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Sea storm warning system based on historical data and on the development of a forecasting algorithm

The sea storm warning system is an innovative product developed by the research group coordinated by Prof. Marco Ferrari. Marco Ferrari.
The technology aims to solve the problem of uncertainty in the area of storm warnings, no longer providing a generic "storm warning" over a wide strip of coastline, but rather providing "customised" storm warnings on potentially exposed sites.


The objective of the project is the development of a storm warning system based on the combined use of coastal modelling, historical data, and field surveys. 

The result pursued is to obtain a forecast algorithm that allows to provide a storm warning calibrated on a well-defined area of interest. In this way, the alert issued will not be "generic", but will contain indications of goods and people potentially exposed, in order to provide information that will allow effective management and prevention actions

to be pursued.


The main advantage of the proposed technology lies in the fact that it allows for a better allocation of resources earmarked for prevention and in the development of coastal risk management strategies dedicated to the most exposed and sensitive areas.

Areas of application and users

The sectors of potential application of the technology developed are: 

  • land management 
  • civil protection

Possible users include public/private entities operating in the field of land management and natural risk prevention.


Possible enhancements include collaborations for research projects.

download sheet


The system is being developed on the case study of the Voltri (GE) coastline, an area historically exposed to storm surges and affected by several extreme events in recent years.




Scientific Head 

Prof. Marco Ferrari


Technology and Knowledge Transfer Service
Technology Enhancement, Technology Transfer and Business Relations Department
tel. 010 2095922


Last update 12/07/2024