The University of Genoa, also in cooperation with external bodies and entities, offers training courses for the professional development of employed persons and refresher courses for the development of specific skills. The training courses are part of post-graduate training and are designed for those who work and wish to further their skills in specialised fields at a high level. The courses can be attended by students with only a high school diploma.The provisions on the establishment and management of further education courses are contained in the relevant Regulations Training Courses Open calls, running courses and archive Go to the UniGe training courses on offer: Training courses for healthcare managers in the Ligurian sector by AMAS - Academy for Healthcare Management (School for Advanced Training in Healthcare Management) Expired training courses Archive of expired notices Contact Lifelong Learning Department della Nunziata 2, 16124 Attachments Regolamento dei corsi di perfezionamento, di aggiornamento professionale e di formazione e dei corsi per master universitari