The procedure must be activated in order to receive researchers with non-EU citizenship,to carry out research activities at a University facility for periods of more than three months (art. 27ter D.Lgs.n 286/1998 'Testo Unico', as amended by D.Lgs. 9.1.2008 n. 17 and subsequent amendments).The procedure must always be activated in the case of researchers/researchers:Extra-EU researchers/researchers resident abroad who require an entry visa to enter Italy.Extra-EU researchers/researchers already resident in Italy in possession of a residence permitfor study or awaiting employment.In the case of an unrestricted residence permit or for family reasons, work (self-employed or subordinate),asylum/temporary protection which is still valid, there is no need to apply for a nulla osta, theresearcher/researcher may sign the research contract with the permit already held.In the case of other types of permits or doubts, the Welcome Office remains available for anyclarifications and verifications.Recruitment procedures for non-EU researchers applying for visas must be started witha minimum advance of three months.For non-EU researchers already resident in Italy, procedures must be started with a minimum advanceof two months. Activation procedure reception Guidelines activation procedure for researchers/researchers and departmentsOnline form Request for activation of reception procedure (to be filled in by the scientific officer or departmental administrative staff) Who to contact for Amounts and modalities for signing grants, recognition of qualifications please contactonly: Legal status management sector for teaching staff andresearch assistants - assegnisti@unige.itAmounts and modalities for signing research grants please contactexclusively: Researchnational research sector - ricercateneo@unige.itAmounts and modalities for signing fixed-term research contracts (RTDs),recognition of qualifications apply exclusively to Recruitment andFaculty Recruitment Sector: reclutamento.docenti@unige.itAmounts and modalities for signing and conferring visiting researcher qualifications apply exclusively to Research andInternational Scientific Cooperation Sector - Things to know Family members/accompanying minor children: any family reunification procedures must be activated directly by the interested party in the appropriate offices of the patronages. This type of paperwork is not the responsibility of the Welcome Office.On completion of the reception procedure, the Italian Diplomatic Representation with territorial jurisdiction in the foreign country will issue an entry visa for research purposes in the researcher's passport. The visa must be requested by the researcher to the Italian Embassy/Consulate territorially competent in his/her own country only after the issuance of the Nulla osta by the competent Sportello Unico Immigrazione (and subsequent withdrawal by the Delegate) and before leaving for Italy. Without an entry visa for research purposes, the researcher cannot enter Italy for research purposes. An entry visa is not necessary for researchers already residing in Italy. Request for advance appointment at Police Headquarters for photocopying After at least twenty days from the mailing of the application for a residence permit at the post office, researchers may submit a request for an advance appointment for photocopying by filling out the online form (for access you must have Microsoft Office 365 credentials). Please bear in mind that there are ten appointments available per week and that, depending on the number of requests received, which will be processed in chronological order of receipt, it may take several weeks before the appointment is made at the Questura. Reference regulations Unico-Testo Immigrazione (Legislative Decree 17 of 9.1.2008, amending Legislative Decree no. 286 of 25 July 1998)Entry and residence for research purposes: article 27b Contact Welcome Office - International Students and Users Receptione-mail: