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The University, as part of a process of continuous improvement, has redesigned its strategic planning and operational programming processes.

Currently, the general planning documents adopted by the University are the following:

Strategic Plan

The current document is the Piano Strategico 2021-2026.

The plan is divided into two sections:

  • A. the "Mandate Policies and Strategies" section, which constitutes the planning with a time horizon corresponding to the duration of the rector's mandate, defines the mission, vision, strategic lines and multi-year strategic objectives that together constitute the policies of the University
  • B. the "Three-year Objectives and Actions" section, with a three-year time horizon, which constitutes the Three-year Programme envisaged by L. no. 43/2005 and the Three-Year Plan of Activities and Development of the University referred to in Article 23, paragraph 3 of the Statute, declines the multi-year strategic objectives into operational objectives, with a time horizon of between one year and three years.

Until 2024, section B of the Strategic Plan constituted a separate document, named Three-Year Programme.


Integrated Plan of Activities and Organisation (PIAO)

The current document is the Integrated Plan of Activities and Organisation 2024-2026.

The PIAO, in addition to the objectives of Public Value, defines those proper to the technical and administrative activities falling within the competence of the Director General, Managers and Technical-Administrative Staff, in support of the realisation of the University's strategic objectives and actions. In particular, the PIAO defines:

a)    the programmatic and strategic objectives of the performance cycle 
b)    the human capital management and organisational development strategy and the annual and multi-year training objectives
c)    the tools and objectives for recruiting new resources and enhancing the value of internal resources, compatibly with the financial resources attributable to the three-year plan of staff requirements;
d)  &nbspthe tools and steps to achieve full transparency of the results of the administrative activity and organisation as well as to achieve the objectives regarding the fight against corruption
e)    the list of procedures to be simplified and re-engineered each year
f)    the modalities and actions aimed at achieving full accessibility to administrations, both physical and digital;  
g)   the modalities and actions aimed at achieving full respect for gender equality  

Other documents of interest

In addition to the documents described above, there is also the Communication Plan 2025-2027, which, although sectoral in nature, is of particular importance.

Current Programming

Documents of Special Interest

Update 2025-2027 of Strategic Plan 2021-2026

A page dedicated to the Update 2025-2027 of Strategic Plan 2021-2026

Communication Plan

Communication Plan 2025-2027





Archive of documents

You can navigate between the different sections via the links on each page.

Last update 03/02/2025