You can pay your fees using the pagoPA service or using the services offered by Banca Popolare di Sondrio, UniGe's cashier bank.For the first year you can pay your fees at the end of your online pre-registration after confirming your application, using the online service UniGePay 2.0For years after the first year you can pay them directly via UniGePay 2.0 N.B. For access you must have the credentials UniGePASS Payment Methods PagoPA Service The system makes use of many payment channels (e.g. bank counters, affiliated businesses such as bars and tobacconists, Internet sites, etc.). With pagoPA you have two payment methods at your disposal: Real-time payment Real-time payment (Model 1) Access the service UniGePay 2.0, select the payment to be made and press "Proceed with pagoPA payment Model 1". You will be directed to a portal where you can choose the payment channel. By way of example, you can debit the amount to be paid from your bank account (if your bank is listed), pay via PayPal. Iconto, Satispay and the main credit cards such as Visa, Visa Electron, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club International and Maestro. Payment differentiated (Model 3) Access the UniGePay 2.0, select the payment to be made and press "Proceed with pagoPA Model 3 payment". A payment slip will be generated, which you can then print out and pay at (by way of example): Agencies of credit institutions, in cash or by direct debit if you pay at your bank at ATMs of some banks (at the moment the service is not very widespread) at SISAL, Lottomatica and Banca 5 points of sale (ticket offices and tobacconists). Important: The pagoPA paper payment slip printed through UniGe can be used at Poste Italiane exclusively with PostePay. N.B. The costs for the service vary depending on the channel. Always check the fees applied. Payments made via pagoPA (both for mode 1 and 3) are immediately cashed by the University of Genoa and are irrevocable. Consult the list of channels and operators providing payment services (PSPs). For further information, consult also the website of the Agenzia per l'Italia Digitale - AgID Banca Popolare di Sondrio (UniGe's cashier institution) On the website SCRIGNO Pago Facile it is possible to pay pagoPA notices with credit/debit cards on the Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, American Express, Diners Club International, PayPal, MyBank circuits. You can access the service in two distinct ways: Registered user to use important services free of charge (pre-filled fields, payment schedule and list of payments); Anonymous user to simply make the payment. The cost of the service is indicated during payment and may vary depending on the chosen method. Carta +Ma and Ateneo+ of Banca Popolare di Sondrio Holders of prepaid cards with IBAN called Carta +Ma and Ateneo+ can pay pagoPA notices without the application of fees, through the SCRIGNO Internet Banking You can activate Carta +MA at all branches of Banca Popolare di Sondrio throughout the country, presenting a valid identity document (ID card, driving licence or passport) and Fiscal Code Card or Health Insurance Card (CNS). Read more find the nearer branch Banca Popolare di Sondrio Carta +Ma Carta Ateneo+ Contacts Student Contribution and Benefits Department Piazza della Nunziata 6, 16124 Genova tasse.benefici@unige.itcall center 010 2095947 available on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. Attachments How to contact and book an appointment for the Student Contribution and Benefits Department