SCIENCES FOR ARCHITECTURE (DSA)08/E1 Drawing - ICAR 17 Drawing - Giulia PELLEGRISchool of HumanitiesDepartment of Antiquities, PHILOSOPHY AND HISTORY (DAFIST)11/C3 Moral Philosophy - M-FIL/03 Moral Philosophy -Daniele ROLANDO11/A3 Contemporary History - M-STO/04 Contemporary History -Francesco CASSATA DIPARTMENT OF ITALIANISTS, ROMANISTS, ANTICHISTICS, SPECTRE ARTS (DIRAAS)10/F2 Contemporary Italian Literature - L-FIL-LET/11 Contemporary Italian Literature - Andrea AVETO10/F1 Italian Literature - L-FIL-LET/10 Italian Literature - Simona MORANDOapplication deadline: 17.5.2016NoticeAnnex AAllegato B-C-DDepartmentCompetition Sector/Scientific Disciplinary AreaD.R. appointment committeeSingle session minutes and Appointment DecreeDSA08/E1-ICAR/17(Giulia PELLEGRI)R.D. no. 1848 of 26.5.2016DR ACTS No. 2167 of 23.6.2016 + single minutesDAFIST11/A3 - M-STO/04 (Francesco CASSATA)D.R. No. 1839 of 25.5.2016DR ACTS No. 2169 of 23.6.2016 + single minutesDAFIST11/C3 - M-FIL/03 (Daniele ROLANDO)RD.R. No. 1839, 25.5.2016DR ATTI No. 2168, 23.6.2016 + single minutesDIRAAS10/F2 - L-FIL/11 (Andrea AVETO)R.D. no. 2148, 23.6.2016DR ATTI N. 2742 del 8.8.2016unique verbalDIRAAS10/F1 - L-FIL-LET/10 (Simona MORANDO)R.D. No. 2148 of 6/23/2016DR ACTS No. 2741 of 8.8.2016uniqueverbaleEvaluation procedures for filling positions of first-rank professor, by call, pursuant to Art. 24, paragraph 6, of Law No. 240 of 30.12.2010It is hereby announced that by D.R. no. 590 of 18.2.2016, no. 1 evaluation procedure for the following Department, School, field and name:Department of Neuroscience, Ophthalmology, Genetics and Maternal and Child Sciences (DINOGMI)06/G1 GENERAL PEDIATRICS, SPECIALISTIC AND INFANT NEUROPSYCHIATRY -MED/38 GENERAL AND SPECIALISTIC PEDIATRICS - Carlo MINETTI(application deadline: 4.3.2016) NoticeAllegato AAppendices B-C-D DepartmentCompetition Sector/Scientific Disciplinary AreaD.R. committee appointmentSingle session minutes and Decree of appointmentDINOGMI06/G1 (Carlo MINETTI)D.R. no. 620 of 19.2..2016DR ATTI no. 712 of 25.2.2016 + single minutes Evaluation procedures for filling positions of professor of second rank, by call, pursuant to Article 24, paragraph 6, of Law No. 240 of 30.12.2010It is hereby announced that by R.D. No. 425 of 4.2.2016, no. 1 evaluation procedure for the following Department, School, field and name:School of Medical and Pharmaceutical SciencesDIPARTMENT OF EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE (DIMES)05/E1 General Biochemistry - BIO/10 Biochemistry - Santina BRUZZONEapplication submission deadline: 19.2.2016NoticeAllegato AAnnexes B-C-DDepartmentCompetition Sector/Scientific Disciplinary AreaR.D. commission appointmentSingle session minutesDIMES05/E1 (Santina BRUZZONE)R.D. No. 711, 25.2..2016Single Bulletin Year 2015Evaluation procedures for filling positions of first-rank professors, by call, pursuant to Art. 24, paragraph 6, of Law No. 240 of 30.12.2010Please note that by R.D. No. 11524 of 30.12.2015, no. 1 evaluation procedure for the following Department, School, field and name:SCHOOL OF MEDICAL AND PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCESDepartment of Neuroscience, Ophthalmology, Genetics and Maternal and Child Sciences (DINOGMI)06/G1 GENERAL PEDIATRICS, SPECIALISTIC AND INFANT NEUROPSYCHIATRY -MED/38 GENERAL AND SPECIALISTIC PEDIATRICS - Angelo RAVELLIapplication deadline: 14.1.2016NoticeAnnex AAppendices B-C-DDepartmentCompetitive Sector/Scientific Disciplinary AreaD.R. Appointment CommitteeSingle Session MinutesDINOGMI06/G1 (Angelo RAVELLI)R.D. No. 372, 29.1..2016Single Bulletin Evaluation procedures for filling positions of professor of first rank, by call, pursuant to art. 24, paragraph 6, of Law 30.12.2010, n. 240It is hereby announced that by R.D. no. 10276 of 30.11.2015 are called no. 2 evaluation procedures for the following Department, School, field and name:Polytechnic SchoolDIPARTMENT OF NAVY ENGINEERING, ELECTRICS, ELECTRONICS AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS (DITEN)09/F2 TELECOMMUNICATIONS - ING-INF/03 TELECOMMUNICATIONS - Andrea TRUCCO09/E2 ELECTRIC ENERGY ENGINEERING - ING-IND/33 ELECTRIC ENERGY SYSTEMS - Federico DELFINOapplication deadline: 15.12.2015NoticeAnnex AAppendices B-C-DDepartmentCompetition Sector/Scientific Disciplinary AreaR.D. Committee AppointmentSingle Session Minutes and DR Approval of ProceedingsDITEN09/F2 - ING-INF/03 (Andrea TRUCCO)R.D. no. 10.609 of 9.12.2015DR ATTI No. 10.948 of 15.12.2015Single MinutesDITEN09/E2 - ING-IND/33 (Federico DELFINO)DR ATTI No. 10.609 of 9.12.2015DR ATTI No. 10.877 of 14.12.2015Single Minutes Notice is hereby given that by R.D. No. 9020 dated 3.11.2015, no. 1 evaluation procedure for the following Department, School, field and name:School of Medical and Pharmaceutical SciencesDIPARTMENT OF PHARMACY (DIFAR)03/D1 Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology, toxicological and nutraceutical-food chemistry - CHIM/08 Pharmaceutical Chemistry - Silvia SCHENONEapplication deadline: 18.11.2015NoticeAllegato AAppendices B-C-D DepartmentCompetition Sector/Scientific Disciplinary AreaD.R. appointment of committeeSingle session minutesDIPARTMENT OF PHARMACY (DIFAR)03/D1 - CHIM/08 (Silvia SCHENONE)R.D. no. 10608, 9.12.2015Single Minutes Evaluation procedures for filling positions of professor of second rank, by call, pursuant to art. 24, paragraph 6, of Law 30.12.2010, no. 240We inform that by R.D. no. 7626 of 28.9.2015 are called no. 4 evaluation procedures for the following Departments, Schools, Sectors and names: School of Medical and Pharmaceutical SciencesDIPARTMENT OF EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE (DIMES)06/A2 General and Clinical Pathology - MED/04 General Pathology - Roberta RICCIARELLISCHOOL OF PHYSICAL AND NATURAL MATHEMATIC SCIENCESDEPARTMENT OF EARTH SCIENCES, OF THE ENVIRONMENT AND LIFE (DISTAV)05/C1 Ecology - BIO/07 Ecology - Cristina MISIC04/A2 Structural Geology, statigraphic geology, sedimentology and paleontology - GEO/03 Structural Geology - Laura FEDERICO04/A1 Geochemistry, mineralogy, petrology, volcanology, georesources and applications - GEO/09 Mineral georesources and mineralogical-petrographic applicationsfor environment and cultural heritage - Pietro MARESCOTTIapplication deadline: 13.10.2015NoticeAnnex AAnnexes B-C-DDepartmentCompetition Sector/Scientific Disciplinary AreaR.D. appointment of commissionSingle session and DR Minutes ApprovalDIPARTMENT OF EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE (DIMES)06/A2 - MED/04 (Roberta RICCIARELLI)R.D. No. 8575, Oct. 21, 2015 Single VerbalDEPARTMENT OF EARTH, ENVIRONMENTAL AND LIFE SCIENCES (DISTAV)05/C1 - BIO/07 ( Cristina MISIC)D.R. No. 8290 dated 14.10.2015DR ATTI No. 9400 dated 10.11.2015Single SerbalDEPARTMENT OF EARTH, ENVIRONMENTAL AND LIFE SCIENCES (DISTAV)04/A2 - GEO/03 ( Laura FEDERICO)DR ACTS No. 8290 of 14.10.2015DR ACTS No. 8583, Oct. 21, 2015Single SerialsDEPARTMENT OF EARTH, ENVIRONMENTAL AND LIFE SCIENCES (DISTAV)04/A1 - GEO/09 ( Pietro MARESCOTTI)R.D. No. 8290 of 14.10.2015DR ATTI No. 8736 of 26.10.2015Single Bulletin Evaluation procedures for filling positions of professor of first rank, by call, pursuant to Article 24, paragraph 6, of Law No. 240 of 30.12.2010Notice is hereby given that by R.D. No. 6001 of 22.7.2015, no. 2 evaluation procedures for the following Department, School, sectors and names:SCHOOL OF PHYSICAL AND NATURAL MATHEMATIC SCIENCESDEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY AND INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY (DCCI)03/A2 Models and methodologies for chemical sciences - CHIM/02 Physical Chemistry - Maurizio FERRETTISchool of Social SciencesDIPARTMENT OF TRAINING SCIENCES (DISFOR)11/B1 Geography - M-GGR/01 Geography - Nicoletta VARANIapplication deadline: 11.8.2015NoticeAllegato AAppendices B-C-DDepartmentCompetition Sector/Scientific Disciplinary AreaD.R. appointment of committeeSingle session minutes and DR Approval of ProceedingsDIPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY AND INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY (DCCI)03/A2 - CHIM/02 (M. Ferretti)D.R. No. 7838, 2.10.2015DR ATTI No. 9401, 10.11.2015Single BulletinDIPARTMENT OF TRAINING SCIENCES (DISFOR)11/B1 - M-GGR/01 (N. Varani)R.D. No. 7450, 9/22/2015Single Verbalesedutaunica DR ATTI No. 9591 of 13.11.2015 Evaluation procedures for filling positions of professor of second rank, by call, pursuant to Article 24, paragraph 6, of Law No. 240 of 30.12.2010It is hereby announced that by R.D. No. 6002 of 22.7.2015 are called no. 2 evaluation procedures for the following Department, School, areas and names:SCHOOL OF PHYSICAL AND NATURAL MATHEMATIC SCIENCESDIPARTMENT OF PHYSICS (DIFI)02/B3 Applied Physics - FIS/07 Applied Physics - Annalisa RELINIDEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS (DIMA)01/A5 Numerical Analysis - MAT/08 Numerical Analysis - Patrizia BAGNERINIapplication submission deadline: 11.8.2015NoticeAnnex AAppendices B-C-DDepartmentCompetition Sector/Scientific Disciplinary AreaD.R. appointment of committeeSingle Session Minutes, Approval of Proceedings and AppointmentDIFI02/B3 - FIS/07 (A. RELINI)D.R. No. 6753 of 8/28/2015DR ATTI No. 7167 of 9/14.2015Single MinutesDIMA01/A5 - MAT/08 (P.BAGNERINI)R.D. No. 8095, 8.10.2015DR ACTS No. 10,878, Dec. 14, 2015Single BulletinEvaluation procedures for filling positions of professor of second rank, by call, pursuant to Article 24, paragraph 6, of Law No. 240 of 30.12.2010It is hereby announced that by R.D. no. 3943 dated 21.5.2015, no. 3 evaluation procedures for the Department, School, sectors and names listed below:Polytechnic SchoolDIPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL, ENERGETIC ENGINEERING, MANAGEMENT AND TRANSPORT MANAGEMENT (DIME)09/C1 Energy and Environmental Machinery and Systems - ING-IND/09 Energy and Environmental Systems - Mario Luigi FERRARI09/C1 Machines and systems for energy and environment - ING-IND/09 Systems for energy and environment - Francesca SATTA09/B3 Economic-managerial engineering - ING-IND/35 Economic-managerial engineering - Silvia MASSAapplication deadline: 10.6.2015NoticeAllegato AAppendices B-C-DDepartmentCompetition Sector/Scientific Disciplinary AreaR.D. Committee AppointmentSingle Session Minutes, Approval of Proceedings and AppointmentDIME09/C1 - ING-IND/09 (M.L. FERRARI)R.R. Decree no. 6238 of 30.7.2015DR ATTI No. 8576 of 21.10.2015Unique VerbalDIME09/C1 - ING-IND/09 (F.SATTA)R.D. No. 6238, dated 7/30/2015DR ATTI No. 9399, dated 11/10/2015Single MinutesDIME09/B3 - ING-IND/35 (S.MASSA)D.R. no. 6238 of 30.7.2015DR ATTI no. 7736 of 30.9.2015Single Bulletin Assessment procedures for filling positions of professor of first rank, by call, pursuant to art. 24, paragraph 6, of Law 30.12.2010, no. 240Notice is hereby given that by R.D. no. 2309 of 2.4.2015, no. 1 evaluation procedure is announced for the Department, School, field and name indicated below:SCHOOL OF SCIENCES M.F.N.DIPARTMENT OF PHYSICS (DIFI) 02/B2 Theoretical Physics of Matter - FIS/03 Physics of Matter -Maura SASSETTIapplication deadline: AAppendices B-C-DDepartmentCompetition Sector/Scientific Disciplinary AreaD.R. appointment of committeeSingle session minutes and DR Approval of ProceedingsDIFI02/B2 - FIS/03 (SASSETTI)D.R. no. 3121 of 28.4.2015DR ATTI no. 4043 of 25.5.2015Single Minutes Evaluation procedures for filling second-rank faculty positions, by call, pursuant to Art. 24, Paragraph 6, of Law No. 240 of 30.12.2010It is hereby announced that by R.D. No. 2308 of 2.4.2015 is announced no. 1 evaluation procedure for the following Department, School, field and name:School of Social SciencesDEPARTMENT OF TRAINING SCIENCES (DISFOR)11/E1 General Psychology, psychobiology and psychometrics - M-PSI/03 Psychometrics - Carlo CHIORRI Application submission deadline: 13.4.2015NoticeAnnex AAnnexes B-C-DDepartmentCompetition Sector/Scientific Disciplinary AreaD.R. appointment committeeEvaluation criteriaFinal reportRecall resolutionDISFOR11/E1 - M-PSI/03 (CHIORRI)R.D. no. 2899 of 22.4.2015Criteria ReportFinal ReportCouncil Meeting of 8.7.2015 Evaluation procedures for filling positions of professor of second rank, by call, pursuant to art. 24, paragraph 6, of Law 30.12.2010, no. 240It is announced that by R.D. no. 1211 of 3.3.2015 are called no. 13 evaluation procedures for the following Departments, Schools, Sectors and names:School of Medical and Pharmaceutical SciencesDIPARTMENT OF PHARMACY (DIFAR)03/D1 Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology - CHIM/08 Pharmaceutical Chemistry - Chiara BRULLODIPARTMENT OF INTERNAL MEDICINE AND MEDICAL SPECIALTIES (DIMI)06/B1 Internal Medicine - MED/09 Internal Medicine - Alessio NENCIONI06/D3 Blood Diseases, oncology and rheumatology - MED/16 Rheumatology - Alberto SULLI DEPARTMENT OF NEUROSCIENCES, REHABILITATION, ENTALMOLOGY, GENETICS AND MATERNAL-INFANTISM SCIENCES (DINOGMI)06/G1 General Pediatrics, specialty and child neuropsychiatry - MED/38 General, specialty pediatrics - Natascia Di Iorgi06/H1 Gynecology and obstetrics - MED/40 Gynecology and obstetrics -. Simone FERRERODIPARTMENT OF EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE (DIMES)05/D1 Physiology - BIO/09 Physiology - Franco ONOFRI05/H1 Human Anatomy - BIO/16 Human Anatomy - Fabio GHIOTTODIPARTMENT OF INTEGRATED SURGICAL AND DIAGNOSTIC SCIENCES (DISC)06/C1 General Surgery - MED/18 General Surgery - Marco CASACCIA06/C1 General Surgery - MED/18 General Surgery - Francesco BOCCARDODIPARTMENT OF HEALTH SCIENCES (DISSAL)06/D4 Skin diseases, infectious diseases and diseases of the digestive system - MED/17 Infectious diseases - Malgorzata Karolina MIKULSKA06/M1 General and applied hygiene, nursing sciences and medical statistics - MED/42 General and applied hygiene - Laura STICCHI06/M1 General and applied hygiene, Nursing Science and Medical Statistics - MED/42 General and Applied Hygiene - Donatella PANATTOSchool of HumanitiesDepartment of Antiquities, PHILOSOPHY AND HISTORY (DAFIST)11/C3 Moral Philosophy - M-FIL/03 Moral Philosophy - Franco MANTIapplication deadline: 13.3.2015NoticeAllegato AAppendices B-C-DDepartmentCompetition Sector/Scientific Disciplinary AreaR.D. Committee appointmentEvaluation criteriaFinal reportRecall resolutionDIFAR03/D1 -CHIM/08 (BRULLO)R.D. no. 2017 of 26.3.2015Criteria reportFinal ReportBoD meeting of 20.5.2015DIMI06/B1 - MED/09 (NENCIONI)R.D. no. 2015 of 26.3.2015Criteria reportFinal ReportDecree Department Director DIMI06/D3 - MED/16 (SULLI)R.D. no. 2015 dated 3/26/2015Criteria ReportFinal ReportDecree Department DirectorDINOGMI06/G1 - MED/38 (DI IORGI)R.D. no. 2017 of 26.3.2015Criteria ReportFinal ReportBoD meeting of 8.6.2015DINOGMI06/H1 - MED/40 (FERRERO)R.D. No. 2017, 26.3.2015Criteria reportFinal ReportBoD meeting of 11.5.2015DIMES05/D1 - BIO/09 (ONOFRI)R.D. no. 2373 of 3.4.2015Criteria ReportFinal ReportBoard Meeting of 9.7.2015DIMES05/H1 - BIO/16 (GHIOTTO)R.D. no. 2017 of 26.3.2015Criteria reportFinal reportBoD meeting of 8.6.2015DISC06/C1 - MED/18 (CASACCIA)R.D. no. 2371 dated 3.4.2015Criteria ReportFinal ReportBoD meeting of 16.6.2015DISC06/C1 - MED/18 (BOCCARDO)R.D. no. 2371 dated 3.4.2015Criteria ReportFinal ReportBoard Meeting of 16.6.2015DISSAL06/D4 - MED/17 (MIKULSKA)R.D. no. 2652 dated 14.4.2015Criteria ReportFinal ReportBoard Meeting of 19.6.2015DISSAL06/M1 - MED/42 (STICCHI)R.D. no. 2652 dated 14.4.2015Criteria reportFinal ReportBoard Meeting of 19.6.2015DISSAL06/M1 - MED/42 (PANATTO)R.D. no. 2652 dated 14.4.2015Criteria VerbalFinal ReportBoard Meeting of 19.6.2015DAFIST11/C3 - M-FIL/03 (MANTI)R.D. no. 2379 dated 3.4.2015Criteria ReportFinal ReportBoard Meeting of 17.6.2015 Evaluation procedures for filling positions of professor of first rank, by call, pursuant to art. 24, paragraph 6, of Law 30.12.2010, no. 240It is announced that by R.D. no. 428 of 5.2.2015 are called no. 2 evaluation procedures for the following Department, School, sectors and names:School of Social SciencesDIPARTMENT OF JURISPRUDENCE12/H1 Roman Law and Rights of Antiquity - IUS/18 Roman Law and Rights of Antiquity - Marco Pietro PAVESE12/E1 International and European Union Law - IUS/14 European Union Law - Lorenzo SCHIANO DI PEPEapplication deadline: 20.2.2015NoticeAllegato AAppendices B-C-DDepartmentCompetition Sector/Scientific Disciplinary AreaD.R. appointment of commissionSingle sitting and DR Minutes ApprovalDIPARTMENT OF JURISPRUDENCE12/H1 - IUS/18 (Pavese)R.D. no.1845 of 23.3.2015Record and R.D. 2919 of 22.4.2015DIPARTMENT OF JURISPRUDENCE12/E1 - IUS/14 (Schiano di Pepe)R.D.R. no.1845 of 23.3.2015Recommendation and R.D. 2917 of 22.4.2015 Evaluation procedures for filling second-rank faculty positions, by call, pursuant to Art. 24, paragraph 6, of Law No. 240 of 30.12.2010Notice is hereby given that by R.D. No. 426 of 5.2.2015, 4 evaluation procedures are called for the Department, School, sectors and names listed below:SCHOOL OF M.F.N. SCIENCES.DEPARTMENT OF EARTH SCIENCES, OF THE ENVIRONMENT AND LIFE (DISTAV)05/E2 Molecular Biology - BIO/11 Molecular Biology - Sonia SCARFI'05/D1 Physiology - BIO/09 Physiology - Laura VERGANISchool of Social SciencesDIPARTMENT OF JURISPRUDENCE12/B1 Commercial and Navigation Law - IUS/04 Commercial Law - Andrea OTTOLIA12/H3 Philosophy of Law - IUS/20 Philosophy of Law - Giovanni Battista RATTI Application submission deadline: 16.2.2015NoticeAllegato AAppendices B-C-DDepartmentCompetition Sector/Scientific Disciplinary AreaD.R. appointment of committeeEvaluation criteriaFinal reportCall resolutionDISTAV05/E2 - BIO/11 (Scarfì) D.R. n.1477 dated 11.3.2015Criteria ReportFinal ReportBoD meeting of 7.5.2015DISTAV05/D1 - BIO/09 (Vergani) R.D. no.1477 of 11.3.2015Criteria ReportFinal ReportBoD meeting of 7.5.2015DIPARTMENT OF JURISPRUDENCE12/B1 - IUS/04 (Ottolia)R.D. no.1849 of 23.3.2015Criteria ReportFinal ReportBoD meeting of 5/21/2015DIPARTMENT OF JURISPRUDENCE12/H3 - IUS/20 (Ratti)R.D. no.1849 dated 23.3.2015Criteria reportFinal ReactionBoD meeting of 21.5.201Go to next years archive2021202020192018-2017Go to the 2014 archive2014