Spending a period abroad to carry out part of your education in an environment different from those you are used to is an unforgettable opportunity for enrichment and maturation.International mobility is the tool that UniGe offers its students to realize this experience, which can be declined in many forms and in numerous destinations around the world.International mobility can be used to attend classes and take exams at a foreign university, but also for a period of study and research in preparation for a thesis or to conduct an internship.In addition to the countless destinations in Europe in the Erasmus+ program, there are many available on other continents: universities are joined by research centers, companies and institutions where theses and internships can be conducted.The support offered by UniGeAmong Italian universities, UniGe stands out for its emphasis on international mobility and its aspiration for all students to undertake at least one period of training abroad during their studies.If 800 students choose to take advantage of this opportunity each year, it is no accident.In addition to the wide range of destinations, professional and in-depth assistance, and innovative ways of awarding scholarships, UniGe testifies to the importance of student mobility with economic support that shines in generosity: from 600 to 1,200 euros per month, depending on destination and family income, to which is added, in some cases, a lump-sum reimbursement of travel expenses.To obtain these financial contributions, UniGe asks students to do their part with commitment, achieving the educational goals agreed upon before departure.To help its students, UniGe organizes a variety of foreign language courses that they can access free of charge before leaving. Finally, the results achieved in the study abroad periods are taken into account by each Course of Study in the student's final evaluation.