MissionThe University of Genoa is distinguished by its roots in the territory and its generalist nature, which embraces multiple fields of knowledge and allows for an interdisciplinary approach. Its mission is embodied in: FORMATION AND SERVICES TO STUDENTS RESEARCH THIRD MISSION In pursuing this mission, the University places the following values as priorities:Inclusion and gender equalityResponsible use of resourcesQuality of processes VisionThe University of Genoa aims to strengthen its reputation on a national and international level, becoming a point of reference and attraction in its areas of specialisation and enhancing its campuses, located in the four Ligurian provinces. To this end, the University intends to produce skills and professionalism that respond to the evolving needs of socio-economic actors, schools, young people and their families, promoting recovery and growth. The Athenaeum intends to act as a junction between institutions, the Ligurian socio-economic system and the national and international scientific community, fostering the development of partnerships and projects that have a positive impact on the territory. The University of Genoa is committed to fostering sustainable growth and promoting the values of inclusion and equal opportunities, both within the academic community and in its relations with external stakeholders, in line with the development strategy expressed by the UN 2030 Agenda and the strategic lines of the PNRR - Next Generation Italy. StakeholdersStudents, students  and their familiesPriority recipients of university activitiesSchool worldSchools from which the students come and with which they work in synergyScientific communityNetwork of Italian and foreign universities and research institutesSocial system and productivePartners in the areas of research of training and professional activitiesInstitutionsNational and European public institutionsLocal communitiesParticipants in the active life of the territoriesPersonnelPeople who work in the University on a daily basis and in various capacities International, nationalasUniGe contributes to the realisation of the common objectives set by the agendas, programmes and plans below.ONU Agenda 2030EUROPEAN UNION EU Cohesion Policy 2021-2027PRESIDENZA CONSIGLIO DEI MINISTRI National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR)MUR PNR National Programme for Research (2021_2027) General Guidelines of the Programming of UniversitiesRegione Liguria Local action plans Strategic linesInnovationInnovation in research, teaching in the digitalisation of servicesInclusionCentrality of the person in training and in management policiesSustainabilitySustainability and well-being at the heart of university lifeInternationalisationEssential feature of teaching activities research and the third mission, through the strengthening and synergic development of agreements with partnersQualityGrade with which the University realises its teaching, research and third mission objectives, in order to prepare students for active citizenship Levels of interventionUniGeEnvironment where university life takes placeTerritoryCommunity of immediate referenceCommunity NationalOpportunities for collaboration and benchmarkingInternational CommunityOpportunities for collaboration and cultural exchange QualityThe pursuit of the missions takes place in the common dimension of Quality on which the entire planning and action process of the Athenaeum must be based. Quality is the degree to which the Athenaeum achieves its teaching, research and third mission objectives, which, in line with the guidelines identified in the University's planning documents, aim to create and disseminate a vast base of advanced knowledge and to transfer the results of research and innovation to society. First page