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Federico Delfino

appointed with Decree of the Minister of Universities and Research 820/2020

photo by Federico Delfino

Proctors and Delegates


Nicoletta DacremaVicarious Vice ChancellorAdriana Del BorghiSustainability Vice ChancellorLaura GaggeroResearch Vice-ChancellorEmanuela SassoProvector for PlanningPietro PaveseRector of General and Legal AffairsClaudio CarmeliRector of EducationFabrizio BenenteRector for Third Mission, Outreach, Public Engagement and Social ImpactRenata Paola DameriChancellor for InternationalizationGiancarlo IcardiChancellor for Relations with the Health SystemMassimo CapobiancoChancellor for Management of the University's Infrastructure Security PolicyMario MarcheseRector for PhD and Business Relations


Daniele MarrèDelegate for University Quality AssuranceLuca GandulliaDelegate for Lifelong LearningGiulia PellegriDelegate for Orientation and MentoringFabrizio BraccoDelegate for Instructional Innovation and Faculty DevelopmentMaria Federica PetracciaDelegate for Relations with Cultural InstitutionsStefano SchiaparelliDelegate for the Enhancement of Museums and ArchivesMaria Silvia VaccarezzaDelegate for Relations with StudentsMarco FrascioDelegate for international cooperationMarco FossaDelegate for international educational offeringsPaolo PiccardoDelegate for Ateneo web radio and the promotion of cinema in the university communityMarco FerrandoDelegate for La Spezia Campus OperationMauro GrondonaDelegate for the operation of the Imperia CampusMarco TestaDelegate for the operation of the Savona CampusClaudio FerrariDelegate for Strategic PlanningMarco NovellaDelegate for Labor RelationsMarco BoveDelegate for the Development of Sports Activities in the UniversityRenzo RepettiDelegate for the Regional University Prison PoleAngela Celeste TaramassoDelegate for Equal Opportunity and InclusionCarmela AndrianiDelegate for Territorial and Polycentric University PlanningIlaria DelponteAthenaeum Mobility ManagerStefano MassuccoDelegate for Ateneo EnergyMaurizio FerrettiDelegate for Technology Transfer, Patents and Spin-offsPietro PaveseDelegate for hearings in faculty disciplinary proceedingsClaudio TorrigianiDelegate for University Inclusion of Students with Disabilities and Specific Learning Disorders (SLDs)Fabrizio BarberisDelegate for the subject area 'Dual Use Assets and Technologies'Stefano PodestàDelegate (Structural Area) of the Territorial Pole "San Martino-Sturla", also referred to as "San Martino Campus"Francesco FacciniDelegate for geological and hydrogeological risk mitigation assessmentsGuido Franco AmorettiDelegate of the Territorial Pole "Carignano-Sarzano"Renato ProcopioDelegate for national and international rankingsCarlo BattiniDelegate for the management and coordination of the activities of surveying, computerization and restitution of the University's real estateAntonio CaggianoDelegate of the "Albaro" Territorial Pole, also referred to as "Albaro Campus" 

Statute and Transparency

  • UniGe Statute: the Rector Title II, Chapter I, art 7-13
  • Summary table: details of the acts of appointment and duration of appointments (ex art. 14 Legislative Decree 33/2013)

Last update 04/03/2025