The University of Genoa is the seat of the State examinations for professional qualification. Passing is a prerequisite for registration with the professional associations.Two separate sessions are held annually. The University of Genoa is the seat of the State examinations for professional qualification. Passing is a prerequisite for registration with the professional associations.Two separate sessions are held annually. Architect, Landscape Architect, Planner, Conservator, Junior Architect and Junior Planner Social Worker Specialist and Social Worker Biologist and Biologist Junior Chemist and Chemist Junior Doctor Chartered Accountant and Expert Accountant Pharmacist Junior Geologist and Geologist Ingineer and Junior Engineer Surgeon - postgraduate training Surgeon - postgraduate training Pharmacist and Expert Accountant Ingineer and Junior Engineer Dentist Psychologist, Practical Assessment Psychologist and Doctor of Psychological Techniques Forms Modulo self-certification of degree (Mod. laurea) Information for qualifiers Certificate of professional qualificationDiplomas of professional qualification Contact Master's, TFA and state exams departmentVia F. Vivaldi, 5 - II floorAppointment only: Appointment bookingesami.stato@segreterie.unige.itprotocollo@pec.unige.itphone 010 2095795 Mondays and Fridays 09:00-12:00