In application of the following regulations: DPCM 159/2013, Decree 7 November 2014, Legislative Decree no.147/2017, Law no.58/2019, DM 1320 of 17/12/2021. Read how to submit the ISEE certificate for university benefits. Who has to declare ISEE-U data to the Universityall students enrolled in a.y. 2024/2025 on undergraduate, master's and single-cycle degree courses and bridging careers, who intend to apply for graduation of the university contribution and/or regional taxHow to obtain the ISEE-UTo obtain the ISEE-U you must sign the DSU (Dichiarazione Sostitutiva Unica) for university purposes. For assistance in completing the DSU for university purposes you can contact INPS (telematically), a CAF or a qualified accountant.When to sign the DSU for university purposesby 31 October 2024 (ordinary deadline without late payment)from 1 November 2024 to 30 November 2024, with late payment of € 100from 1 December 2024 to 20 April 2025, with late payment of € 200How to declare ISEE-U data to the UniversityBy 20 April 2025 access the and enter the required datareceivable on the ISEE-U certificateWhen to self-certify ISEE-U dataWhen to self-certify ISEE-U dataWARNING! It is NOT sufficient for you to be in possession of theDSU (signed by the deadline) and theISEE-U certificate: remember to also complete the online self-certificationby 20 April 2025 in order not to have to pay themaximum amount of feesMissing self-certification by the deadlineIn the event of failure to self-certify income and assets data, the maximum amount of the university contribution and regional taxWho must present the ISEE-U ParificatoForeign and Italian students resident abroad or with family members residing abroad, who intend to request the graduation of the university contribution and/or regional tax, must present the ISEE-U Parificato Procedure and useful information 1. Who must declare ISEE-U data to the University If you are a student enrolled in a Bachelor, Master's or Combined Bachelor and Master of Science degree course or in a "bridging career", in order to take advantage of the university benefits corresponding to your family's financial situation, you must declare for each academic year the ISEE-U data (Equivalent Financial Situation Indicator for university benefits), according to the procedures and deadlines established by the University (read paragraphs 3 and 4 carefully).N.B STUDENTS UNDERGRADUATE: if you are an undergraduate student, go to the section ISEE for the University (ISEE-U) on the page undergraduate fees If you are a student enrolled in a Bachelor, Master's or Combined Bachelor and Master of Science degree course or in a "bridging career", in order to take advantage of the university benefits corresponding to your family's financial situation, you must declare for each academic year the ISEE-U data (Equivalent Financial Situation Indicator for university benefits), according to the procedures and deadlines established by the University (read paragraphs 3 and 4 carefully).N.B STUDENTS UNDERGRADUATE: if you are an undergraduate student, go to the section ISEE for the University (ISEE-U) on the page undergraduate fees 2. How to obtain ISEE-U In order to obtain the ISEE-U for the 2024/25 academic year, you must first sign the full DSU for university purposes by 31 October 2024. This document contains the personal, income and assets information needed to describe the economic situation of your household.You can request the assistance of a CAF or qualified accountant to complete the DSU. It is also possible to submit the declaration to INPS telematically (for more information reference year for income and assets is that relating to the second year preceding the date of submission of the DSU: the person providing assistance will indicate which documents to submit in order to complete the declaration.After about 10 working days from the date of signing the DSU, you will be able to obtain the ISEE-U certificate, agreeing on how to collect it with the aforementioned bodies. In order to obtain the ISEE-U for the 2024/25 academic year, you must first sign the full DSU for university purposes by 31 October 2024. This document contains the personal, income and assets information needed to describe the economic situation of your household.You can request the assistance of a CAF or qualified accountant to complete the DSU. It is also possible to submit the declaration to INPS telematically (for more information reference year for income and assets is that relating to the second year preceding the date of submission of the DSU: the person providing assistance will indicate which documents to submit in order to complete the declaration.After about 10 working days from the date of signing the DSU, you will be able to obtain the ISEE-U certificate, agreeing on how to collect it with the aforementioned bodies. 3. How to declare ISEE-U data to the University, adjustments and current ISEE If you have enrolled for the 2024/25 academic year, once you have obtained your ISEE-U certificate, you must carry out the online ISEE-U self-certification, by the deadline (see deadlines in point 4 below).At the end of the online self-certification procedure, click on "SAVE" and print the receipt.RectificationsIf the DSU certified by INPS contains errors, inaccuracies or omissions, you must rectify it by 20 April 2025.If you have already self-certified online the data of the "erroneous" DSU, you must make a new self-certification by the mandatory deadline of 20 April 2025The cases of repeated rectification of self-certified ISEE-U data will be subject to special checks, in collaboration with the Guardia di Finanza.Current ISEEThe possibility of updating income/wealth in the DSU is envisaged, through the presentation of the CURRENT-ISEE, based on a closer economic situation over time. If you have enrolled for the 2024/25 academic year, once you have obtained your ISEE-U certificate, you must carry out the online ISEE-U self-certification, by the deadline (see deadlines in point 4 below).At the end of the online self-certification procedure, click on "SAVE" and print the receipt.RectificationsIf the DSU certified by INPS contains errors, inaccuracies or omissions, you must rectify it by 20 April 2025.If you have already self-certified online the data of the "erroneous" DSU, you must make a new self-certification by the mandatory deadline of 20 April 2025The cases of repeated rectification of self-certified ISEE-U data will be subject to special checks, in collaboration with the Guardia di Finanza.Current ISEEThe possibility of updating income/wealth in the DSU is envisaged, through the presentation of the CURRENT-ISEE, based on a closer economic situation over time. 4. ISEE-U deadlines + online self-certification Ordinary deadlines for signing the DSUfrom 1 January 2024 to 31 October 2024Delayed deadlines with arrears for signing the DSUfrom 1 November 2024 to 31 November 2024 with a surcharge of € 100,00from 1 December to 20 April 2025 with a surcharge of € 200.00 Termination Online self-certification of ISEE-U dataRemember to self-certify ISEE-U data by 31 October 2024, time for the recalculation of the contribution on the basis of your income situation since the amount of the second instalment and the regional tax adjustmentYou can self-certify the ISEE-U data, processed on the basis of the DSU signed by the above deadlines, at the page Autocertification ISEE-U by the deadline of 20 April 2025The failure of the University to acquire the income data by the aforementioned deadline will result in the payment of the maximum amount of the university contribution and the regional tax, if due.The University, on the basis of the self-certified data, will proceed to query the INPS information system and verify the declared ISEE-U value. In the event that your household has signed several DSUs for university benefits, the last valid ISEE-U value certified by INPS will be acquired. Warning!When paying the first instalment, the online system will provisionally propose the minimum amount due for the regional tax €120.00. The actual amount due will be definitively updated on the basis of the ISEE-U value, if acquired for the current academic year. Any debit balance must be paid by the due date of the second instalment.If, at the time of payment, the instalments are not recalculated on the basis of the declared ISEE-U (e.g. If, at the time of payment, the instalments are not recalculated on the basis of the declared ISEE-U (e.g. due to production of ISEE instead of ISEE-U or ISEE-U in error or ISEE-U declared close to the due date of the instalment, etc.), you may decide to pay the maximum amount by the due date, with a possible adjustment on the next instalment, or alternatively, wait for the recalculation of the amounts. In any case, late payment of the instalment due shall entail the application of the late payment indemnities established by UNIGE's Governing Bodies, as well as of the provisions set out in art. 19 paragraph 2 of Student contribution and university benefits regulations.If you sign the DSU close to 20 April 2025 but you are not yet in possession of the ISEE-U certificate and therefore cannot self-certify the data online, by the same deadline, you must send to the email address copy of the signed DSU; copy of a valid identity document; declaration of authorisation for the University to consult the INPS information system and to acquire the ISEE-U value.. Ordinary deadlines for signing the DSUfrom 1 January 2024 to 31 October 2024Delayed deadlines with arrears for signing the DSUfrom 1 November 2024 to 31 November 2024 with a surcharge of € 100,00from 1 December to 20 April 2025 with a surcharge of € 200.00 Termination Online self-certification of ISEE-U dataRemember to self-certify ISEE-U data by 31 October 2024, time for the recalculation of the contribution on the basis of your income situation since the amount of the second instalment and the regional tax adjustmentYou can self-certify the ISEE-U data, processed on the basis of the DSU signed by the above deadlines, at the page Autocertification ISEE-U by the deadline of 20 April 2025The failure of the University to acquire the income data by the aforementioned deadline will result in the payment of the maximum amount of the university contribution and the regional tax, if due.The University, on the basis of the self-certified data, will proceed to query the INPS information system and verify the declared ISEE-U value. In the event that your household has signed several DSUs for university benefits, the last valid ISEE-U value certified by INPS will be acquired. Warning!When paying the first instalment, the online system will provisionally propose the minimum amount due for the regional tax €120.00. The actual amount due will be definitively updated on the basis of the ISEE-U value, if acquired for the current academic year. Any debit balance must be paid by the due date of the second instalment.If, at the time of payment, the instalments are not recalculated on the basis of the declared ISEE-U (e.g. If, at the time of payment, the instalments are not recalculated on the basis of the declared ISEE-U (e.g. due to production of ISEE instead of ISEE-U or ISEE-U in error or ISEE-U declared close to the due date of the instalment, etc.), you may decide to pay the maximum amount by the due date, with a possible adjustment on the next instalment, or alternatively, wait for the recalculation of the amounts. In any case, late payment of the instalment due shall entail the application of the late payment indemnities established by UNIGE's Governing Bodies, as well as of the provisions set out in art. 19 paragraph 2 of Student contribution and university benefits regulations.If you sign the DSU close to 20 April 2025 but you are not yet in possession of the ISEE-U certificate and therefore cannot self-certify the data online, by the same deadline, you must send to the email address copy of the signed DSU; copy of a valid identity document; declaration of authorisation for the University to consult the INPS information system and to acquire the ISEE-U value.. 5. Verification of acquisition of ISEE-U certificate You can check whether the ISEE-U certificate has been acquired by the University by accessing the following web pages:servizionline.unige.en/studenti/iseeu Once the ISEE-U data entry procedure has been completed and saved, the message will appear: "Autocertification acquired pending verification with INPS".After about 10 days, on the same page, you will be able to verify that the ISEE-U value has been acquired by the University by displaying the message: "Attestazione acquisita".If the message "Autocertificazione acquisita in attesa di verifica con INPS" persists, it means that, following the verification with INPS, problems have emerged regarding the self-certified certification. In this case, the Offices will contact you at the email address registered on UniGe, indicating the procedure to follow. the procedure was successful, you will display the following message: "IsEE-U value (INPS data) for the academic year 2024/2025 - ISEE-U indicator € ..." You can check whether the ISEE-U certificate has been acquired by the University by accessing the following web pages:servizionline.unige.en/studenti/iseeu Once the ISEE-U data entry procedure has been completed and saved, the message will appear: "Autocertification acquired pending verification with INPS".After about 10 days, on the same page, you will be able to verify that the ISEE-U value has been acquired by the University by displaying the message: "Attestazione acquisita".If the message "Autocertificazione acquisita in attesa di verifica con INPS" persists, it means that, following the verification with INPS, problems have emerged regarding the self-certified certification. In this case, the Offices will contact you at the email address registered on UniGe, indicating the procedure to follow. the procedure was successful, you will display the following message: "IsEE-U value (INPS data) for the academic year 2024/2025 - ISEE-U indicator € ..." 6. Exceptions in special cases Exceptions to the above deadlines are made for the following types of studentswho have graduated from another university and are enrolled in the first year of a new career in Genoawho move to Genoa from another universitywho are successful, even by sliding scale, in the ranking lists for admission to courses with a programmed number of placeswho resume their careers who have graduated from this University and are enrolling in the first year of a new university career after an interruption of at least one yearwho have had their scholarship granted by the Regional Agency revoked or have renounced the benefit.If you fall into one of the above cases and you are not in possession of a DSU for university benefits signed by the deadline, you must sign the "full DSU" within 30 days of enrolment and you must send, again within 30 days of enrolment, the ISEE-U certificate,along with a valid identity document, by email to the email address iseeu@segreterie.unige.itNon-compliance with the aforementioned deadlines will result in the application of late payment indemnities to the sums due by way of student contribution. Exceptions to the above deadlines are made for the following types of studentswho have graduated from another university and are enrolled in the first year of a new career in Genoawho move to Genoa from another universitywho are successful, even by sliding scale, in the ranking lists for admission to courses with a programmed number of placeswho resume their careers who have graduated from this University and are enrolling in the first year of a new university career after an interruption of at least one yearwho have had their scholarship granted by the Regional Agency revoked or have renounced the benefit.If you fall into one of the above cases and you are not in possession of a DSU for university benefits signed by the deadline, you must sign the "full DSU" within 30 days of enrolment and you must send, again within 30 days of enrolment, the ISEE-U certificate,along with a valid identity document, by email to the email address iseeu@segreterie.unige.itNon-compliance with the aforementioned deadlines will result in the application of late payment indemnities to the sums due by way of student contribution. Warning! Please check your ISEE-U certificate carefully to avoid the following errors: 1. The "subsidised benefits for the right to university study"This is not goodThis is good ☺️ISEE statement does not apply to subsidized benefits for the right to university study: there is no specific framework “AGEVOLATED BENEFITS FOR THE RIGHT TO UNIVERSITY STUDY”In the ISEE statement, there is a panel entitled “FACILITATED BENEFITS FOR THE RIGHT TO UNIVERSITY STUDY” where the student's first name, last name and tax code appear2. In the "subsidised benefits for the right to university study" box, the student concerned does not appearThis is not goodThis is good ☺️In the "GRANTED BENEFITS FOR THE RIGHT TO UNIVERSITY STUDY" box, instead of the student's personal data the data of another member of his household (e.g. (e.g. his father, who is not a university student) or the details of his brother, who is also a university student, have been given, but not those of the person concerned. In both cases, when the student self-certifies online → the self-certification is in errorIf there are two or more university students in the household, the surname, first name and tax code of all university students must appear in the "ADDITIONAL BENEFITS FOR THE RIGHT TO UNIVERSITY STUDY" box.In this way the family can request the issue of a single ISEE statement for the University, as long as it applies to all the university students in the household.3. The household members do not include a studentThis is not goodThis is good ☺️ If the student resides in a dwelling other than that of his or her family of origin but does not meet the requirements to be considered an "independent student", he or she must submit two DSUs: the first relating to his family of origin and the second in which the student will be drawn to the DSU of his family of origin.If the student carries out online self-certification by entering the data from the first DSU, the self-certification goes into error In order to carry out online self-certification, the student must wait for INPS to issue the certificate processed on the second DSU, i.e. the one in which he/she will be drawn to the family of origin. ISEEU equalised Foreign or Italian students living abroad must submit the ISEE-U equalised (ISEE-U parificato) Contacts Student contribution and benefits department Piazza della Nunziata 6, 16124 Genovatasse.benefici@unige.itfor information on ISEE-U or ISEE-U Parificato: iseeu@segreterie.unige.itcall centre 010 2095947 active on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9.00 to 11:00 Attachments How to contact and book an appointment for the Student Contribution and Benefits Department