If you have interrupted your studies due to non-enrolment, you can request to resume them later. Fee Amounts In the year in which you resume your studies, you will have to pay any debit fees for the academic years in which you were enrolled and the reconnaissance fee for the academic years in which you were not enrolled, amounting to € 200 in the case of interruption for only one academic year € 100 for each academic year of interruption after the first and up to the eighth € 900 in the case of interruption beyond eight academic years.For courses with a programmed number of students, resumption of studies is subject not only to the approval of the competent course council but also to the availability of places.It is also possible to request the recognition of lapsed or abandoned careers by paying the following fees: € 500 in the case of lapsed careers at other universities from € 500 to € 800 in the case of lapsed careers.