The Diploma Supplement is an annex to the degree diploma andincludes a description of the study curriculum, the nature, level, context, content and status of the studies undertaken and completed by the student according to an 8-point standard developed at the initiative of the European Commission, the Council of Europe and UNESCO.The Diploma Supplement is consequently a document recognised throughout Europe that makes one's qualification more transparent and spendable in the world of work and in furthering one's studies, facilitating understanding of the qualification for the purposes of access to subsequent levels of training, in Italy (National Qualifications Frameworks) and abroad (European Qualifications Framework).Students who have obtained at least one of the following qualifications may apply:Bachelor's degree (dm 509/99 - dm 270/04)Specialist degree (dm 509/99)Single-cycle specialist degree (dm 509/99)Master's degree (dm 270/04)Master's degree (dm 270/04) Students who have obtained a bachelor's degree, master's degree, single-cycle master's degree, single-cycle master's degree can download the Diploma Supplement directly through the online services.Students who have obtained a university master's degree can request the Diploma Supplement by contacting the Student Registrar's Office State Examinations, Master's and Teacher Training Department.