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Strategic planning and three-year planning

The 2021-2026 Strategic Plan defines UniGe's mission and vision and identifies the strategic lines and objectives, together with the operational ones, in order to face the challenges and seize the opportunities posed by the social, economic and territorial context, within the time horizon of the rector's term of office.

A shared activity of context analysis has made it possible to focus on the University's strengths and areas for improvement, as well as the opportunities and obstacles arising from the reference scenario, a fundamental starting point for the identification of strategic lines and objectives that are consistent with international, national and regional agendas, responding to the actual needs of the community and sustainable with respect to the resources present in the University and their growth potential.

The planning and programming process was carried out in the following stages:  

Context analysisThe analysis of the context, both internal and external, presented in Section I took into account numerous elements, including the programming and monitoring documents of the Departments, the Evaluation Committee Report, as well as the results of previous programming and the stakeholder input described below. It uses a dual methodology the SWOT analysis and the PESTEL analysis
Central governance and core structuresThe University's Academic Top Management - the Rector, the Vice-Chancellors and the Delegates - since May 2024 have chaired and directed working tables, which have involved the Academic Senate, the Board of Directors and the Fundamental Structures - Schools, Departments, Libraries and Centres - with reference to their areas of competence. The Presidio della Qualità (PQA) ensured that quality policies pervade the entire planning process.
Involvement of external stakeholdersThe contribution to the definition of the Strategic Plan of the main stakeholders of the types identified above was formalised with the administration of a questionnaire in July-September 2024, the results of which contributed to the stakeholder mapping presented in Section I, to the context analysis and to the definition of the objectives.
Involvement of internal stakeholders


Students are involved through their participation in the collegial bodies, the evaluation of the quality of teaching and the customer satisfaction survey.

Their contribution to the definition of the Strategic Plan was formalised through a consultation on the preliminary text, which allowed all of them to formulate comments and proposals in July-September 2024.


The staff are also involved through participation in the Collegiate Bodies, the evaluation of the quality of teaching, for the teaching staff, and the customer satisfaction survey.

As for the students, the staff's contribution to the definition of the Strategic Plan was formalised through a consultation on the preliminary text, which allowed all of them to make comments and proposals in July-September 2024.

Internal Bodies

In addition, comments were requested from the trade union representatives, the Single Guarantee Committee for equal opportunities, non-discrimination and the well-being of those at work and the Equal Opportunities Committee.

Approval by the Governing BodiesTaking into account what emerged in the previous phases, the Governing Bodies approved the Strategic Plan 2021-2026 - Update 2025-2027 in December 2024, together with the Single Forecast Budget for the same three-year period

The Strategic Plan and the Three-Year Programme represent the guide for the other planning tools of the University's activities and the fundamental Structures, such as the planning of the educational offer, research and the third mission, the budget cycle, the planning of personnel, public works and works, the performance cycle for administrative and technical activities in support of the mission.


Participation in the MUR's three-year planning

The University's participation in the objectives and actions of the university system, according to the Linee generali d'indirizzo della programmazione triennale delle Università, with the presentation of a programme of actions for which funding is requested to the Ministry which, if granted, is confirmed only if the University reaches certain values for the ministerial indicators (PRO 3).


Executive planning (performance cycle)

The Integrated Activity and Organisation Plan constitutes the main planning tool for administrative and technical activities, with regard to the performance cycle, prevention of corruption, organisation, programming and staff training.

As part of the performance cycle, the strategic and operational objectives are declined into executive objectives of administrative and technical activities, i.e. instruments supporting their implementation and the pursuit of Public Value.



In order to measure the degree of achievement of the objectives and to monitor, in a broader sense, the performance of the Athenaeum in order to identify any corrective actions, certain key indicators (Key Performance Indicators, KPI) take on particular importance.

In fact, the indicators must be representative of the Athenaeum's activities and at the same time synthetic and easily detectable, comparable and useful to anticipate what will be the evaluation of the Athenaeum by external subjects, MUR and ANVUR above all.

For this reason, specific sets of indicators have been defined for both mission activities and support services:

  • for mission activities, the set measures the degree of achievement of strategic and operational objectives, which includes PRO3 indicators, used by the MUR for the payment of part of the FFO, or AVA, used by ANVUR for the accreditation of universities and courses of study
  • for support activities, the set measures the effectiveness of administrative and technical services, with particular reference to user satisfaction, but also efficiency and cost-effectiveness


Reporting on results

The degree of achievement of strategic and operational objectives is assessed and reported in the Rector's Report on the results of research, training and technology transfer activities, during the approval of the Financial Statements

The degree of achievement of executive objectives (organisational performance) is assessed and reported in the Performance Report, in which the annual results related to strategic objectives are also reported.


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Last update 24/01/2025