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CUS Genoa

The CUS is the University Sports Centre of the University of Genoa. An amateur sports association affiliated to the Centro Universitario Sportivo Italiano (CUSI) and the largest multi-sport association in Liguria, it was set up with the aim of involving all young people enrolled at the University of Genoa.


The University of Genoa promotes the "UNIGE PER LO SPORT"

UniGe per lo Sport  reinforces the University's commitment to the enhancement of sporting merit. 
UniGe per lo Sport is divided into four programmes.

The UniGe per lo Sport - Élite programme supports high-level athletes in the coordinated and parallel development of university training and competitive practice in the various sports disciplines.

The UniGe Programme for Sport - Competitions supports athletes in defining a course of study that allows them to profitably pursue university studies, reconciling them with their sporting career.

The UniGe Programme for Sport - CUS aims to enhance the competitive sports activities of the University Sports Centre (CUS) Genoa sections through the definition of an ad hoc programme for athletes who will be part of the competitive sections of CUS Genoa, coordinated and parallel to the university training pathway and in the competitive practice of the different sports disciplines.

The UniGe for Sport - Professionals programme is reserved for athletes who are professional sportsmen and women within the various Federations and is aimed at supporting them in defining a course of study that will enable them to profitably pursue university studies, reconciling them with their sporting career

Admission to the "UniGe for Sport" programme is open to all students enrolled in a course of study at the University of Genoa and is based on an evaluation of their sporting and university curriculum.

UniGe for Sport 2024/25 - deadline: 31 October 2024 at 12:00

Table of sporting merit

The application for admission to the programme for the academic year 2024/25 must be submitted via the online procedure available at:

https://servizionline.unige.en/students/post-graduation/training courses

The following must be attached to the application via the online procedure:

  • identity document
  • sporting curriculum
  • It is recommended that the number of weekly sporting commitments be indicated in the sporting curriculum.

    Students admitted to the programme benefit from facilities such as :

    • Flexibility of exam sessions, providing for extraordinary sessions and other organisational arrangements defined by the teacher to allow participation in competitive competitions; requests for any shifts in exam dates must be submitted to the Academic Sports Activities Enhancement Committee within a month of the exam date
    • free access to all CUS Genova facilities
    • free assessment and specialist musculoskeletal physiotherapy treatments at Fisiocampus, the clinical centre of the Master's Degree Course in Rehabilitation of Musculoskeletal Disorders on the Savona University Campus
    • complete exemption from payment of the third instalment of the University Fee and support from School Tutor Teachers in matters pertaining to the definition of the training pathway, for students admitted to the "UniGe per lo Sport - Élite" programme

    Admission to the programme "UniGe for Sport" and inclusion in one of the four programmes, is based on the evaluation of the academic and sporting curriculum carried out by the Committee for the Enhancement of Sporting Activities.Students admitted to the programme must be willing to participate in the proposed competitive events.


    CUS Genoa

    The CUS is the University Sports Centre of the University of Genoa. An amateur sports association affiliated to the Centro Universitario Sportivo Italiano (CUSI) and the largest multi-sport association in Liguria, created with the aim of involving all young people enrolled at the University of Genoa.


    UniGe programme for sport

    The University of Genoa reinforces its commitment to the enhancement of sporting merit by promoting the UniGe for Sport programme.

    UniGe for Sport is divided into four programmes:

    • The UniGe Programme for Sport - Élite supports high-level athletes in the coordinated and parallel development of university training and competitive practice in the various sports disciplines.
    • The UniGe Programme for Sport - Competitions supports athletes in defining a course of study that allows them to profitably pursue university studies, reconciling them with their sporting career.
    • The UniGe programme for sport - CUS aims to enhance the competitive sports activities of the sections of the University Sports Centre (CUS) Genoa through the definition of an ad hoc programme for athletes who will be part of the competitive sections of CUS Genoa that is coordinated and parallel to the university training pathway and in the competitive practice of the different sports disciplines.
    • The UniGe for sport programme - Professionals is reserved for athletes who are professional sportsmen and women within the various Federations and is aimed at supporting them in defining a course of study that will allow them to profitably pursue university studies, reconciling them with their sporting career

    Admission to the UniGe for sport programme is open to all students enrolled in a course of study at the University of Genoa and is based on the evaluation of their sporting and university curriculum.

    Bando UniGe per lo sport 2024/25 - deadline: 31 October 2024 at 12:00

    Table of sporting merit

    The application for admission to the programme for the academic year 2024/25 must be submitted via the online procedure

    The following must be attached to the application via the online procedure:

    1. identity document
    2. sports CV

    It is recommended that the number of weekly sports commitments be indicated in the sports CV.

    Students admitted to the programme benefit from concessions:

    • Flexibility of examination sessions, providing for extraordinary sessions and other organisational arrangements defined by the teacher to allow participation in competitive competitions; requests for any shifts in examination dates must be submitted to the Academic Sports Activities Enhancement Committee within one month of the examination date.
    • Access to all CUS Genova facilities free of charge.
    • Free musculoskeletal physiotherapy assessment and treatment at Fisiocampus, the clinical centre of the Master's Degree Course in Rehabilitation of Musculoskeletal Disorders on the Savona University Campus.
    • Total exemption from payment of the third instalment of the university fee and support from school tutors in matters pertaining to the definition of the training pathway, for students admitted to the UniGe per lo sport - Élite programme.

    Last update 06/12/2024