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The University of Genoa has equipped itself with its own system of self-evaluation, pursuant to art. 2, paragraph 1 and art. 4 of Legislative Decree no. 19 of 27/01/2012, and to support the external evaluation procedures of scientific production, with particular reference to the VQR (art. 3 of Presidential Decree 01/02/2010, no. 76, as amended by Law no. 232 of 11/12/2016).

The evaluation models implemented by the system are those adopted by ANVUR as part of the national research evaluation procedures, and in particular:

  • Evaluation model related to the VQR 

  • National Scientific Habilitation (ASN) model (art. 16 of Law no. 240/2010. Decree of the President of the Republic 04/04/2016 no. 95. Ministerial Decree 07/06/2016 n.120) and subsequent evolutions

The processing, given the complexity of the calculation logics and the amount of data processed, is carried out using IT tools and in any case in such a way as to guarantee the security, integrity and confidentiality of the data themselves in compliance with the organisational, physical and logical measures envisaged by the provisions in force.

Evaluation rounds and indicators

Using the System, the University conducts one or more evaluation rounds each year. The evaluation rounds have an opening date and a closing date and normally last 4 weeks. 

As part of an evaluation round, the University activates one or more evaluation procedures.

On the basis of the evaluation models (VQR and ASN), the system generates indicators related to the scientific production of individuals and aggregate indicators related to the research structures of the University of Genoa.

Evaluation procedures can be of two types:

  • Self-Evaluation Procedures: these are procedures based on the evaluation models and oriented towards the aims of self-evaluation of the University's scientific production as per art. 2, par. 1 and art. 4 of Legislative Decree no. 19 of 27/01/2012.

  • External Evaluation Support Procedures: these are procedures based on the above-mentioned models and oriented towards the performance of activities required of the University within the framework of external evaluation procedures envisaged by the regulations.

Subjects evaluated

The system evaluates the scientific production of structured personnel (professors and researchers, fixed-term and open-ended). Evaluation procedures can be initiated for other categories of research staff, such as PhD students or holders of research grants.

Access to the system

For each user an account has been activated to allow access to the system and consultation of the indicators for self-assessment purposes.

To access the system, simply visit:

and proceed via

- the institutional login by selecting University of Genoa in the panel dedicated to Single Sign On (SSO) and use the institutional credentials UniGePASS 

or use 

- the alternative login by creating a new password

Privacy Policy

After logging in to the system, it is recommended to consult the page dedicated to the privacy policy, which can be reached from the link at the top of the main page.

It is important to underline that, in accordance with the regulations adopted by the University and with the privacy policy, the indicators related to the scientific production of each evaluated subject are visible only to the subject concerned, and cannot be consulted by any other user of the University.

Any subject may at any time decide NOT to join the evaluation; in this case they will be excluded from the product selection procedure. In order not to take part, it is necessary to send a communication to stating the reason why.

Manuals and documentation

The use of the platform is quite intuitive. For clarification of the functionalities, however, it is possible to consult the documentation page, which can also be reached from the link at the top of the system's main page.

Manuals, technical documents and presentations detailing the available functionalities are available, as well as FAQs and video tutorials to facilitate use.











Round 2024

  • Round I, active from 18 March to 26 April - is in open status.
  • Turns II and III of the evaluation will be activated in the autumn

Referents of the system

The University identifies a limited number of internal users who are authorised to access the system to consult the indicators. 

From among these, the University identifies two referents: 

Prof. Laura Gaggero - Referent for system governance issues

Doc.ssa Barbara Berti - Contact person for technical-administrative issues

Departmental contact persons were also appointed with the role of selectors and self-evaluators (on the indication of the individual departmental structures). 




For system-related queries write to






Last update 23/04/2024