ComponentsChairpersonClaudio Torrigiani -Chancellor's Delegate for University Inclusion of Students with Disabilities and Specific Learning Disorders (DSA)Referents for SchoolsSchool of Mathematical, Physical and Natural SciencesSara Ferrando Sergio Di Domizio School of Medical and Pharmaceutical SciencesNicola Giovanni Girtler Luca Raiteri School of Social SciencesAristide Canepa Isabel Fanlo Cortés Serena Scotto Laura Traverso School of HumanitiesSara DickinsonElisabetta ColagrossiPolytechnic SchoolFederico Scarpa Andrea Giachetta Representative of the Equal Opportunity Committee (EOC)Angela Celeste TaramassoRepresentative of the technical-administrative staffGiorgio PernigottiDirector of the Teaching, Student Services, Orientation and Internationalization AreaClaudia De NadaiReferencesCommittee composition DR 5286, 6.11.2023UniGe Disability and DSA SectionConsult the section of the UniGe website dedicated to students with Disability and DSA