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The University has recently redesigned its strategic planning and operational programming processes, with the approval in June 2021 of the:

  • Strategic Plan 2021-2026, a planning document with a time horizon extended to the entire rector's term of office, containing the vision, mission, strategic lines and objectives with which the governance intends to address the challenges and opportunities posed by the social, economic and territorial context;
  • Triennial Programme 2022-2024, a document also provided for by L. No. 43/2005, in which the strategic objectives have been broken down into actions, i.e. short- to medium-term operational objectives for the three-year reference period, measured by indicators.

In addition to these documents, in 2022 the Integrated Activity and Organisation Plan (PIAO) was added, which replaces a number of previous documents such as the Performance Plan, the Three-Year Plan for the Prevention of Corruption and Transparency (PTPC), the Personnel Planning, the Organisational Plan for Agile Work (POLA) and the Training Plan.

In the PIAO are defined the objectives of the performance cycle, called executive objectives, i.e. those of the technical and administrative activities falling within the competence of the Director General, Managers and Technical-Administrative Staff, in support of the realisation of the University's strategic objectives and actions.

The Athenaeum has taken this opportunity to start a path that will lead to an integrated system of planning, management and control, in order to develop teaching, research and the third mission, improve services and rationalise the use of resources.

The Three-Year Programme, for the mission areas, and the PIAO, for the support services, represent a guide for the management of the activities of the Athenaeum and the structures that make it up.

For this reason, all the components of the Athenaeum, acting in coherence with the objectives of the Strategic Plan, the Three-Year Programme and the PIAO, can contribute, within their respective roles, to the development of the Teaching, Research and Third Mission, favouring the allocation of resources and facilitating the forthcoming accreditation process.

In order to disseminate these documents as widely as possible, this section of the University website has been created, which presents the planning documents both in static format and in a navigable summary.

The section, in addition to this presentation, includes:

Current Programming

2025-2027 Strategic Plan Update 2021-2026

2025-2027 Strategic Plan Update 2021-2026



Archive of documents

You can navigate between the different sections via the links on each page.

Last update 27/12/2024